Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 21: Identity?

Ah Yan rolled his eyes and said, "Don't underestimate me. It's not always certain which of us has a bigger drinker."

"If that's the case, then I'm not welcome." Xie Chen said with a small smile. This wine is indeed worthy of its reputation, and the aftertaste is endless when it is drunk, the wine is refreshing, not to mention the intensity. Drinking it is like swallowing a ball of flame, but in the end it doesn't feel burning, but a refreshing sensation that makes people feel comfortable.

The two of them drank one cup after another. The wine in this small jug was unexpected. At this time, A Yan ordered all the dishes, although there were only five kinds, but the table was already poor. It occupies more than half of the area. This is because two of the plates are unexpectedly large. The other relatively small plates are more than the regular size plates that Xie Chen has seen before. It fully embodies the style of the demon world. After all, the demon people have a lot of appetite, and they like to eat meat, so almost all of these five dishes are meat.

Fortunately, Xie Chen's current physique is no longer an ordinary person. After eating food, it can quickly be digested and turned into energy, so there is no worry about eating. Looking at A Yan who has eaten a lot but still has a flat stomach, she knows that she is also like this.

The two of them ate and drank and talked about some of them. Although the amount of alcohol is good, they drank a lot. Qing Yan is a famous spirit with strong stamina, so Ah Yan is not drunk, but the whole People are slightly excited, the whole person is a lot more excited, and even more words.

Then Xie Chen knew that Ah Yan's drink was so good because her grandfather was addicted to alcohol, so she started drinking since she was a child. As an orthodox demon who cultivated since childhood, A Yan would have nothing to drink. Regarding the matter, although her father had also stopped it, she had nothing to do with her father, so after so many years, A Yan followed her grandfather to practice a good drinker. The only thing that comforted her father was that Ah Yan was not as addicted to alcohol as her grandfather.

After listening to this, Xie Chen understood a little bit, and then became more interested in A Yan's grandfather. Such a character should not be an unknown person. I don't know if I will see him one day.

At the end of the day, eating and drinking, and at the checkout, looking at A Yan who was still talking excitedly, Xie Chen rubbed his forehead with a headache, and then asked, "How much is the total?"

Xiao Er replied: "Hui Cheng you 1,306 crystal coins, erase the fractions and total 13 thousand." The crystal coins he said are the lowest gray-white crystal coins, compared to the gray crystals Xie Chen found when he bought books. The currency is still at a lower level, which is also learned from Ah Yan. Xie Chen took out an amethyst coin and three white crystal coins and gave them to Xiao Er. Xiao Er glanced at it to confirm that they were right, and then accepted them. Then they sent the two to the door. "Now, let me tell you, do you know why I went up to help you when I saw you? Because you really seemed to miss my grandfather at that time hahaha , Although it didn't seem to feel that way anymore, I told you that it was really alike at that time, really, really super like!" A Yan looked at Xie Chen with a smile.

Xie Chen walked helplessly to prevent her from hitting other people too excitedly, while thinking that he looked like A Yan's grandfather... Is he already that old? However, the life of the demons has always been long, so even though he is Ah Yan's grandfather, his appearance is still a young man. Xie Chen thought silently. Then put this matter aside.

He stood in place and looked around, then pulled A Yan along the street and walked forward, in that direction where the inn they sponsored was officially located.

A tall Mozu looked at the backs of the two people leaving, with some helpless expressions in his eyes. This was for Ah Yan and unkind eyes. This was aimed at Xie Chen. He stayed silent for a while, watching Glancing at the restaurant beside him, his gaze coincided with Xiao Er at the door, and seeing Xiao Er wince in fear, he smiled sullenly, and then walked away.

"I don't know what A Yan's identity is, so many demon monarchs and demons, which one do you belong to? Recently, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart..." Xie Chen muttered to himself in a low voice, frowning slightly.

It seems that I have had this feeling since not long ago, but it has become more and more obvious in the past few days, but he will not provoke anyone when he first arrived. Thinking of this, Xie Chen's eyes fell on the detective Ayan who was already asleep on the bed. He sighed in distress, and said: "If your father, your grandfather, or something came to the door to find me trouble, I can still pay I can’t cope with it, the kid in the Qiao family is not good, you know, let alone you are still a girl, right..."

Xie Chen's right hand stroked his chin, and a trace of contemplation appeared in his gaze twice: "So, this feeling should be that someone is following us?"

During this period of time, Xie Chen can be considered to have almost grasped the basic situation of the Demon Realm. In general, there are only a few characteristics of the Demon Clan living in the Demon Realm. First, it has a long life span and strong combat effectiveness. The building has lived for tens of thousands of years. Second, the fertility rate is extremely low. If the individual of a race is extremely good, it is inevitable that the problem of the entire race as a whole, among which low fertility rate is a frequent phenomenon, and the demons are naturally no exception. Third, the proportion of women among the entire demons is really low.

So after combining these factors, Xie Chen looked at Ah Yan as if he was looking at an explosive that would be detonated at any time. As an underage female demon, she would be closely guarded no matter how she looked. It is impossible to just let her slip out like this. With A Yan’s apparently uncomplicated background, Xie Chen has an almost capable Certainly it is a guess of fact, there must be many people around them staring at them. ..


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