Li Ye swung his sword and killed the people around him. He looked at the soldiers following behind him and nodded.

The soldiers were quite excited when they saw Li Ye's nod. They had watched Li Ye's battles from a distance several times, and this was the first time they were close to this knight.

Since the arrival of this knight, the whole of Calia no longer needs to think about fighting the Cuckoo Knights. This knight is well-known throughout Calia.

Li Ye did not speak, but continued to slash and slash, directly dividing the Dujuan soldier on the opposite side into two halves.

Reality is not a game. Dead soldiers will not turn into dust. Now, the ground is covered with blood and broken limbs.

Because of Li Ye's leadership, the battlefield has entered a stage of intense heat. Li Ye wields his two swords, which are deadly.

Magical weapons and real weapons complement each other, and there is even a magic crossover. He can use the Kaliya Swift Sword and the Pyrexite Magic Gravel to fight at the same time, which makes the mage look stupid.

"Is this a battle chant? How did he do it! His own state is unstable, how does he ensure the stability of magic! Isn't he afraid of the magic exploding in his body?"

Even the original faded ones adhere to one characteristic, which is to cast magic while standing still. In the entire game, except for the red wolf of Radagan, there is basically no one who can cast magic while moving, but Li Ye is really not afraid.

A game is a game and reality is reality. If you can’t put it in your game, why can’t I put it in reality?

If you want to ask Li Ye why he is so fluent, Li Ye can say that he doesn’t know. He just knows that when he comes up with the magic name, he can deduct the magic power and then release the magic. As for what magic path, magic path conflict, chanting, and outline the magic Heraldry, what does this have to do with Li Ye?

The cuckoo knight looked at Li Ye in front of him, picked up his big shield, looked at the white-robed mage on the side, and roared: "Damn it! My soldiers. You guys, can you still fight!"

The white-robed mage also came to his senses at this time: "I need magic power! I need a lot of magic power! You have to protect me again! I also hurt him just now! You should know my strength."

The Cuckoo Knight gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll just endure it a little longer!"

At this moment, Li Ye put away the long knife and wiped the staff. The blood on the staff somewhat affected the image of the staff. It was not that he did not want to continue fighting at this moment, but that he already had wounds on his body.

The most important thing is that the wound is still on his butt. It is a magician who attacked his butt while he was not paying attention. The magic of hanging hair is quite far away. It should be the Great Stone Demon Rubble, the guy who uses magic. The level is not low either. According to Li Ye's favor level, he must be around lv.5.

And his dragon blood level is not high enough, so he cannot recover quickly from such wounds.

"Although the fighting ability is strong, the physical strength is still insufficient, which is still a flaw."

"The Word Spirit Snake's detection of the physical body is very accurate, but its detection of magic is a bit awkward and needs to be improved."

"There is no one here. I have to take off my pants quickly and put a bandage on my butt. I can't hurt my brother."

Reality is not a game. It is impossible to stop bleeding after being injured. The wound on his butt is not small, and it has been bleeding.

He didn't want to miss the opportunity to kill, so he wanted to find a place to bandage it and continue fighting, but the location of the wound was not very good, so it was a bit difficult to bandage it, as he had to take off his pants.

"You have to find a place to take off your pants."

".These guys are much better than before. If these guys hadn't come, I probably wouldn't have won easily."

At the same time, he also looked at the battlefield in front of him and shook his head. Kallia's soldiers were all weaker than the Cuckoo Knights. The combat effectiveness of those guys was far lower than that of the Cuckoo Knights. Even though the Cuckoo Knights were stronger this time, they were still not as strong as the Cuckoo Knights. As for this.

"Is it because Kallia's side is not elite?"

At this time, a guy ran over and squatted next to Li Ye: "Sir Knight Li Ye, I am the captain of this group of Kalia knights. I was ordered by Lord Blaze to help you. "

Li Ye nodded: "It came in time, but the effect is not much. You are a bit weak."

Li Ye didn't show much kindness to the people. After all, he was not a knight of Calia, and he didn't need to have a good relationship with the lower-level soldiers.

More importantly, he wanted to quickly deal with the wound on his butt, which was a little painful.

After being choked by Li Ye, the soldier said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Knight Li Ye, we are all new recruits, so we have little combat experience."

Li Ye looked at the soldier and shook his head: "As expected, Blaze refused to give me the elite."

The soldier hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, Lord Knight, it's because there are no veterans left in Kallia. The battles have almost killed the veterans."

Li Ye thought about it. It was probably that Kalia didn't have many troops. Du Juan came again and again, so Kalia had to bring out old soldiers to guard it.

Then the repeated attacks left veterans dead. Moreover, the Carian Walled City was originally inhabited by the Carian nobles, and there were not many residents in the first place.

If not for the fact that Queen Full Moon was sleeping and Cuckoo had seized power, where would these civilians loyal to Kallia be here?

This resulted in a small number of residents inside, and there was no time for new recruits to replenish it, which directly led to Kallia's lack of employment, and then it became what it is now.

"Okay. It's really troublesome. I don't know how Blaze would have defended the city without me."

Li Ye stretched out his hand, holding his holy mark. The next second, he raised the holy mark in his hand, and the light covered everyone.

"Golden Tree Vow!"

Everyone was stunned. They looked at their hands and refused to believe: "Why has my power increased so much?"

Li Ye looked at their appearance and shouted helplessly: "Soldiers, kill them!"

The soldiers quickly woke up from Li Ye's shouting, and knew that it was the credit of this knight. They rushed to kill happily: "Kill!!"

The captain looked at Li Ye and said excitedly: "Knight. Sir Knight, you."

Li Ye glanced at him and was helpless again. His butt was still bleeding: "Can you go and chop them up quickly? Don't hang around here. I haven't Treat the wound. "

The captain immediately rushed forward excitedly: "For the glory of Knight Li Ye! For the honor of Princess Ranie! We will never fail!"

The Cuckoo Knight was numb when he saw this scene. He raised his shield and looked at the mage behind him: "Can we still win?"

The mage gave a thumbs up: "We will win! I have recovered! As long as we kill the meat grinder, this prayer will naturally dissipate. This is what Radagan taught us. "

The Cuckoo Knight didn't want to say anything. You used the method taught by Princess Ranie's father to fight Princess Ranie. If Radagan knew about this, what would he think?


At this moment, on the other side of the battlefield, Li Ye, who was running constantly, shook his head. He wanted to find a place where no one was, take off his pants and bandage his buttocks, but no matter where he went, someone was watching him.

Whether it was himself or the enemy.

"Damn it, it's so annoying!"

At this moment, he felt that he was bleeding too much, causing a bit of double vision in front of him. The wound on his butt was still very serious, so he released a prayer again: "Golden Tree Grace!"

Large-scale blood recovery prayer can continuously restore blood to people, but reality is not a game. The effect of this prayer has become to continuously increase vitality, so that the damned will not die, but the wounds cannot be recovered and still need bandages.

The captains were so happy that they screamed and were even happier: "Brothers! For the glory of Knight Li Ye!"

"For Knight Li Ye!"

"Battlefield meat grinder!"

"So what is a meat grinder?"

"Who knows, why do you care so much, this is called cool!"

So Li Ye inexplicably gained a huge favorability of residents and soldiers.

Li Ye didn't care so much, he just wanted to quietly find a place to bandage himself first, so that his butt would not bleed again.

However, at this time, a figure descended from the sky: "Li Ye! Meat grinder on the battlefield! Let me stop you!"

Li Ye didn't want to say anything: "No, I just want to bandage my butt, who are you?"

He looked at the Cuckoo Knight in front of him, holding a large shield in his hand, followed by a stone-headed wizard in a white robe. The two of them stood in a very showy position, with a large shield and a staff, they were quite invincible.

The cuckoo knight spoke: "I am the cuckoo knight, Tang Shan!"

The mage on the other side also spoke: "I am the invincible mage, Tang Hao!"

Li Ye was stunned when he saw it: "Good guy, a father-son game."

The mage looked at Li Ye and laughed: "The wound is still bleeding! Your wound! I left it!"

Li Ye was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became unfriendly: "Huh? You left it? I finally found someone."

The big shield knight Tang Shan laughed: "Take your life! I will use my big shield to defeat your thin long sword and magic dagger!"

Then he stopped talking because he saw a magic hammer appear in the staff in Li Ye's hand.

Haimo Hammer, developed by the battlefield mage Haimo faction, can cause huge impact force. The game effect is to make a magic hammer to smash down, and the real effect is to make a magic-cast Haimo Hammer, and if the magic power is enough, it will not disappear, and the attack can be accompanied by magic impact force.

The mage spoke at this time: "Don't be afraid! Tangshan, you just need to hold him, I can quickly pour out magic. He maintains the magic hammer, so he can't use long-range magic! You can only use one magic at a time, this is common sense!"

Indeed, this is common sense, and Li Ye can't violate it.

But the next second Li Ye put away the big knife and took out a medium shield.

Kalia Knight Shield, a large shield against magic protection, has extremely high magic protection. Not only that, Li Ye also enchanted a "magic shield" on it.

The effect of the game is to increase defense and damage reduction, and the same is true in reality. Increase the damage reduction rate against magic, increase the defense effect, and make this shield harder. Simply put, it is not easy for magic to penetrate this shield.

Mage Tang Hao: "."

Knight Tangshan: "."

At this time, Tangshan remembered what he asked the mage at that time: "Can we win?"

Tang Hao's answer at that time was

"We will win."

Then they lay on the battlefield. Li Ye's hammer is not an actual hammer, it is a magic hammer, without weight, and can be used directly as a sword, no problem at all.

So, in less than a minute, the two of them lay down, especially the mage, whose butt was cut several times by Li Ye.

Of course, it was opened with magic, so he didn't have any intention of stabbing someone's ass with a knife.

Finally, Li Ye found a bush to bandage himself.

"I have to say, it's good to have a magic professor to help. It's really good to learn a little bit of all kinds of magic."

Miriam is a professor at the Magic Academy, but for various reasons, she defected from the Magic Academy and came here. As for the reason, Miriam didn't say, and Li Ye didn't ask.

But it's probably because the current environment of the Magic Academy is no longer suitable for her research. She has only lived a life of research.

"Well, very good, there is no damage below, otherwise I will have to open a big account to repair it."

After putting on his pants, he stood up: "Soldiers! I'm back! Now! Let's cut these guys down!"

The soldiers didn't know why the cold Li Ye was in such a good mood now, but this made them even more excited!

"Brothers! Kill!"

The ending of the war is simple. How can Li Ye not win?

Back in the city, Li Ye saw Brother Wolf on the city wall and smiled at him.

This guy has always been like this, and he always smiles at everyone.

"This time, I'll trouble you."

Li Ye didn't say anything, but smiled slightly: "Don't worry, as long as you have enough money, I will rescue the full moon queen for you."

This time it was not a simple battle, and Brother Wolf also paid a lot of price to make Li Ye do things for them seriously.

After all, the benefits brought by threats are small.

As for the exquisite staff that Li Ye obtained, there are also a lot of azalea pyroxene. This thing can be thrown out in the game to produce three chasing magic gravels, and the same is true in reality.

However, there are more uses in reality, and it can even be used to make puppet soldiers.

As for why this thing is called azalea pyroxene, azalea soldiers will use this thing to cast magic, so it is called azalea pyroxene. Later it was discovered that it can provide energy, so it can also be used to study puppet soldiers.

In addition, there are various kinds of pyroxene, and even starlight fragments. This thing is a good thing. It is produced by falling stars. It can restore magic power in the game and can be used to restore mental power in reality. It is quite scarce in other places, only Kalia has a little more.

Li Ye planned to use these things to study magic, of course, he could also use them directly.

At this time, Brother Wolf spoke, and what he said made Li Ye stunned for a moment.

"Your place is very white."

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