Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 46: Mountain road

General Aoyagi naturally noticed their expressions and let out a "hunt", showing off his aura. As Qingyu's subordinate Yuichi is said to be the top three generals, Aoyagi's strength is even stronger than some of the less powerful demons. The overwhelming coercion overwhelmed the thousand decentralized people and pressed them mercilessly. Some people who were not strong enough suddenly changed their expressions. The expressions of the angry faces suddenly changed, their faces pale, and they supported them firmly.

But the coercion comparable to that of a demon commander was that these little soldiers thought about resisting it. In just a few seconds, someone could not hold up and lay on the ground with a "plop", and some people were better, kneeling on the ground , A cold sweat. It didn't take long for almost all of them to fall down within a thousand, and there were very few standing. Xie Chen was among them. Ten of the dozen or so people were all captains. The others were also people who had shown great abilities in the previous training. Shi Muye did not fall, biting his lip and staring. Looking at General Aoyagi on the table, there seemed to be fire in his eyes.

General Aoyagi noticed him, but his gaze did not change, and he immediately moved away. Shi Muye bit his lip, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Seeing that it was almost done, Aoyagi's momentum closed. The whole body of the people at the scene relaxed, and they suddenly breathed like a fish returning to the water.

Xie Chen closed his eyes and slowly adjusted his breathing. Just now Aoyagi’s coercive pressure put him under pressure. Although he doesn’t look like other people struggling to support him, in fact he has almost reached the limit. After a while, he will not be able to support it. Live, because Aoyagi's coercion has gradually strengthened over time.

Aoyagi's gaze was now focused on the dozens of people who hadn't fallen. Although he only put a part of the pressure outside, even if his subordinates were at their level, they could not bear such pressure. Such a long period of time is still a manufacturable material.

Keeping these people in mind, Aoyagi looked away, his face sank, and then he said in a deep voice, "Get up quickly, do you want me to pull you?"

The people who collapsed to the ground stood up one after another. Did the pressure just now make them feel lingering? The majestic pressure that seemed to be full of rich blood made them feel a little difficult to breathe.

Unlike these people, Xie Chen's eyes had a look of excitement instead. This kind of aura can only be created by looking at the killing. In this period of no war, you can only fight against the Warcraft. And such a strong blood color, I don't know how many monsters can be killed to train.

Xie Chen not only didn't feel afraid of Aoyagi, but was eager to try it. If he fights against such a strong man, he will definitely gain a lot. He moved his eyes slightly away, met Yan Que's eyes, saw the look in the other's eyes, and smiled slightly. Sure enough, the mentality of the strong is the same.

"Look at you, is this the only level? I said that you are rubbish, and I am not wrong. Well, there are some **** that can be recycled. I think you really have no value in recycling." Although Xie Chen didn't care about Aoyagi's words, when he heard that he was referred to as recyclable garbage, he was still very upset and his face sank. No wonder this person has such a bad reputation. It seems that in addition to a bad temper and a fighting frenzy, there is another point that is really hateful in speaking.

Aoyagi looked at their expressions, smiled coldly, and then continued: "You don't think you are rubbish, right? Then prove it to me."

At this time, someone shouted directly: "How to prove?"

Aoyagi glanced at the caller, then looked away, and explained: "Where is the proof? It's up to you. If you want to become a qualified member of the Qingyu Army, that kind of ordinary strength and combat effectiveness No, especially for me. If you think about how easy it is to pass the level or how comfortable the future ri8zi can be, get back early. How about, is anyone going now?"

He watched for a week and found that no one moved, and an imperceptible smile flashed in his eyes, and continued: "Well, since you are all standing here now, it means that you all have something to see. Now, Line up with me."

General Aoyagi took them out of the training ground and headed directly to the back mountain, which was a place they had never been before. The terrain is rugged and rugged, making it very difficult to walk. At Aoyagi's request, they all had to walk down to the ground and could not use other methods, so the speed was not fast. General Aoyagi had already left at this time, leaving a sentence before he left: "You follow this road, I will see you in an hour, otherwise..."

Although the words are not finished, everyone knows the unfinished meaning in the words. Xie Chen walked forward step by step. Although Aoyagi was not here, he felt that he must have some means to monitor their actions at such a time. If anyone has some careful thoughts to opportunistically, he will definitely be discovered.

Xie Chen has been a leader, so he probably knows what the people in Qingliu's position would think. Although the mountain roads are rugged, Xie Chen's speed is not slow, and he is moving quickly between toss and turns. But when he drove on his own, he did not forget the people behind him. Since it is a test, and they are divided into small teams, then it must not be the performance of a single person to investigate, the expression of the entire team will take up more proportion. Therefore, Xie Chen also took into account the speed of the entire team when he was concerned about himself.

And under his admonition and instruction, even if there were people who wanted to make small moves, he stopped them.

Xie Chen is not here, but there are many other places. Even if he didn't want to be lazy, he subconsciously used the methods he was familiar with when he encountered danger.

Aoyagi sat cross-legged on the boulder on the cliff of the mountain. In front of him was a round mirror with a diameter of about two meters. ..


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