Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 59: Dare to come again to kill you

   Lin also detected those gangsters, all smoking cigarettes, with four boxes of beer in front of them.

   opened a bottle, took a few sips, and threw it into the yard.

   from time to time tossed bricks from the ruins into the yard.

   One of them drank a few sips of beer and threw the bottle into the yard. Hearing a pop, he laughed, "If they don't move this time, they must scare him to death."

   "It's all of them making their own minds. Let them move early, but if they don't move, it's called toasting and not eating or punishing wine."

   "You, take these chicken blood and pour it on the door. Frighten them to death!" Er Liu said to a bastard.

   "Hey, I like doing this kind of thing the most."

   The **** said, carrying a bag of chicken blood, and walked to the front door.

   Lin couldn't bear it, so he would walk into the yard.

   Xiao Fei’s wife quickly grabbed Lin Yi and said in horror: "Don’t go out..."

   Lin also stepped out of the yard in two steps.

   Xiao Fei’s wife hurriedly came to the door of the house and said worriedly: "Be careful!"

   Lin didn't even need to lift his head, but he seemed to have eyes growing on top of his head, avoiding the wine bottles that were smashed down.

   A few strides, I came to the door.

   The gangster at the door took the bag and was about to throw it out.

   Lin also tore open the door, and his right foot flew out.


   is kicking on the right hand of the bully.


   There was a crisp sound, and the gangster's right hand was turned back at 180 degrees.

  At the same time, all the chicken blood in his hand was poured on himself.

   He fell to the ground in pain, wailing.

   Lin also had no expression on his face, and stepped on this bastard's foot.


   Comminuted fracture.


   The scream of the gangster seemed extremely stern in the dark night.

   Lin also knows that if he keeps his hands and feet so that he can no longer do evil, maybe he will come again after he is injured.

   Outside the wall on the other side of the yard, the remaining three **** heard the screams here. They were all in a bad mood, and they were about to get up quickly.

   But before they could get up, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

   They were all taken aback, and they didn't even see how the figure appeared.

   Among the three gangsters, the second one reacted the fastest and called out: "Go together!"

   grabbed a bottle of beer and threw it at Lin Yi.

   The other two also grabbed a bottle of beer and threw it at Lin Yi.

   But their speed is far worse than Lin.

   Lin Yi kicked the box of beer in front of him with his right foot, and the box of beer flew directly, hitting Erli's chest like a rock.

   Er Yao flew upside down, hugged this case of beer, and fell into the rubble.

   A sharp stone on the ruins hit his waist, and he screamed suddenly.

   At the same time, Lin Yi's head lowered slightly, avoiding the wine bottles of the two people behind, left and right, grabbing their wrists.

   The two people quickly tried to break free.

   But Lin Yi's hands are like two iron tongs, firmly holding their wrists, unable to break free at all.

   Lin also crossed the two hands, and then slammed into each other.


   Two crisp sounds, both of them broke their arms.


   The two also screamed like a pig.

   Just this Lin Yi hasn't exerted all his strength, if he exerts all his strength, I am afraid it is possible to tear off the arms of both of them.

   Lin also broke their arms, but did not let them go.

   One foot and one foot, crushed the palms of both of them.

After   , he turned his head and looked at the two slips.

Although Er Liu was in extreme pain, when he saw Lin Yi's icy, knife-like eyes, he was still secretly surprised and said: "I am... Zhang Dapeng's person, if you... if you dare to move me... he must Will kill you..."


   Before he finished speaking, his hands were already crushed.

   He also passed out in pain.

   Lin also turned his head, looked at the two screaming gangsters, and said coldly: "Go back and tell Zhang Dapeng, if you dare to make trouble again, I will kill him!"

   Although the two of them are in pain, they dare not refuse to agree.

   They nodded again and again, and said, "Yes, yes, they must bring..."

   said that these two people were about to turn around and run away.

   Behind them, Lin Yi shouted: "Hey..."

   Both of them trembled, turned their heads, and tremblingly said: "Big...Big brother...Is there anything else..."

   Lin also pointed to Er Liu, then pointed in the direction of the front door, and said, "Your things have fallen."

   Then the two of them reacted, hurriedly helped each other, helped Er Liu and the other bastard, and limped away slowly.

   Lin Yi wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, Xiao Fei’s wife and mother must be frightened.

   He turned and entered the courtyard, and saw Xiao Fei's wife and mother at the door of the house, and Xiao Fei's daughter had also got up, and was holding Xiao Fei's wife's hand in fear. .

   Lin also smiled at them and said, "It's okay."

   "Uncle, are you not hurt?"

   Xiaofei's daughter asked caringly.

   Lin also shook his head, stroked Xiao Fei’s daughter’s head and said, “Don’t worry, my uncle is very powerful. With such a few bad guys, I won’t hurt my uncle.”

   Xiao Fei’s daughter said, “Uncle, can you live in our house tonight? My mother and I are very scared.”

   Lin also thought for a while, and said, "Well, I will live in your house tonight. You can rest assured to go to and go to school tomorrow."

   "Really? Great uncle."

   Xiaofei's daughter is young after all, and after receiving Lin Yi's comfort, she soon went to bed again.

   Xiao Fei’s mother and wife kept sighing.

   Lin also knew what they were worried about, and comforted: "Don't worry, they will never harass you again from today."

   That night, Lin Yi was arranged on a tukang in a room on the right.

   He was also tired, and soon fell asleep.

   It was still dark the next day, so he got up early and left Xiaofei's house.

   When Xiao Fei's wife got up to make breakfast and called Lin Yi, she couldn't find anyone else.

   While eating, Xiao Fei’s mother said, “Lin Yi is really a good person. Xiao Fei’s blessing is to know good people like Leng Feng and to meet good people like Lin Yi.”

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Fei’s wife sent her daughter to a school seven kilometers away—the former elementary school was demolished, and now the nearest elementary school is seven kilometers away—then she came to the only bank gate in town. Insert the card given by Lin Yi into the card slot of the ATM. After inputting the password given by Lin Yi, the withdrawal amount was entered: RMB 500.

   Soon, after receiving 500 yuan, the ATM machine displayed: The transaction was successful.

   When she wanted to withdraw the card, she suddenly remembered that she did not know the balance on the card. You can't just accept other people's money just like that.

   I have a chance in the future, and I have to return the money to Lin Yi.

   So he clicked the balance check button.

   Soon, the balance was displayed on the screen.

   And when she saw the balance on the screen, her eyes widened, staring at the string of numbers on the screen in a daze, without responding for a long time.

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