Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 866 Mugram: Knight Li Ye is truly a god.

At night, Mugram looked at everything in front of him from the window sill of his dormitory.

It was rare for the magic academy to be brightly lit at night, and it would make people feel quite uncomfortable.

But what's even more uncomfortable is that these guys didn't find the real culprit.

He was forced to summon teachers from the entire college, and under the pressure of being at odds with these teachers, he brought them together, but he still could not find the murderer, and a large number of people were killed by the murderer.

Mugram also felt a little strange. He didn't know how Li Ye could do it. After killing someone here, he could still escape from the magic blockade and even kill another person in the classroom.

"No wonder that guy Iggy is willing to let him do all this."

Mugram shook his head. At this moment, he felt the smell of blood reaching his nose. As a knight, Mugram was quite familiar with this kind of thing. He turned back and pulled out the gun hidden in his pants. The long sword was swung behind him.

But the next second, a long knife blocked the attack, and he saw clearly the person in front of him. That person was Li Ye.

Mugram breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh, I'm scared to death."

Li Ye shook his head: "You must have scared me. How come you hid the sword in your pants and no one found it?"

Mugram snorted and smiled: "Exclusive stunt! You will never learn it."

Li Ye was helpless: "Okay, okay, exclusive stunt, exclusive stunt. By the way, was that the sword hilt or something else that day?"

Mugram was stunned for a moment, then said awkwardly: "It must be the hilt of the sword! What are you thinking? I thought you were caught that day and went to find you."

Li Ye shook his head: "No need, no one can catch me here. I learned Miriam's space magic."

Mugram said helplessly: "Okay, okay, no wonder you were able to kill this person and then go directly to the other side to massacre that classroom."

After the words fell, Li Ye was stunned for a moment, and he said in disbelief: "What? You didn't do it?"

Mugram was also stunned: "What?"

Li Ye said: "Kill that person instead of me. I thought it was you. In order to save you, I killed a person in the classroom and wanted to help you escape."

Mugram also spoke: "It wasn't me! I thought you killed that person and then escaped and killed someone in the classroom."

Li Ye frowned, looked at Mugram in front of him and said, "It's not you and it's not me? Could it be that it's really Netherland? This isn't right either."

Mugram shook his head: "I'm not sure. Is it a vendetta? Imitate your killing methods and use your name to kill your enemies?!"

Li Ye shook his head: "I don't know, but this is good for us. We just need to mix up the water in Rhea Lucalia Academy, and then we can take the opportunity to take away the Full Moon Queen."

Mugram nodded: "So, how long do we have until we can save the Full Moon Queen?"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "According to my plan, we will take action one month later! During this time, you don't need to take action. You just need to run away with the Queen in the end."

Mugram said: "What about you?"

Li Ye shook his head: "I don't need to worry, you only need to worry about yourself. The secret passage will definitely be blocked by then, and it will be difficult for you to get out."

Mugram was stunned for a moment: "Yes, then how will the queen and I leave?"

Li Ye smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: "What do you think this is?"

Li Ye stretched out his hand, and in his hand was a key, a key engraved with the Rhea Lucalia emblem.

Mugram was stunned: "This key? Where did you get it?"

When the Shard War was launched, Rhea Lucalia Mage Academy chose to stay in seclusion. Except for the assistance to the Cuckoo Knight, they basically would not go out. If they wanted to go out, they needed to apply for this key.

Rhea Lucalia Mage Key.

Li Ye smiled slightly: "It was in Razli's hand. He wanted to go out at that time, but no one knew that he wanted to go out, so the key is safe."

Mugram said: "What about you?"

Li Ye said: "I said, I don't need to worry."

Li Ye really doesn't need to worry. He knows that there is another place in the college where a key is hidden, and that place is also easy to get to. That is on top of the Cuckoo Church. In the game, you need to walk a long way to get there, but in reality Different, the real Li Ye can climb the wall.

Mugram nodded doubtfully: "So how did you kill that Razli? Your strength can already kill a professor without anyone noticing?"

Li Ye was stunned for a moment: "Who said I killed Razli?"

Mugram said: "Not you?"

Li Ye was speechless: "No, you haven't seen clearly the form in Rhea Lucalia after eating it for so many days?"

Mugram looked helpless: "No, you acted alone, and you didn't tell me what to do."

Li Ye thought about it, and it seemed that this was really the case. He said helplessly: "It's okay, just leave it like that. I will tell you how to leave when the time comes."

Mugram nodded: "Don't worry! I will seize the opportunity."

It was late at night, and Netherlands originally had many allies, including Caleros, Servis, and two professors, but his only two opponents were Razli and Yug.

Yog said he didn't want to compete for the position of dean, and Lazli was also ruined by him.

But what about now? Kaleros left him and said that this time he would become the dean and purge the entire college.

And Servis also left, saying that he was not worth investing in.

And Yug also wanted to take the position of dean again and suppress all problems forcefully.

These people stood on the opposite side of him, and with the disloyalty of the college teachers towards him, he felt that his position as dean could not be kept.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Netherland gritted his teeth. He didn't understand what he did wrong. He just wanted to be a dean.

"Damn it!"

He shook his head and pushed down the book in front of him. Under the book was a dagger, which represented the dagger "Pyroxene Kris" representing the leader of the college.

This dagger should be used by the dean, but now it is in the hands of Netherland. This was obtained in advance when he, Kaleros and Servis were allies some time ago.

But now this thing has become a symbol of irony for him.

Just as he was about to pick up the dagger, a student's voice rang out beside him: "Professor, I'm here to get a book."

Netherland was stunned for a moment, he turned around and looked at the student, and said: "What book are you here to get?"

The student said: "Professor, it's the historical data of Radagon replacing Godfrey to ascend the throne. Professor Caleros asked me to get it."

Netherland was stunned again. Radagon replaced Godfrey as the king. This was history known to the entire border area. Now Caleros asked the student to come to him to get this history. Isn't it telling him that Caleros will replace him?

His face gradually became ferocious and he gave all the books to the student: "Get out! Get out!"

The student was so scared that he hurried out. After the student left, Netherland grabbed the pyroxene Chris in front of him and said viciously: "Okay! Since everyone thinks that I have a problem, then I'd better really have a problem!"

Now he only hopes that the damn assassin will kill more obstacles on his way to becoming the dean.

Those obstacles that turned from helpers

He now understood that the original alliance between Caleros and Servais and him was also because he needed him to help them do some shameful things after he became the dean. At that time, he had to do it in order to become the dean.

But now

"Hehe, assassin. Kill more, and then I will kill you. By then, my reputation will definitely reach its peak! By then, all the students will be on my side. Do I still need to do what you want me to do? Do I still need to agree to your conditions? Hehe."

He didn't take the assassin to heart, thinking that it was only a matter of time to find the assassin, so what he wanted more was for the assassin to kill more people.

"And as long as I become the dean, it's not easy to find an assassin, hehe. So now, I need you to help me kill a few more people."

What he didn't notice was that after walking out of the door, the student took off his pyroxene stone headgear, and the face under the headgear turned out to be Li Ye's face.

"Hehe. Let this fire burn more fiercely!"

During this period, Li Ye has been running around in various places, worsening the relationship between all of them.

In the academy, the number of deaths is increasing day by day. Of course, not all of them were killed by Li Ye.

Some of them were killed by the Netherlands, and some were killed by unknown people. Li Ye did not find out who the murderer was. It is possible that it was not just one person, but a group of people.

The only explanation now is that Mugram said, "The one who made enemies took the opportunity to kill people."

Of course, all the dead were supporters of Yog and Kaleros. The number of supporters of the Netherlands did not decrease at all, which made the situation of the entire academy more and more subtle.

"Have you heard? The election for the dean will start in half a month. Who do you support?"

"Of course I support Professor Netherland!"

"I would like to support Miss Se Lian, but there is no way. Teacher Se Lian has no intention of becoming a professor."

"Oh, listen to my advice and choose Professor Netherland. Now the college is saying that the assassin is really supported by Professor Netherland. You don't know how many people died in the magic teaching and research department."

"Is it true?"

"Of course it is true!"

Li Ye watched all this above the discussion room with a smile on his face. His method achieved the desired effect.

People are still dying.

"Golden Tree Assassin" is like a ghost, constantly slaughtering the lives of students in this college.

However, the college's largest defensive force, the college's self-defense department, did not do its best to search for this guy. As for the reason, they themselves don't know, they only know that it was required by the upper department.

The atmosphere in the college is now depressing. From students to teachers, people are panicking. No one dares to go out at night, and no one dares to walk alone.

But the upper class didn't care about all this. None of the remaining four professors cared about the feelings of the lower-level students.

Servais himself was like this. He didn't care about anyone but his puppets.

Nedland was obsessed with becoming the dean.

Caleros was obsessed with finding Nedland's weakness.

And Yug was obsessed with solving the case and finding the existence of the golden assassin.

The four college professors were like this, which led to a sharp increase in the mental pressure of the lower-level students.

All this is brewing in this depressing atmosphere.

People don't know whether tomorrow will come first or death will come first.

Half a month has passed, and the number of people in the academy has even decreased by 4%. Don't think this is a small number. The disappearance of 4% of the students can already cause the entire academy to fall into great panic.

You should know that the base number of students in the academy is quite large.

In the discussion room, Li Ye shook his head at the ability value that had just been printed out. Sure enough, it is not so easy to upgrade from lv.5 to lv.6. The original protagonist Bell Crane also slowed down here. He has only accumulated 50% now.

However, the current strength is enough. Li Ye looked at the long knife on his back. Anyway, he was not the main person to do it.

He looked at the Netherlands who was sneaking out of the door in the distance, and smiled slightly: "It's time to do it! Give the life of the academy a perfect end!"

At the same time, Yug was in the underground mine of Rhea Lukalia, looking at the students in the Haimo classroom in front of him. They grabbed two people, two Kalia knights.

That's right, the knights of Kalia! It was Shi Da Ke and Shi Tian Gou.

When they were caught, they were sneaking around and almost found this place, but then they were discovered and caught by the people in the Haimo classroom.

Yuger looked at the two people and narrowed his eyes slightly: "You two, what are you doing here?"

Shi Tian Gou was numb: "We came to..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuger hit Shi Tian Gou's arm with a stick, and it became a meat paste.

Shi Tian Gou screamed, and the screams of pain resounded throughout the cave.

Shi Da Ke looked at Yug in front of him and Shi Tian Gou's arm, and hurriedly said: "We are here to find our brother Li Ye. He wants to lead us to attack Rhea Lukalia and rescue the Queen of the Full Moon!"

Yug looked at Shi Da Ke and smiled coldly: "Very good, then, was it he who told you that there is a secret passage here?"

Shi Da Ke said: "Yes, he said so."

Yug nodded, and then continued: "Okay, I know, when did he come?"

Shi Da Ke said: "One month ago!"

Yug's pupils shrank, and then immediately returned to their original appearance. He looked at Shi Da Ke in front of him and smiled slightly: "So, how strong is he?"

Shi Da Ke trembled and said: "Uh, he... His strength is not as good as the two of us, he... He also wants to call the two of us to come together"


The stick fell, and Shi Da Ke became a pulp. Yug slowly stood up. He looked at the surrounding Haimo Classroom Academy and smiled coldly: "Everyone, we seem to have found the murderer!"

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