Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 925: Endless

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When Lin Yi was torn apart, no **** lightning appeared in his body.

Obviously, this is another clone.

"Baba a salad! It really is a clone!"

The Sharu star roared.

The phrase "Baba a salad" is the foul language of Sharushin, which is similar to the Chinese word "fucking mud horse".

At this time, being deceived by the two clones of Lin Yi, he was naturally furious and exploded with foul language.

Sure enough, after a while, another Lin Yi appeared in front of the Sharu star.

When the Saru star saw it, he roared: "Baba a salad, die for me!"

He tore his hands suddenly.


A black gap opened in the space.

But this time, Lin Yi was clearly prepared.

A shadow suddenly appeared on his body.

This shadow is semi-transparent and looks exactly like Lin Yi.

And at the moment when this shadow appeared--

The wind stopped

Cloud, not moving;

Water, no flow;

Tree, don't shake.

Within a hundred kilometers, everything in the space is solidified.

The flying mutant beasts that were flying by in the sky were also motionless, so they stopped in the air.

Everyone who saw this scene through the screen was very surprised.

"what happened?"

"Why did it stop suddenly?"

"The flying mutant beasts in the air are not moving."

"The leaves stopped halfway down. What's the matter?"

No one understands what happened.

The Nasharu star was shocked.

He was clearly conscious, but his body couldn't move half a minute at all.

He could obviously feel that his heartbeat had stopped, but he was not dead.

What exactly is going on?

At this moment, I saw that transparent Lin Yi was emitting thousands of red rays.

Within a hundred kilometers, only this translucent forest was moving.

He slowly lifted off, and then his right foot was slightly in the air.

A ripple spreads.

A little more left foot, another ripple spreads.

When he took more than ten steps, he was already less than 500 meters away from the Sharu Xingren.

At this moment, a huge fiery red sword aura suddenly condensed above his body.

This sword aura, connected to the sky and grounded down, is like a giant sword piercing the sky.

Afterwards, this sword qi pierced towards the Nasharu star.

The Shalu star couldn't even move at all.

In his eyes, it was extremely panic.

Last time he suffered a big loss under Lin Yi's trick.

At that time, Lin Yi was only a 20th-level evolutionary.

And now, Lin Yi has been promoted to Level 23 Evolution, and then he uses this trick, isn't he going to be beaten every minute?

However, he couldn't move a single move now, and the only thing he could do was to be killed by a spike.


That huge sword qi pierced Nasharu Star's chest straight.

It's like between heaven and earth, all energy is running through the chest of this Sharu star.

His chest pained severely, and a huge blood hole half a foot in diameter had been penetrated.

There is no shock wave, no strong light.

Soon, this giant sword has disappeared.

And the transparent figure of Lin Yi has also disappeared.

Lin Yi's body directly turned into a little bit of light and dissipated in the air-this scene is exactly the same as the dissipation of the Juggernaut in The Wind and Cloud.

This is the harm of Sword Twenty-Three.

As long as the sword twenty-three is used, he is immortal and disabled.

While Lin Yi’s body dissipated, chchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchch

Within a hundred kilometers, the infected creatures and zombies, their bodies were cut into several large pieces instantly, as if they were being cut by several invisible sharp blades.

Within a whole hundred kilometers, a **** storm suddenly set off.

Imagine that within hundreds of kilometers, almost all creatures were cut into several pieces in an instant.

That scene is like hell.

Within a hundred kilometers, at this moment, even the sky seemed to turn blood red.

All those who saw this scene were shocked.

This is the terrifying point of Jian Twenty-Three.

Wuming originally said twenty-three swords, and extraordinary sword skills.

It's really not mortal, it's a sword skill that only appears in hell.

After 5,000 years, Lin Yi, because he returned Wan Jian to the Great Perfection realm, his understanding of swords was incomparable to the original Juggernaut.

So based on his previous experience and his understanding of kendo, he finally mastered the twenty-three sword perfectly.

And because after Lin Ye was promoted to level 23, his clone possessed exactly the same strength as him, so his clone could also use the twenty-three sword perfectly.

Under Sword Twenty-Three, just the aftermath made the infected creatures within a hundred kilometers of radius directly turned into pieces of meat.

The Sharu Xing was naturally not immune.

His body also turned into pieces of meat and scattered all over the place.

However, the self-healing ability of Nasharu Xingren is extremely terrifying.

Even if it turned into pieces of meat and scattered all over the place, it was still not dead.

His body was fusing together at an extremely fast speed, and he was recovering quickly.

In less than half a minute, his body has completely However, although his body has recovered, his spirit has suffered extremely serious creation.


His head hurt so badly that he hugged his head and rolled on the ground.

The pain caused him to hit a building two kilometers away with his head.

Boom boom

Two holes were smashed into the building, but his head was still in pain.

Sword Twenty-Three, the physical damage caused by the aftermath is only second.

The real scary thing is that it hurts the spiritual level.

No matter how strong you are, you cannot resist its mental damage.

"Baba Sarah-ah..."

The Sharu star screamed while holding his head and rolling.

Finally, a few minutes later, he looked like a mad dog.

Because of the severe pain, he kept attacking the surrounding ground, stones, and trees.

When Lin Yi appeared again, he suddenly went crazy, throwing an energy attack at Lin Yi, tearing the space where Lin Yi was.

Lin Yi fought such a mad dog-like Sharu, and suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

A few minutes later, he was killed by this Sharu star again.

But two minutes later, another Lin also appeared.

In this way, the Sharu Xingren kept killing Lin Yi, and new ones would appear.

In the safe zone, a middle-aged man looked at the TV screen and saw that Lin Yi was slapped to death. He yawned and said, "Lin Yi is dead again."

His friend gave a wry smile and said, "This is the eleventh time, right?"

"How many Lin Yilai can he conjure?"

"Who knows. Anyway, if you fight like this, the alien dog will be exhausted even if it doesn't get killed."

"I'm sleepy, go to bed first. If you continue to fight like this, you won't be able to finish it tomorrow. You should also rest early."

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