Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 230: Lost little girl

Only about half a month later, the guarding BOSS on the ninety-fifth floor was discovered, and the strategic war against it began to be intensively prepared. When fighting against the BOSS, the cooperation between them was obviously a lot better, and a lot of unnecessary damage and time were lost. Although the black doesn't feel like a seamless cooperation, it has made a lot of progress.

Xie Chen was very satisfied with this. This time the BOSS is still a powerful BOSS, their battle is still not easy, but this time there are no casualties.

They were very satisfied with this result and gained a lot of confidence in the battle that followed. Everyone returned with satisfaction, and Xie Chen was also very satisfied in his heart. Today he experimented with the sword skills inherited by Brod, and the result made him feel very good. In addition to the connection between them, there are some subtle lags. Besides, everything is pretty good.

When Xie Chen was satisfied, he did not forget to urge himself to practice more, until these sword skills were perfectly integrated, and the use of them was smooth.

Then while he was preparing for the next Raiders, something unusual seemed to happen.

Asuna and Xie Chen rushed to eat in a restaurant they often go to during the tense strategy. When they went back, they found a child. The little girl suddenly ran out and grabbed the corner of Asuna's clothes while they were walking on the road. She fainted when she said something softly that she didn't know. Asuna was so surprised, she picked her up quickly and asked Xie Chen what to do?

Xie Chen found out when she saw her. This child was Yui. He didn't expect that she would appear at this time.

Seeing Asuna's anxious expression, Xie Chen said, "Take it home and take care of it. There won't be anyone around here. She should be an accident when she appeared here. Let's go back first. "

Asuna looked worried and nodded: "Yeah."

After arriving at the headquarters, Asuna reported that a child came back. Many people have seen it, and then turned their suspicion and curiosity around them. Is this the child of the head and the deputy head? Are they all this big? By the way, how old are they? Also, can babies be born in the game? ? ?

Xie Chen and Asuna turned a blind eye to their inquisitive gazes. After arriving in the lounge, they put Yui down and watched her lying there unsteadily sleeping. Asuna frowned and worried. Said to Xie Chen: "How come there are such a small child here? Or in the wild? What if something happens? Fortunately, it is us who meets, otherwise..."

Xie Chen patted Asuna's shoulder comfortably, and said: "Don't worry, wait until she wakes up and talk about it." However, what Xie Chen was thinking at this time was completely different.

Maybe it was because of his personality, or he knew Yui's identity first, so now he doesn't think of Yui in the same way as Asuna. His question now is, how could Yui, who has never appeared, suddenly appear at this time? And if Asuna has feelings for her like in the original plot, can he also bring her program out? He wasn't sure whether Yui who appeared at this time would recover his memory. Looking at her current appearance, he didn't know which of the program crashes was more serious than the original plot. After all, they have already reached level 95. Although the time may not be much different from the original timeline, the speed of the process also means that people’s mental activities have also become There are more, and the degree of system breakdown will deepen. It is also conceivable, but I don't know what is the situation of Yui now.

Because Yui was worried about Asuna, he stayed in the headquarters to take care of her and did not go out. Xie Chen led the team out according to the original plan. At the same time, Asuna asked the people below to start looking for some news about the little girl, to see if any relatives or friends had lost.

But Asuna didn't expect Yui to sleep until the next morning.

When Asuna was awakened by the sunlight coming in, she found herself lying on the bed, shocked in her heart. , Shouldn't I be guarding that little girl? How could this be?

She calmed down, only to realize that she had reached another lounge, just next door to the one yesterday. When she got out of bed and opened the door, she saw Xie Chen just standing outside the door and smiled when she saw her waking up and said, "Asuna, you are awake. I just stayed with you for breakfast."

Seeing Xie Chen, Asuna asked in the first sentence: "Where is that little girl?"

Xie Chen said helplessly: "She's next door, don't worry. I came back too late yesterday, and saw that you were already asleep, so I took you here, and she was still asleep there. ,do not worry."

Asuna breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good." Then there was a touch of worry between her eyebrows, and she said, "But how come I have slept for such a long time? It's been a whole afternoon. One night."

Xie Chen frowned slightly, and said, "It may be that the body in reality is sick. Don't worry, eat breakfast first." Xie Chen casually made up a reason to comfort him.

Asuna pursed her lips and said, "I'll go see her." Then she walked out. Xie Chen sighed helplessly behind and followed.

Asuna pushed open the door of the lounge next door. As soon as she entered, she saw Yui lying on the bed peacefully. She stepped forward and took a closer look and found that she was still asleep, her face ruddy and her breathing steady. , It seemed that he was sleeping soundly, and he was relieved.

"Look, I said she was sleeping well..." Before Xie Chen finished her words, Asuna covered her mouth, and she whispered, "You keep quiet, don't wake her up. ."

Xie Chen was helpless. Just now I was worried that people would fall asleep for too long, and now I don't let him speak loudly. She is a fickle girl. ..


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