Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 357: Martial arts exploded again

How popular is the Wudi Wuguan?

Those who signed up were all congested on the street at the door, causing traffic on the street to be paralyzed for a while.

There are men and women, old and young.

Some are nearby, some are far away, and even outsiders.

On the first day alone, 50 people were enrolled, and the enrollment was stopped at 2 o'clock in the afternoon-because from 7 am to 2 o'clock in the morning, their martial arts owners maintain order, are responsible for testing new recruits, etc. , Can't even take a sip of water.

That's why Lin Yi tried his best to ask Gongsun Lue to strictly check and only recruit talented individuals.

The tuition fee of 40 yuan per person is 2,000 yuan per day.

After removing the cost of 500 yuan, Lin also earned 1,500 yuan this day.

In these years, most people earn less than 500 yuan a year, but Lin Yi earned 1,500 yuan a day, which is definitely an astronomical figure.

In the next week, their martial arts gyms were all too busy.

In the end, after Lin Yi waited for 300 disciples, he did not continue accepting disciples.

After all, only he and Gongsun Lue in the martial arts hall can teach others kung fu. With 300 disciples and 50 people teaching each day, it takes six days a week. It's already enough for the two of them, no matter how much, they won't be too busy.

Moreover, his original intention of opening the martial arts hall was to earn enough money for him and Gongsun Lue to travel around the world. If he wanted to make money, he would make Gongsun Lue too tired, which violated his original intention.

But even if it is 300 disciples, each person is 40 yuan a month. If you remove the cost, Lin Yi will still earn 10,000 yuan a month.

In this year and month, he can already be regarded as a small local tyrant.

Of course, compared to the income of the crocodile gang leader, this is far behind.

But he is not for money.

As long as they save for about two years, it will be enough for them to travel the world comfortably. And two years later, some apprentices have also grown up, and they can leave the martial arts gym to their apprentices, and the two of them will go around the world.

Relying on the monthly income of the martial arts hall, they can visit any place in the world several times in the remaining eight years.

Think about it, it's really full of expectations.

The martial artists in other martial arts halls were envious of Lin Yi's invincible martial arts hall.

Their martial arts hall has less than a hundred disciples at most.

Invincible Martial Arts Hall actually recruited 300 people, and that's why Lin Wushi was unwilling to recruit more.

Otherwise, their martial arts gym may easily have thousands of disciples.

Then they are not just a martial arts gym, they are simply a gang.


At the same time, in the crocodile gang.

When the carp help boss listened to the report, his brows were frowned.

"You said that even those two singers couldn't beat him?"

The man cautiously said: "Not only can I not beat them, but the two singers have been blinded by him. And the two of them also said that they will never be killers anymore."

"These two **** are rubbish, isn't Lao Tzu's money wasted?"

The subordinate still cautiously said: "Leader, money spent is a trivial matter. The most important thing is that the current number of disciples in Wudi Wuguan has reached 300. If they are allowed to expand like this, our crocodile gang will be in danger."

"What should we do then? Could it be possible that so many of our brothers should chop him?"

The subordinate shook his head and said, "Of course you can't kill him directly. The **** has a high martial arts, and even the singers are not his opponents. But... the singers once said that they are only second in the killer list. Killer."

When the crocodile gang leader heard this, he understood: "You said it was..."

"Yes," the subordinate said, "They said that the first one is the ultimate murder king Huoyun Cthulhu. As long as we can invite the Huoyun Cthulhu, we can kill the **** surnamed Lin. "

"Well, it makes sense," said the leader of the crocodile gang. "It's just that as the ultimate killer, he must be expensive to play."

The subordinate shook his head and said: "I heard that the ultimate murder king killed people not for money, but because he was so obsessed with martial arts and determined to become the strongest, so he wanted to kill all other masters. The real master, he doesn't need money, see one and kill one for free."

"it is good--"

The crocodile gang master slapped the back of the chair with both palms: "Hurry up and invite the evil **** Huoyun."


Lin Yi is very busy these days. The martial arts gym has just been on the right track, and there are many things to take care of in all aspects.

For example, they have to engage in relationships with the people in the police station, and the local wealthy businessmen and the like, also have to come and have relations with Wudi Wuguan.

In fact, Lin Yi hated this kind of thing the most, so he let Chen Sheng and Wu Guang act as his agent.

And he himself spends two hours teaching apprentices in the morning and two hours teaching apprentices in the afternoon.

The rest of the time, he was with Gongsun Lue.

After all, they have only been together for ten years, and he must cherish every minute and every second.

Gradually, when everything went smoothly, Lin Yi became more When he was free, he considered looking for something to do.

He has been on the Kung Fu plane for more than a month, and he hasn't even obtained an evolution point.

Although he defeated the two blinds and completed the plot mission, the mysterious rewards in the future should have evolved. But you can't just lie down on these evolutionary points.

According to Lin Yi's experience in "The Legend of Condor Heroes", as long as he swallows people with martial arts, he can gain evolution points.

Moreover, Lin Yi now has a relatively large demand for evolution points, and the person who devours it must not be a mediocre martial artist. Must be a master.

Ever since, Lin Yi set his sights on the killer rankings.

There are a total of ten people on this killer ranking.

Except for Selling the Second Blind and Huoyun Cthulhu, who have a driving effect on the plot, the other characters are irrelevant to the plot.

So Lin Yi made up his mind, and in the following days, he swallowed all the remaining eight people on the killer list.

If you want to devour them with the strength of these people, you should gain a lot of evolution points.

When the plot of the movie is about to end, I will devour Mai Sang Er Blind and Huo Yun Cthulhu, and he will definitely be promoted to level 9.

This killer ranked third, Lin Yi has already inquired that it is a female killer named Breaking Dancer.

This killer usually pretends to be a dancer and dances in the cabaret.

But as long as there is money to make, she will turn into a killer. Approach the target with beauty, and then wait for the opportunity to assassinate.

Because she was already very strong, and she was very beautiful, her assassination success rate has always been ranked third.

And the first and second are naturally the vocalist and the Huoyun evil god.

They are too strong and never miss.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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