Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 162: mission completed

Lin Yidao: "It is not enough to just defend the city. There is a very important thing for Brother Yang to do."

   "Brother Lin please give me your orders."

   Yang Guo said.

   Lin Yi said: "The Mongolian army is powerful, and it is not enough to just defend. Only by assassinating Meng Ge's profuse sweat can the danger of Xiangyang be relieved..."

   When he said this, Lin Yi had a sudden stop.

   Yang Guo was puzzled: "What?"

   Lin also remembered that in the original work, Yang Guo was so sad because of the departure of the little dragon girl, that he created a palm of ecstasy that is as powerful as the eighteen palms of the dragon. In the end, relying on this set of hand techniques, defeating King Jinlun, did he have a chance to kill Mengge Khan.

   But now Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv will not be separated for 16 years at all, so naturally it is impossible to create any ecstasy palm.

   It is impossible to kill the Mongolian Khan in the army of the army like this.

   Thinking of this, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

   After a while, he said, "No, I am afraid that it will be too late in sixteen years. You'd better sneak into Mongolia after disguising yourself in recent years and wait for the opportunity to assassinate Meng Ge's profuse sweat, so as to solve the world's crisis."

   Yang Guo did not hesitate, and said to Lin Yi: "Brother Lin, rest assured, I will do it myself."

  The reason why Yang Guo agreed so simply:

   When Lin Yi came to Yang Guo, he was kind to save his life. Although what Lin Yi said was difficult, he still had to do it;

   Feng Mofeng, the disciple of Huang Yaoshi, had rescued Yang Guo and Lu Wushuang from Li Mochou's hands. Later, Feng Mofeng sneaked into the Mongolian camp, hoping to assassinate Kublai. At this time, Guo Jing and Yang went to the Mongolian camp. Yang Guo only wanted to kill Guo Jing, but did not care about the life and death of the Li people. Guo Jing was seriously injured in the end. Thanks to Feng Mofeng, who desperately hugged King Jinlun’s legs, Yang Guo and Guo Jing escaped.

   It can be said that Yang Guo indirectly killed Feng Mofeng.

   He felt guilty in his heart. At this time, he had the opportunity to inherit Feng Mofeng's legacy and assassinate the Mongolian Khan, so he naturally wanted to do it.

   Yang Guo has also grown up at this time, and he also knows that the world is better than his own children.

   So he would promise so simply.

   Then Yang Guo said to Huang Rong: "Aunt Guo, I will leave tomorrow for Mongolia. It's just that Long Huan'er will trouble you to take care of it."

   Huang Rong said gratifiedly: "Finally, if you have this heart, your Uncle Guo must be very happy. It's just that this matter needs to be considered for a long time. Don't act rashly."

   Yang Guo smiled and said, "I go as early as possible, and I can come back as soon as possible. No need to discuss anything."

   So everyone stayed here for another day.

   Next, Yang Guo has been with Xiaolongnu all this day.

   The reason why he wants to stay this day is to stay with the little dragon girl for one day and leave tomorrow.

   Early the next morning, Yang Guo separated from everyone, and naturally bid farewell to Xiaolongnv, and went to Mongolia alone.

   Everyone else returned to Xiangyang.

   Lin Yize and Gongsun Lue stayed in the Valley of Unrequited Love, found Qiu Qianchi's body, and buried it.

   Although Qiu Qianchi is a wicked woman, she is also Gongsun Lue's mother after all.

   Lin has also killed her father and can no longer ignore her mother's body.

   Qiu Qianchi was buried, and Lin Yi planned to leave the Valley of Unfeeling with Gongsun Lue to see the outside world.

   Lin also knew that time was running out, and the mission should be over when Yang Guo assassinated Mengge Khan.

   However, what he didn't know was that Yang passed away for sixteen years.

   Lin Yi and Gongsun Lv'e left the Valley of Unfeeling, and they had just left for a day.

   The two slept in his rental house at night.

   When he woke up the next day, Lin Yi had four big characters in his mind:

   Sixteen years later...

   "Uh...system, what does this mean?"

"literal meaning."

   The system replied lazily.

   "I'll go, sixteen years later?"

   Lin also became very dissatisfied.

   Originally, he still wanted to stay on this plane for a few more years, and had a good time with Gongsun Lue.  -----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

   Novel netizens, please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

  ----This is a gorgeous dividing line---


   As soon as I woke up, it turned out to be 16 years later.

   "The system Nima is messing up!"

   The system smiled cheaply, and said: "I am the system and I am wayward, I am not convinced."

   Lin also really wished to pull the system out of his body and abuse it with tendrils thousands of times.

   When the two walked out of the house, they saw the valley of unsentimental ashes, which was already full of vitality.

   Qiu Qianchi’s tomb has long been covered by weeds, and you can’t even find it if you don’t look carefully.

   Gongsun Lu'e looked at all this in surprise, and asked, "Master Lin, this..."

   Lin also knew it would be very troublesome to explain.

   did not explain at all, and said: "Let's go and take a look outside."


   The two went all the way.

   More than a month later, I arrived above the town.

   I heard that the Mongolian army is coming back again.

   After a few more days, I heard that the Mongolian army had attacked Xiangyang City again.

   Lin Yi wondered to himself, could it be that Yang Guo could not assassinate the Mongolian Khan?

   After a few days, when they were not far from Xiangyang City, the Mongolian army suddenly retreated. I heard rumors that there was a one-armed hero who killed the Mongolian Khan.

   Lin Yi realized that in the past 16 years, Yang Guo had no chance to assassinate the Mongolian Khan.

Things are still going in the direction of the original book. When the Mongolian sweat led the army to attack Xiangyang, because of the constraints of Guo Jing, the old naughty boy, Master Yideng, Huang Yaoshi and other masters, Yang Guo found the opportunity and finally resorted to ecstasy. Palm, defeated King Jinlun, and then killed the Mongolian Khan.

   It turns out that Yang Guo has never found a chance to assassinate the Mongolian Khan during these sixteen years.

   He missed the little dragon girl again in his heart.

   In desolation, when practicing martial arts, he inadvertently created a Desolate Ecstasy Palm comparable to the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong.

   At this point, the story of the **** sculpture is finally over.

   But Lin Yi is very sad.

  Day thin west hills, autumn rivers.

   The breeze was blowing in the willows, and the river was flushed red by the sunset.

   Gongsun Lue said: "Master Lin, the scenery here is really beautiful."

   Lin also smiled sadly and said: "Nothing is as beautiful as a person."

   Gongsun Lue lowered his head shyly.

   The pain in Lin Yi's heart is hard to tell It has long been known that he will not stay in these film and television planes for long, so he tries to avoid being emotional.

   But the one who should come is coming after all, and he came by surprise.

   It's going to be parting now, he really doesn't want to leave.

   He stretched out his hand to embrace Gongsun Lue into his arms, looking at the beautiful scenery, but he felt endless sadness.

   Gongsun Lue noticed Lin Yi's strangeness, and asked: "Lin Gongzi, what's wrong with you?"

   Lin also knew that after he left, this plane was equivalent to disappearing. Gongsun Lue naturally knows nothing.

   So he would not let Gongsun Lue know that he was leaving.

   He just hugged Gongsun Lue tightly, feeling sentimental.

   It was getting late, but he did not want to enter the rental house.

   Because he knew that once he entered the rental house, he would leave this plane and leave Gongsun Lue.

   From then on, it is never possible to meet again.

   Thousands of mountains and evening snow, thousands of miles of clouds.

   I can only be alone.

   Gongsun Lue didn't know why Lin Yi was so sad, Lin Yi didn't want to say, she didn't ask much.

   just hugged Lin Yi so tightly.

   It was getting late, and the system urged Lin Yi several times: "Go back to the rental house, otherwise you will be wiped out on this plane after midnight."

   Lin Yi did not want to leave for a long time.

   Finally, just before midnight, Lin Yi said to Gongsun Lue: "It's too late, let's go back."

   The moment the two entered the room and closed the door, Lin Yi's eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

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