Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 517: Ghost Rider is here

On Lin Yi's head under his hood, the fire of **** was burning.

The flesh on his head quickly disappeared, leaving only a pale skull with fire.

Zuo Yiran This is the first time that Lin Yi has turned into a ghost knight. She was so scared that her legs were a little weak.

Even if Lin is the person she likes, even if she gets along with Lin Yi day and night, but seeing Lin Yi's head turn into a skull with fire, she is still frightened.

Imagine, no matter which girl, can she not be scared when she suddenly sees her boyfriend like this?

Lin Yi didn't have time to consider Zuo Yiran's feelings at this time.

His hands also became palms with fire.

Then he straddled directly on the Harley motorcycle.

When he pressed his hands on the handlebars of the motorcycle, a layer of flame ignited on the motorcycle.

In the flames, motorcycles are also changing.

The front wheels extend forward, the handlebars of the car become longer, and there is a skull on the front of the car.

The whole shape looks more exaggerated, but it is also more stylish.

Especially the two wheels of motorcycles ignited flames.

At the next moment, Lin Yi let out a long and excited roar: "Woohoo--"

The head of the motorcycle lifted up suddenly, like a horse hoof.

Then, like an arrow from the string, gallop forward quickly.

In a state completely close to the speed of sound, the motorcycle crossed the street.

The street lights on both sides of the street burst out when it passed by.

When the cars on both sides of the road passed by, the windows of the cars also shattered.

On the street, only a trace of flame was left.

Zuo Yiran looked at this trace of flame, and his whole person was a little confused.

How could Lin Yi... become such a terrible look...

After about two minutes, she gradually recovered.

After that, she had a firm belief in her heart: no matter what Lin Yi became, she would always like it.

As for the other people in the square, some people also noticed the ghost rider just now.

They looked at the flame, all of them horrified.

"Evil... Evil Knight..."

"how is this possible?"

"How can the comics and movies appear in reality?"

At this time, Lin Yi had already deployed a speed of 340 meters per second, and was heading towards Wusong Pier.

He was a little worried.

On land, he can reach a speed of 340 meters per second, and he is probably the only one.

But he felt it was still not fast enough.

If those police officers really become zombies, the consequences would be disastrous.

The square is more than 20 kilometers away from Wusong Wharf, which would have taken just over a minute to get there. But because of some obstacles on the road, his speed was slightly slower. It finally took two minutes to arrive.

When he arrived at Wusong Pier, those patrols had already begun to mutate.

The other police officers around are holding their guns at the patrol officers who are beginning to mutate.

And when Lin Yi arrived, the airflow directly rushed these policemen and the patrolmen who had begun to mutate to fly out to both sides.

Lin Yi didn't wait for the patrols to land, threw the red soul chain out of his hands, and instantly drew them on the patrols.

The patrolmen suddenly turned into fiery red magma sculptures. When it fell to the ground, it had fallen into pieces like fiery red rubble.

His skull mouth opened and closed, and he made a low, weird voice: "You are innocent, but you can only sacrifice tonight."

At this time, the other policemen looked at the fired skeleton and the two-wheeled motorcycle. One by one, in horror, they quickly pointed their guns at Lin Yi.

"Don't move!"

A policeman yelled timidly.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the policeman.

With a flick of the soul chain in his hand, slap——

The gun in the policeman's hand was directly drawn, and he was immediately drawn to fly out. When he landed, it had already turned into fire slag.

When the other policemen met, they were all shocked.

In the meeting room of the city hall, the leaders were shocked when they saw this scene.

"This...what the **** is this?"

"Isn't this something in the movie?"

"A jigsaw is not over yet, another ghost rider. My goodness!"

"We are going to the sea city, we cannot allow so many demons and monsters to run rampant. We must catch the jigsaw, and at the same time catch this ghost rider!"


All the leaders are a little dazed at this time. They feel like they are living in a movie, not the real world.

Amidst the shock of those senior executives, on the big screen, the clown’s voice came again: "Five minutes are here again. It seems that the leaders still haven’t worked it out. Very well, you will accept the next two zombies. Let's go down."

Then, everyone saw that on the plane, two zombies were released and dropped by air.

And the two zombies were not airdropped at the same time, but one after another.

In this way, the two zombies will fall in different locations.

At this time, the phone in Lin Yi's pocket rang.

When Lin Yi took out his cell phone, he saw that his cell phone was also demonized by hellfire.

At this time, the mobile phone except for the screen, everything else has become like lava.

Lin Yi didn't use his hand to answer the call at all. As soon as he thought of answering, the call was automatically connected.

On the other side of the phone, Shui Ruobing said, "These two zombies just now, one is at Hongkou Airport, and the other will land on Chongming Island."

Lin Yi immediately put away his mobile phone, and the motorcycle roared, jumped directly off the dock and galloped towards Chongming Island on the water.

Those who saw this scene at the scene were extremely shocked.

Wusong Pier is not far from Chongming Island, and because it is on the water, there is no obstacle. When Lin Yi reached Chongming Island, the zombie had not fallen from the sky.

Lin Yi's soul chain flicked directly upwards, piercing the body of the zombie, and dragging it down.

The four flaming red chains on his body protruded out, pierced into the body of the zombie, and swallowed it.

Before the people around him reacted, he had already stepped on the evil spirit motorcycle and headed towards Huangpu.

When he arrived, the zombie had landed for two minutes.

However, through the big screen, the people around knew that the virus would spread through the blood of the zombie, so they didn't know how to deal with this zombie. The zombies kept rushing towards the people around.

People are running away like crazy.

Many people have fallen to the ground.

The zombie stretched out its claws and grabbed it at a girl who had just fallen to the ground and had not yet got up.

The girl cried helplessly.

Just when the zombie's claws were less than an inch from the girl.

Suddenly, its claws were entangled by a chain of flaming magma, and it violently pulled.

Its claws were torn off.

Then, the chain pierced directly through its left eye.

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