Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 4: Academy-like daily life

   After walking out of the responsive room with Sniff, Cedric checked his watch. It was near noon and it was time for dinner.

   This incident of the Room for All Requests not only made him more wary of Voldemort, it also gave him more knowledge of the ‘system’.

   ‘System’ first appeared at the Sorting Hat Ceremony, and at that time it should be the first time that I deviated greatly from the established destiny, from Hufflepuff to Ravenclaw.

   ‘system’ directly reversed the result and admitted himself as a potential detachment.

   But this time, the ‘system’ did not directly interfere. Instead, it reminded him whether this meant that after becoming a potential detachment, the ‘system’ would not directly interfere with his own destiny again.

   There is also the need to quickly improve the level of Occlumency, Cedric said in his heart.

   After becoming a traverser, the most serious thing Cedric learned was Occlumency. After all, this is a rare spell that does not require a magic wand. Even the little wizards who have not enrolled can practice it.

  Of course, the advanced theories are too complicated for ordinary little wizards, and even many adult wizards do not specifically learn Occlumency.

   Cedric has spent a lot of work on this, but now it seems that he is really just getting started. If you want to resist the Voldemort soul fragments in the Horcrux, at least Occlumency LV3 or higher is required.

  While thinking, he walked into the canteen. The table belonging to Hufflepuff was already full of little wizards.

   "Cedric, where did you go this morning?" a little wizard in Hufflepuff asked, he was Cedric's roommate.

   Cedric said with an unlucky look, "Don't mention Forren, those **** stairs made me lost in the castle today, and finally came back."

   Hearing the moving stairs, the remaining little wizards nodded sympathetically, after all, they were really unfriendly.

   After lunch, Cedric rejected Forun’s offer to play wizard chess. After spending half an hour asking for directions, he finally found the library.

   Obviously, this library has expanded the internal space with a telescopic spell. The tall bookshelves are densely packed with books. This is the accumulation of a school for nearly a thousand years and contains a huge amount of magic knowledge.

   Even Muggle-born students can bridge the magic gap with pure-blood students here. This is one of the reasons why Hermione can become a master of magic.

  In the world of DND, even if Hermione is smart and easy to learn, there is no way to pay for the sky-high knowledge.

   Many powerful black magic in the library are stored in the forbidden book area, and only senior students or a professor’s approval note can be borrowed, but this obviously does not include Occlumency.

   It is undoubtedly very difficult to find such unpopular knowledge directly.

   Cedric directly approached Mrs. Pince, the librarian, and got the books he wanted in the strange eyes of the other party.

"Be careful! "You are leaking secrets", "How to Seal Your Brain·Advanced", "On the Role of Subconsciousness on Occlusive Cerebral Art"

   There is no way to find these three books even at Lihen Bookstore, because they are so unpopular and almost out of print.

  Occlumency is the use of magic in the initial stage, weaving a protective cover in your brain, so that it can form an effective resistance when the enemy uses intent of dementia on you.

  The advanced Occlumency Cerebral technique not only completes the weaving of the protective cover, but also weaves a layer of your "created" memory on the outside, allowing the enemy to receive false news.

Even though Cedric has some accumulation in this area, these three books are still too difficult for him. Only one-fifth of the first book has been read throughout the afternoon and evening. It is even more important to truly master the tricks. It will take at least a few years.

   After borrowing one of them, Cedric rubbed his puffy eyes and returned to the bedroom.

   When Cedric came back, his roommates suddenly exclaimed, "Cedric, I heard you stayed in the library all afternoon?"

   Cedric nodded indifferently, after all, staying in the library is not a shameful thing.

   "There is a book in the library that I read a little fascinated."

   After seeing the book that Cedric was holding, Foran couldn't help but said, "I think something must be wrong with the sorting hat. You are a Ravenclaw by nature."

   "My mother thinks so too, but I think the Sorting Hat feels that I am more upright, that's why I came to Hufflepuff." Cedric said shamelessly.

   The next day, Cedric arrived outside the House of Request also early in the morning, but today, he was not looking for treasure again.

   "I need an alchemy room." After walking back and forth three times, Cedric opened the door and walked in.

   I have to say that this alchemy room is far more luxurious than he imagined. In addition to the standard alchemy stand and alchemy equipment, there is even a not-small ritual altarpiece.

  Alchemy is a complicated science of magic, and Cedric, who has an LV1 level of alchemy, is not a complete novice.

   is mainly divided into two sub-disciplines in alchemy, the first is enchanting, and the second is alchemy.

  The former usually uses incantations or magical materials, and engraves special spells on items to transform them into alchemy items.

   The latter uses rituals or refinements to change the nature of things, such as creating a fire that can burn but only 30 degrees Celsius, UU read www.uukanshu. Com this belongs to the study of refinement.

   To cite another example, the basilisk is a product of alchemy. Through mysterious rituals, the nature of the egg is changed to give birth to a powerful and magical creature like the basilisk.

   Generally speaking, the difficulty of the latter is much higher than that of the former. The highest masterpiece of training is the Philosopher’s Stone in this world.

As a beginner, Cedric certainly does not expect to be able to complete the refining of the Sorcerer’s Stone. For him, being able to master enchantment proficiently and refining a few magical equipment that can save his life is the first in the past four years. Important.

   If you want to train a qualified alchemist, in addition to massive knowledge and extraordinary talents, the most important thing is a large amount of gold coins.

   Every alchemist is piled up with equal weight of Mithril. This is a motto in the alchemy world, so the alchemists in the British wizarding world have never broken through double digits.

   Want to support an alchemist, relying on the strength of the Cedric family is far from enough, so Cedric's alchemy is only at the stage of getting started and mastering the basic knowledge.

   But with the treasure house in the house of responsiveness, coupled with Mr. Diggory's wool from the Department of Fantastic Beast Management, Cedric is confident that he can take a big step in enchanting.

   took Sniff out of his pocket. The little guy was still dozing in the morning. Cedric scratched his abdomen without sympathy. A large number of magic items collected yesterday kept falling out of his pocket.

   After a simple cleaning in the responsive house yesterday, Cedric has discarded the worthless items aside. There are a total of 7 magic items left, of which 6 are still in a damaged state, and only one is intact.

   After all, as long as it is not a magic item of Ravenclaw's level, it is difficult to withstand the erosion of the years.

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