Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 869: Infiltrate the headquarters of the Datong Association

Just as Lin Yi was thinking about many things, the voice of Zhang Wenjing beside him interrupted Lin Yi's thoughts.


Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing immediately looked towards the gate of the Freedom Tower.

I saw the gate of the Freedom Tower, and one person walked out.

This person is a muscular man.

Born to be tall, he looks almost two meters tall.

The beard on his face gives people a very sturdy feeling.

After the man went out, he walked directly to the street on the left.

Lin Yi and the three followed and entered the street on the left.

After following about three streets, the man suddenly stopped and looked behind him.

After a while, a look of doubt appeared on his face, and then he continued to walk forward.

It turns out that this person is an 18th-level evolutionary, and his combat experience is also extremely rich.

In countless battles, he also developed a fighting intuition.

Just now, he felt that someone was following him.

He occasionally looked back, but did not find the person following him.

That's why he stopped in doubt and looked back.

And Lin Yi has more combat experience than him, and his combat intuition is stronger than him.

As early as when Cook walked out of the Datonghui, Lin Yi had already felt that he might have felt someone staring at him.

So Lin Yi and the others tracked a long distance, a full kilometer.

At such a distance, it is impossible for them to see each other.

But Lin also used the biological tracking skills to detect Cook's every move.

After not finding the stalker, Cook quickly turned around and got into a small alley next to him.

This small alley is not wide, just over two meters.

At the end of the alley, there is a door.

There is a neon sign next to the door with a few English words heaven-orld.

There are also four Chinese characters: Heaven and Cloud.

This is a night club.

When the whole world has fallen into the panic of the zombie virus, and many people have become extremely difficult to survive, there is even a nightclub here in Manhattan for the enjoyment of some wealthy people.

Really: Zhumen wine and meat are smelly, and the road has frozen bones.

When Cook came to the door of the cloud in the sky, the door opened automatically, and several security personnel appeared.

These security personnel also seem to be tall and magnificent, and they are obviously all evolutionists.

They seem to know Cook very well, and everyone greets Cook.

Cook also greeted them with a smile, and then entered the nightclub.

At this time, Lin also appeared at the door.

At this time, Shui Ruobing and Zhang Wenjing only followed the entrance of the alley and did not follow up.

Lin Yi used biological tracking to check again, and then Cook had entered the private room inside.

At this time, in the private room, the girl that Cook knew before had already appeared.

Naturally, it is a cheerful dress, which makes people excited at a glance.

Because of harmony, I won’t repeat it here.

Lin also waited for a moment, and when the girl got up to go to the bathroom, he teleported into the private room.

Because of Cook's strong intuition in combat, he discovered it the first moment Lin Yi appeared.

However, intuition returned to intuition, but his body could not keep up with the reaction speed of intuition.

In other words, to Lin Yi, a 20th-level evolutionary, his speed seemed to be slow.

Lin Yi easily grabbed his neck and pressed hard.

Click ——

He died.

This evolutionary who has fought countless throughout his life, an 18th-level evolutionary, is almost a first-class master in the entire world.

He never thought that one day he would be easily choked to death like an eagle strangling a chick.

Then, Lin Yi immediately activated his camouflage skills and pretended to be Cook.

At this time, the girl had also returned.

It turned out to be another outfit.

This time, it was directly replaced by a policewoman costume.

Lin Yixin said that this guy is really good at playing.

But Lin Yi had no idea about this woman.

Not to mention Lin Yi, even the system in his mind has no idea about this woman: "No matter how enchanting the dress is, it is not my food after all."

It turns out that this woman may be very interesting in the eyes of Westerners.

But it is totally inconsistent with the aesthetics of Orientals.

The character of the system is designed according to Ai Li.

Ai Li is also an Oriental, the system naturally looks down on this woman.

Lin Yi stood up and was about to leave.

The woman pulled out the pistol around her waist and said aggressively: "You are not allowed to go anywhere. Today, you are mine."

Lin Yidao: "There is a sudden emergency in the headquarters, I have to go."

The woman was taken aback, and asked: "Every time you come in weekdays, you don't leave for the whole night without playing. This is today..."

"It's really urgent."

Lin Yi replied and hurried out.

Only the woman was secretly lost.

Lin Yi swaggered out among the clouds in this sky.

I met many people during the period.

But so many people, no one can see through his disguise.

The security personnel respectfully watched Lin Yi leave the sky and the clouds before closing the door.

When Lin Yi walked out of the clouds in the sky, Zhang Wenjing in the distance tightened his heart and said, "Cook is out!"

Shui Ruobing ignored him.

Zhang Wenjing said nervously again: "Where is Lin Yi? Why don't you see others?"

Shui Ruobing still ignored him.

Zhang Wenjing said nervously, "He came straight to us, did he find us?"

Seeing Cook getting closer and closer to them, even walking directly towards their hiding place, Zhang Wenjing's heart jumped out of tension.

"I know him somehow, or I will go out to deal with him!"

Zhang Wenjing said, and walked out of the hiding place.

His reaction speed was not slow, and he thought of a set of rhetoric in an instant.

However, when he was about to speak, Lin Yi said: "Okay, now I go to the Datonghui. I sneak into the Datonghui, and you are outside."

Zhang Wenjing's mouth was half open. Hearing these words, she suddenly reacted: "Lin Yi?!"

Shui Ruobing said, "Otherwise, who else?"

"This...this is too similar!"

Zhang Wenjing shook her head in Originally, the disguise mentioned by Lin Yi, he thought it was a disguise.

Killing Cook first, and then disguised as him, this must take a long time.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi came out so soon, and this disguised appearance was exactly the same as Cook.

To be sure, even people who see Cook every day may not be able to see through.

Naturally, he didn't know that Lin Yi possessed a disguise skill that was much more sophisticated than disguise.

And Lin Yi's camouflage skills can still inherit Cook's memory.

For example, many of the authority passwords of the Security Department of the Tatung Association, Lin Yi already knew from Cook's memory.

Now it is easy for people to sneak into the Datonghui.


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