Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 236: Meeting

"Finally, it's the end." Asuna murmured as she looked at the teleportation array in front of her.

Tiabello stepped forward and stood there silent for a while, then smiled slightly and said, "Then we, shall we go?"

The three of Xie Chen looked at each other, he nodded and said, "Let's go."

The teleportation array on the 100th floor was activated, and everyone present did not leave, but reached the 100th floor together.

The last floor is not the same as the previous one. The whole floor is like a large hall. The place where they are located is a huge square, and in front is a palace-like building.

"Kayaba Akihiko, should it be there, right?" Tiabelu asked.

Xie Chen nodded and said slowly, "It should be."

Asuna asked, "Shall we pass now?"

Xie Chen pursed his mouth and smiled: "Of course not, let's go back and rest for a while." There was a shimmer in his eyes. After the magic eye was opened, he could easily see staying in the hall. The Kayaba Akihiko, there are many screens on his face, on which are the figures of their group.

Xie Chen looked at Kaaba Akihiko unabashedly. And Akihiko Kaaba seemed to be aware of something, Xie Chen, who narrowed his eyes while looking at the screen, frowned. He looked at Xie Chen's eyes, as if he could be seen from such a distance, causing an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

Xie Chen looked at Kayaba's expression, smiled slightly, turned around and said to them: "Okay, let's go back first."

Watching Xie Chen leave and the group of people behind him, Kaaba Akihiko's tight lips relaxed slowly, and finally laughed: "Don't you come directly? Just see what you can think of. , I am here waiting for you."

After returning, Xie Chen held a meeting with all the members of the Raiders Group. Not only them, but all other people who want to come and participate, and the theme of this conference is about the last strategy war, which is the final battle.

This news spread to everyone's ears along with the newspapers that were distributed, and they paid particular attention to this matter, more than all things before.

This is the final battle. If they can succeed this time, they will not be able to show that their strategy is successful and they can return to reality.

At this time, it is difficult for all people to calm down regardless of the thoughts in their hearts. Facing the final battle, they couldn't help stopping the work in their hands, either excited, or laughing, or just cried out, or just smiled faintly, full of anticipation. All people are very concerned about this battle.

So when I learned that there was such a conference, many people had decided to attend.

"It's okay to be able to see what the soldiers fighting on the front line look like. It's really hard work for these children." This is a person who has been carrying on the 22nd floor all year round. He is not young anymore. He doesn’t have the ability to stand up, so he has stayed here to live a vacation-like life, but he has also been following all kinds of news on the front line. As far as his age is concerned, the person in the Raiders team said "Children" are also normal, just like Xie Chen, Asuna, and Yingshan are all teenagers, and there are many of them as old. Then in the upward direction, that is, a little more than 20 years old, this group of people accounted for the largest proportion, and the oldest is only 30 years old.

These people who are very young to him are those who have been fighting for customs clearance, but he has never seen what they are like, so he wanted to take this time to see and see that these people are all What it looks like.

There are also many people who have similar ideas to him. Almost all of them are people who are active at low levels all year round, and they are almost all life players. They think it should be a look at those people before leaving.

Others who are also fighters but who are no longer in the Raiders group because of insufficient strength must participate this time. In their words, this time things are related to the fate of all people. that's too regretful.

In any case, the last and first National Assembly was held.

Xie Chen and the others chose a place on an empty square, that is, the town of Beginning, where they just landed in. The holding here has a special meaning. It starts from wherever it is. End.

In the formal meeting, they used props to create something similar to a loudspeaker, which could be heard clearly even if they were far away. Because of the lack of conditions, they couldn't make things like big screens, but they also built many small platforms on the square with many projections, which were set up in advance, and someone was responsible for them.

When the conference was officially held, it was the third day after they reached the 100th floor, and a lot of people gathered on the square. It is said that it is a National Assembly, but not all people come to participate, but there are also two to three thousand people. But even with so many people standing on the square, it did not appear crowded.

Xie Chen stood on the high platform, looking at the crowd below, thinking carefully. Asuna stood beside him, her face slightly serious. Then to the other side is Tiabello, with a trademark smile on his lips. Standing on the other side of Xie Chen was Ramos, his expression indifferent and he couldn't see any thoughts. To the side are the guild leaders of other guilds, and to the back are the people in the Raiders group who have performed well and have a reputation. The rest of the people stood on both sides of the high platform, looking at the crowd below, instead of exchanging a word or two.

With so many people here, even if half of the people say a few words in a low voice, it would seem very noisy. The whole square is full of people's comments, "buzzing" endlessly.

At this time, Sheng also walked to Xie Chen's side and said, "Head of the group, time is almost ready to begin."

Xie Chen nodded and said, "Okay, go and arrange it. The meeting will begin immediately."

After seeing Sheng Ye's gesture, Xie Chen stood there and took a breath, then took a step forward, and in front of him there was a small gadget that was similar to a microphone.

Xie Chen looked around for a week, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone." His voice rang from the square and reached everyone's ears. ..


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