The terrain of the border looks like a letter C. The Holy Tree, Snow Mountain, Yatan Plateau, Lake Lienia, Nimgfu, and Gelid are arranged in order on this C.

The Volcano Residence is a protruding place between Lake Lienia and Yatan Plateau. It is surrounded by steep cliffs. Although it is also adjacent to Lake Lienia, it can only be entered from Yatan Plateau.

In addition, Nimgfu also has a protruding place called Weeping Peninsula.

In addition, there is nothing special about this C-shaped continent.

Of course, Li Ye also knows that this continent was not originally in the shape of a C, but a circle. The center is not empty, but a shadow land, which is where Marika became a god.

It’s just that Marika hid it after becoming a god, and only a few gods can enter it.

And if you want to become a real god, a god with his own laws, you must also enter the shadow land and baptize yourself.

"If you want to repair the law, you need a god and a king. Except for Rani, who can abandon the law by giving up everything, the rest of the people who want to become kings can only continue to use Marika as a god, and Marika still carries the golden law."

"In the subsequent update of the law, no matter which law ring is in the center, its core is still the golden law. Even the ending of the old eight era has not changed everything with the golden tree as the main body."

Li Ye shook his head. God knows what Marika is thinking. If she wants to get rid of the control of the golden tree, she should let the shadow land return, so that more changes can be produced.

"Could it be that he failed before completing his career? Was he stabbed in the back by his own half, Ladagon?"

Li Ye didn't know, but there was no need to pursue these. What he was going to do now had nothing to do with the Shadow Land, but was related to the disappearance of the Shadow Land.

Because of the disappearance of the Shadow Land, the world became a C shape, resulting in only one way for any force to lead the army to the territory of another force.

And now there happened to be such a person who wanted to lead the army to another person's territory.

"The Holy Tree Army, Marennia received instructions from Michaela to go to Galid to find the strongest demigod Latan, kill him, obtain his soul to piece together a King of Yobutt, so as to achieve her goal of becoming a god."

It's very confusing and ridiculous, but this is what happened.

To put it simply, Marennia wanted to fight with Latan, but these two people, one was in the Holy Tree and the other was in Galid, just at the two ends of the C. If they wanted to meet, it would be really troublesome to open the door for trouble, and it would be troublesome.

Then there will be many events, for example, Marennia will pass through Lake Lienia to go to Nimgofu, and Marennia needs to build Stonewell City, a key location in Nimgofu, to make way for her army to go to Galid.

In the meantime, Li Ye can operate a lot of things.

For example, the weakest demigod Greg will be beaten by Marennia to the point that he will not recognize his mother, and then kneel down to lick her feet, and get the hope of survival.

"As a heroic person, I hate others begging for help the most. I want to stop this from happening. So, do you understand?"

Li Ye sat at the table, looking at Se Lian in front of him, and said so. Se Lian glanced at Li Ye, elegantly flipped through the book in his hand, wrote something on it with a pen, and then said: "So you want to kill Marennia to save Greg from humiliation?"

Li Ye smiled and shook his head: "Of course not! I want to kill Greg in advance so that he can't kneel down, right?"

Se Lian didn't say anything, but lowered his head to continue studying the finger. The two of them are now in Li Ye's residence, where Se Lian lives. There are also many different opinions about the relationship between the two.

But in fact, the relationship between the two is very subtle. They are neither friends nor enemies, but Li Ye dares to tell Se Lian some things, and Se Lian has no secrets from Li Ye.

After hearing what Li Ye said, Se Lian rolled her eyes and said helplessly: "Sure enough, this sentence is consistent with my observation of you."

Li Ye shook his head: "Do you trust the future I have explored so much? This is the future!"

Se Lian's expression did not change. She still looked uninterested in anything and said: "The future is not set. Since you said all this and want to make changes, then there is no possibility of a set future."

Li Ye sighed: "Can you be more excited? I told you all this secret."

Se Lian shook his head: "That will make you feel happy, which is inconsistent with my idea."

Se Lian knows more and more how to control Li Ye.

Li Ye was helpless: "Okay, okay, boring woman, we are going to slaughter the first demigod next, what do you think?"

Se Lian looked up at Li Ye, then lowered his head to read: "No, according to your personality analysis, you will not do things that you are not sure of, so you must have prepared everything."

Li Ye was even more speechless: "Okay, boring woman."

He was preparing to leave. Of course, everyone knew about his departure, and not many people opposed it, because Li Ye had already proved his strength with facts.

As for the fact, it was the success of bringing back the Full Moon Queen with the lives of one-third of the magicians in the entire Rhea Lukalia.

As for whether Rhea Lukalia will invade here in the future, Li Ye is not worried, because Marennia will pass by here soon, and those fools will not choose to fight at this time as long as they don’t have a big bag on their heads.

After all, Rhea Lukalia is not the Rhea Lukalia where the Full Moon Queen was still there before. The magicians now are disunited and basically do not have any sense of honor and disgrace as students. Let alone fighting the Holy Tree, even fighting Kalia is difficult.

Therefore, whether in terms of the source of troops or

the top strength, they are all scum in front of the Holy Tree. In order to avoid being eliminated, they will never jump out at this time.

At night, Li Ye walked along the fog in Rhea Lukalia and saw the blue-skinned four-handed monster in front of him, that is, Lani.

He originally wanted to find a place to relax and see if he could find any hidden treasure, but he encountered a thick fog for no reason. It was obvious that it was Lani who wanted to see him.

After seeing Lani, Li Ye said lazily: "Oh? Princess Lani, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why did you release the thick fog to summon me this time?"

This time, Lani was still sitting on the high wall, and it was the highest wall around.

She glanced at Li Ye and then said: "I just came out to relax. I didn't expect to see you. I didn't intend to summon you."

Li Ye glanced at Lani's face, which didn't turn red at all, and felt a little helpless. The thick fog just now almost lifted Li Ye over by himself.

Li Ye did not expose her, but smiled and said: "So, what's the matter, Princess Lani?"

Lani did not continue the previous topic, she just looked at Li Ye and said: "You are leaving."

Li Ye nodded and showed his finger: "Different paths, no plan."

He was not sure whether Lani could understand the words of the finger, so he just showed it to Lani a little bit, so that Lani could see that it was the power of the finger.

Lani saw Li Ye's finger, frowned slightly, and clenched her fingers a little.

Li Ye sighed and continued: "I've said it before, Shuangzhi and I are not in a cooperative relationship, but are related to a higher level, so your fate has nothing to do with me."

Lani looked at Li Ye and then sighed: "Do you think I'm really right? You can see clearly, the distant future."

Li Ye grabbed the wall and flew to Lani's side. He sat not too close, but not too far away. Because Li Ye was 1.79 meters tall, Lani's body rarely showed a shortness in front of him.

"Ah, I finally found a demigod who is shorter than me. Those demigods are too tall, which makes me unconfident. You are still a puppet with a good body."

Lani's body suddenly paused, and then said: "Disrespectful person!"

[Ding, Lani's negative emotions +10086]

Feeling the information from the main body, Li Ye felt a long-lost happiness. The main body was recently taken to Marvel to suppress the situation, so he didn't have the heart to look at the system. It has been a long time since he listened to such a beautiful voice.

At this moment, Lani obviously wanted to leave, and Li Ye looked at Lani and then said, "Okay, if you want to know the answer, let me sit here."

Lani looked at Li Ye, and then did not speak, just looking forward.

Li Ye then looked at the intersection of the moon and the golden tree, and then said, "My answer is that no one knows whether it is right or wrong. Everyone's fate is predetermined, so how boring it would be, and even if I say that what you did is wrong, will you stop? Black Knife Night, abandoning yourself, stealing the Black Knife Mark, you have done all these, will you stop?"

Lani sighed, she looked at her fingers, as if she understood something, but it seemed that she didn't understand anything. Li Ye looked at Lani and smiled and stretched out his hand.

Of course, he didn't choose to touch Lani. After all, this guy is a god, who can directly evaporate the protagonist Fader behind. Li Ye stretched out his hand to touch the moon in the sky

The moonlight and the light of the golden tree passed through Li Ye's palm and sprinkled on Li Ye's face, appearing mottled and uncertain: "Destiny is determined by two fingers. Let me tell you a secret. The Supreme Will has given up the two fingers because the magic ring is broken. Destiny is only determined by oneself, isn't it?"

Lani glanced at Li Ye, and then said: "But this road is too long."

Li Ye turned around, his eyes had turned into golden pupils, not the golden pupils of a giant dragon, but the golden eyes filled with the energy of the Supreme Golden Tree, and the vertical pupils of the dragon were hidden in the deepest part.

He just smiled and said: "Is it long? Is it longer than slaughtering all the demigods? The road to becoming a king is always long, but others are the combination of gods and kings, and you are only a god, so you have to go longer. But the road has been chosen, and there is no reason to give up, right?"

Lani Zhang's mouth was stuck, and she wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Li Ye also slowly stood up and said to Lani: "Okay, I've finished my reasoning, and I should go, Your Highness Lani!"

Lani glanced at Li Ye, and then continued to resume her cold appearance: "You are really arrogant, Knight Li Ye, using some principles that I already knew to fool me."

Li Ye glanced at Lani, and then laughed: "It's really not cute, Your Highness Lani, please remember that I am not your subordinate. I am the spokesperson of the Supreme Will!"

Li Ye jumped down and left. He will probably use the title of Spokesperson of the Supreme Will for a long time. This is the right given to him by the mother of the general manager's fingers, and he should have it.

After all, the chairman's supreme will was gone. Li Ye, with the help of the general manager, said that he was the chairman, so there was no problem. The other general managers were not in this branch anyway.

As for why Li Ye enlightened Lani, this guy who was unprofitable and couldn't afford to be early also had his own profound meaning.

He would not simply enlighten another little girl without gaining anything, even though this little girl is probably older than him.

And looking at Li Ye's leaving figure, Lani's eyes were also full of different meanings.

The next day, Li Ye was about to leave, and Iggy found Li Ye. He looked at Li Ye, with no expression on his reflective mirror helmet, and just said to Li Ye: "Knight Li Ye, I understand, you have your own mission, but I thank you for your enlightenment to Your Highness Lani. You know, she is not yet determined on her own path."

Li Ye did not speak, but nodded slightly: "Although our roads are not connected, there is no conflict. I am only responsible for the repair work of the big rune. As for where the big rune goes afterwards, I don't care, so in I will help you along the way."

Iggy stretched out his huge palm towards Li Ye: "These things were ordered by Her Highness Lani to give you. You can take them. They will be of great help to you in the future."

Li Ye took a look at Iggy's hand and saw that there was indeed what he wanted, which was something called the Inverted Statue. This was the reason why he taught Lani to improve her favorability.

Iji looked at Li Ye with a look that showed no sparkle. He just said: "Your Highness Li Ye, Your Highness Lani is a demigod whom I believe in for a month. She is kind and innocent. Can I beg you not to hurt her. "

When Li Ye heard this, he looked up in shock and saw the face revealed by Iggy after taking off his helmet. His face was a normal mountain demon face, but his eyes were full of sincerity.

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