Marlenia stroked her arm. Her arm was born with a disability, and only the broken part of the arm on the other side remained.

Normally, she would not install a prosthetic leg, but would hang her clothes like this, because her prosthetic leg has a long sword on it and cannot be removed. Once it is installed, it means fighting.

Mare from Sunshade City built a prosthetic leg for her that can be used normally without a sword, but she didn't use it because it was not necessary. She only needed to know that she was just a sharp sword.

Fen Lei on the side said: "Marei has arrived, as well as those from Sunshade City."

Marlenia nodded, she stroked her broken arm and said, "Then, give Greg another half a day."

Finley looked at Malenia and said, "Ms. Malenia, you should pay more attention to yourself."

Marlenia shook her head, she smiled slightly, as if she had thought of something, and said: "Rescue your brother first. As long as you rescue your brother, everything will be fine. Next, if Greg doesn't open the door, then let him Let those Mare guys go, we need to preserve our strength.”

Mare, the lord of Sunshade City, likes the beauty of incompleteness and disease because of his own psychological abnormality, and cannot help but fall in love with Malenia, because Malenia represents the biggest disease and disability in the world.

Born with one arm and one leg missing, and also suffering from the disease of corruption, it can be said that she is the carrier of the goddess of corruption.

In order to follow the Valkyrie, he came here with his Sun Shadow City troops.

But it's obvious that Malenia only has her brother in her heart. As for Mare, he probably can only serve as cannon fodder.

At this moment, inside Stonewell City, Li Ye was wearing a prison soldier's armor and walking slowly. However, because the armor was easy to fall off, he walked a little slowly.

The main reason is that this exiled soldier does not have any good armor. It can only be said that he has a few pieces of cloth wrapped around his head. It is the city's standard soldier armor. Li Ye just walked around the city wearing the armor.

He mainly wanted to take advantage of Marlenia's call to see if there was any difference in this city from before. After all, the map was several times larger. Although the key landmarks had not changed, there were still many The place is different.

The most important thing is the things below this city. If I remember correctly, there is a big guy below Stonewell City.

It is not a corrupted tree spirit, but Godwin, Godwin, the eldest prince of the Golden Tree, a monster returning to the tree whose soul was killed, and part of his body is below.

As for why it was down here, Li Ye thought that it should be brought by Greg. That guy should be Godwin's direct relative, otherwise he would not inherit the core big rune.

But only part of it was brought, and the others were taken away by an ancient dragon. That one was a friend of the eldest prince Godwin, and should be at the bottom of the deep root now.

Li Ye's eyes were deep. He also wanted to collect the demigod bodies. If his pirated Malika collected all these things, it would probably undergo a qualitative change.

He stroked the Exiled Soldier's ax in his hand and nodded. No matter what, he had to go down and take a look later.

And this is not the first time he has touched the corpse of a demigod. There is also Lani's body on the top of the Lienia God's Tower in the Lake. However, because Lani's surveillance is still on him, he did not choose to take it. That corpse, after all, there was a demigod's blow in the surveillance. He still wanted to use it, so he couldn't throw it away.

"Then, we should look for it."

Li Ye was just thinking about how to find a way down, when a shadow enveloped him. When he looked back, he saw that a huge iron can was next to him.

Obviously, this is a Storm Knight, also called the Homeless Knight, for the simple reason that the Storm King was killed.

The original Stonewell City was not Greg's city, but the Storm King's city. However, during the Golden War, he chose to become the enemy of the Golden Army, and his fate was very clear, and he directly turned into the wind.

Some of the storm knights chose to escape. These people were distributed in various places, similar to Sky City and Galede. Others followed the veteran Neo to the snowy mountains.

Later, when the Shard War broke out, Greg fled here. Because of his status as a royal family member, the Golden Army did not do anything to him. He was not afraid that if the Golden Army freed up its hands later, they would liquidate him, so he directly occupied the mountain and became the king. , became the king of Stonewell City.

These homeless knights came back.

Li Ye also spoke at this moment: "Sir, what do you want me to do?"

The Homeless Knight has a very high status here, so there is no problem in calling him "Sir".

The Homeless Knight looked at Li Ye and said, "Boy, it's so late, what are you doing outside?"

Li Ye was thinking about what to do, whether to kill the opponent or knock him out. When he changed his identity, the Homeless Knight sat down on a stone in front of him, with his halberd stuck in the ground on the side. , and then said: "You can't sleep too?"

Li Ye looked at the lost knight, thought of something, and then nodded: "Indeed, sir, I have a bad premonition that prevents me from falling asleep."

The Homeless Knight nodded: "Indeed, that guy Greg made a mistake. He thought that his dirty deeds gave him great power, and he wanted to challenge the Holy Tree. No one knows those things better than us. The strength of the guy.”

Li Ye frowned slightly. He didn't know what to say. Why was this homeless knight so abstract? He walked to the street and saw a soldier in the middle of the night. Instead of suspecting him of being out in the middle of the night, he started talking to him?

This guy must be somewhat seriously ill.

But it is true that most people in this world have some serious diseases, especially that Raushizi Marei, the city lord of Sunyin City. He likes everything bad, likes corruption and incompleteness, and makes his Sunyin City full of poison. Tan, there are monsters everywhere.

During this battle, the Valkyrie used her own soldiers as cannon fodder, causing her Sunyin City to be occupied by the group of Lingzhu Hunters.

Back to the present, Li Ye looked at the knight in front of him and slowly sat down. The knight glanced at Li Ye and then said: "You shouldn't blame me for telling your monarch."

Li Ye shook his head, not knowing what to say. He didn't realize the intention of the man in front of him, so he had to follow his words.

The homeless knight also smiled: "But I also forgot, no matter what, he is your monarch, I just want to say a few words, and I happened to meet him, so you just accompany me to complain, and then you will be fine." Forget it all. As for now, you are not allowed to speak."

Li Ye nodded.

The homeless knight raised his head, looked at the moon and said, "Do you know? The scenery here used to be very prosperous at that time, but the Golden Army conquered it."

Li Ye nodded, and the Homeless Knight sighed: "Boy, do you know? That guy Greg desecrated this city. He was able to escape from the royal city of Rodel by disguising himself as a woman. Oh really Satire."

Li Ye didn't know what to say. He felt that something was wrong with the homeless knight in front of him. He frowned slightly, and a bad idea jumped out of his mind.

He put his hand on the Exile Soldier's ax, and put the other hand on his back. There was a Exile Soldier's sword hanging in the scabbard, but what was inside was not the Exile Soldier's sword, but Li Ye's. The long sword, the sword of night and fire.

It was impossible for the homeless knight not to have seen Li Ye's actions, but he continued to speak: "A person like him has no dignity at all. In theory, he should be the worst monarch, but we are still willing to do it for him." And fight, do you know why?”

Li Ye narrowed his eyes, and the meaning was unclear. At this time, he said: "I don't know, I would like to hear the details."

The homeless knight sighed and stood up slowly, very slowly, as if he hadn't sat down enough. After he stood up, his tall body blocked the moonlight, and the black shadow just covered Li Ye.

"The reason is not complicated. Although he has no dignity, he has good qualities. In order to recall our old troops, he faced the risk of being killed by the Golden Army at any time. This is different from being able to kneel down and beg for help for us. The old General Neo is almost the same."

The homeless knight slowly picked up the halberd from the ground, and then continued: "And we can also see that he wants to improve his beliefs. As the saying goes, a man can bend and stretch, and we are also willing to watch such a man. How far can a person go?"

Li Ye slowly stretched out his hand and pulled out the long sword. He had already seen that something was wrong with the guy in front of him. The long sword blade with runes reflected little bits of light under the moonlight. It was the night sky. with the light of fire.

But the homeless knight did not take action. He just turned around slowly and walked towards the distance, which was where he was originally going. As he walked, he said: "Okay, soldier, I have finished speaking. You It’s time to go back to sleep, don’t worry about everything tomorrow, everything is with us.”

Li Ye looked at the homeless knight and was stunned for a moment, then he said, "What's your name?"

The homeless knight looked back at Li Ye, and then said: "Hey soldier, you can call me, Ingwill."

Li Ye shook his head, and then slowly walked forward. This guy was one of the wings of the Storm King, Ingwill.

He was not shocked that he could see through his disguise, but was surprised that he didn't do anything.

"Do you think I'm a member of the Holy Tree Army?"

Li Ye shook his head. It should be like this. He thought he was a member of the Holy Tree Army, but he did not stop him. The reason was simple, because he already knew that if Li Ye was a member of the Holy Tree Army, he would be killed. Li Ye is of no use, so it's better not to kill him.

And what he said just now probably told Li Ye that they, the Homeless Knights, would never let Greg die. Even if the decision he made was indeed foolish, they would be devastated and willing to die for him to stop him. Holy Tree Army.

"Do you want to use your life to make Greg wake up? It's interesting. In order to repay your kindness, I will use my life to awaken your conscience, but I'm afraid it will backfire and make Greg even more extreme."

"But what does it have to do with me? I'm not the Holy Tree Army. If you want to die with the Holy Tree Army, you have nothing to do with me."

Li Ye shook his head and walked forward indifferently. It would be best if there was no conflict. He was not willing to have a conflict yet.

Slowly, he returned to the stronghold. Na Se Lian looked at Li Ye coming back, raised his eyes, took a look, then lowered his head and said, "Why are you back? Did you find what you wanted?"

Li Ye shook his head, sat aside indifferently, picked up a roasted bird leg and started eating: "No, it was discovered."

Se Lian said casually: "As expected of you, it is indeed in line with your results."

When Li Ye heard this, he looked up at Se Lian and said, "Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about? Are my infiltration skills so bad?"

Se Lian nodded: "You failed in both infiltrations, didn't you?"

Li Ye said: "Hey, hey, hey, I was betrayed by those two idiots last time!"

Se Lian spread his palms and said jokingly: "That was also a failure, wasn't it?"

Se Lian didn't know what kind of psychological preparation he had done for himself during the day, and he started to be black-bellied again.

Li Ye sighed: "I'm really convinced."

At this time, a big bird fell from the sky and wanted to rob Li Ye's bird legs. Li Ye slapped it: "Hey, hey, hey, this could be your second uncle, you want to eat it too?"

These things were all baked by Se Lian when Li Ye went out just now. This guy has a very good control of details and the things he made are also very good.

It can also be regarded as a good energy supplement.

And Se Lian looked at Li Ye who was eating bird legs, and there was a little relief in her eyes. She suddenly said: "Will you leave?"

Li Ye glanced at Se Lian, and then said: "What's wrong? Where should I go if I don't leave? Stay in Stonewell City?"

Se Lian shook her head and stopped talking. Li Ye looked at her and sighed helplessly: "Hurry up and rest. Tomorrow, I guess the decisive battle will be."

After saying this, he raised his head, looked at the moon, opened his mouth slightly, and exhaled a foul breath.

"Multi-line control is really brain-consuming. Sometimes I really don't want to think about these messy things."

"Then don't think about it. Well, don't think about it. I really give up."

Li Ye looked at Stonewell City, where people live and work in peace and contentment, and shook his head. Maybe Greg is indeed a good monarch.

He is just a person who wants to be mediocre all the time. His biggest ambition is to inherit the title of gold. He has no idea of ​​becoming the king of Elden.

This is the same as Li Ye. If Li Ye didn't have the system, he would also be such a person without ambition.

But there is no way, this world cannot tolerate mediocrity.

The sky is bright, and the gate of Stonewell City is still not opened. The battle is about to begin.

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