That man was Li Ye. In the midst of the war, he finally appeared. His appearance stunned everyone around him.

They looked at this man, who was wearing black clothes with gold lace. He looked like a noble prince and was out of tune with his surroundings. This strong visual impact made them feel a little dizzy, and there was an extremely exaggerated feeling in the dizziness. yearn for.

They couldn't help but yearn for the man in front of them, for that kind of beauty and luxury, and their will to fight was hit.

The strange book is that Li Ye cast a hand of charm, which is the law he mastered later. After all, the invincible left hand on the doctor's panel has a pretty good charm ability, which reminded him that copying it is easy.

As for why he used charm here, Li Ye said that he just wanted to pretend to be sexy, and it would be cool to put on charm to pretend to be sexy.

After Li Ye appeared, everyone present was stunned, and their expressions after being stunned were also different.

Nick Fury used the surveillance camera in the tent to watch the front line. He was least affected by Li Ye's charm. He quickly reacted and shouted: "You finally showed up! You guy!"

Then he turned to look at Natasha, roared and said: "Quick! Giant Love lets all the soldiers press on him! His energy must be consumed! Even if all our soldiers are used up, we must kill him!"

Natasha hesitated, and of course Black Braised Egg saw her hesitation. As a level 10 agent, he already knew Natasha's feelings at the moment - Natasha no longer wanted anyone to sacrifice.

But he didn't care, because this time was the closest to killing Li Ye. It didn't matter even if it cost him his life. This had become an obsession for him.

"What are you still doing? Natasha! Their sacrifices are all worth it! And I am no exception. I will sacrifice tonight, but we must take that guy away. That guy is destined to destroy the whole world!"

Black Braised Egg did not choose comfort in order to stabilize Natasha, but chose the fastest way to return Natasha to her state so that she could spend the night obediently.

As for the black braised egg, he already wanted to abandon this woman.

Natasha looked at the black braised eggs and said with an indifferent expression: "Director, you have forgotten that I am also an agent. I have learned all these things from you, and I also know everything you think about!"

The black-braised egg Nick Fury was now crazy. He shouted: "Natasha! This is the closest we have ever been to killing him. Don't forget Hawkeye's sacrifice!"

Natasha sighed. She did not speak, but looked at the screen: "Sorry, Director, what you think may be too simple. We have no way to kill that guy."

At this moment, Hei Lu Dan also looked at the screen, and then discovered an absolutely incredible moment for him.

The mages he had hired at a high price were kneeling tremblingly on the ground, begging Li Ye for forgiveness.

"My lord! I didn't know it was you who came. Why didn't you say anything? If I knew that Li Ye was you, I would definitely help you chop off that black braised egg's head!"

The mage woman who took the lead was all numb. She originally wanted to make some extra money and promote her own sect. This was a requirement from above to quickly develop her faith.

But who would have thought that while making extra money, they would meet the boss of their own family!

No. This is not the boss, this is the boss. She has seen it before. This is the Lord of Shadow Latitude they serve!

She had met Li Ye because their dark sect had developed a lot of dark magic some time ago and wanted to cover the white magic of the former Emperor Weishan. However, without Li Ye's consent, these magics had no source and could not be released, so they I went to find Li Ye.

The people who went there that time included the mage "King" and the horse-faced mage Strange. She was the only one left, and she was able to admire that person's appearance.

But that time he was shocked. That latitude lord didn't look like a lord at all, but looked like a normal person with a bit of a bad taste.

She still remembers the man patting Strange on the shoulder and telling him that we must resolutely implement the tasks issued by Latitude, increase the number of our mages, and then let these mages implement our beliefs.

After finishing the work, he took them to the Internet cafe and KTV, where they sang songs and played on the computer. It was the one behind them. It is said that the great ancient master also came behind them and sang along.

At the time, she felt that the latitude demon was quite unreasonable, but it was still her own demon, so there was nothing she could do about it. She just had to accept it. She could only say that that one had a special personality.

Later, Strange told her that that person had scrapped Sithorne in one night and took away the latitude of Sithorne. After that, she felt that this person was a bit exaggerated.

But now, she actually saw this person again. And this person was a bit... This was too exaggerated. This kind of style, this is what a latitude demon should look like.

Of course, if you are not opposite him.

Who would have thought that Black Braised Egg would call him to defeat his own demon? He is mentally ill, right?

"My lord! I'm in charge! I will never trust others easily again! If this happens again in the future, I will investigate it carefully."

Everyone was covered. Why did the mage who was yelling among them now kneel down and beg for mercy?

As for the mage, he just wants to get rid of that shark-armed director of S.H.I.E.L.D.! What shark arm thing.

Li Ye looked at the woman in front of him, and just hugged Wanda tightly with one arm, and then sighed: "That's enough! Just remember that this is my person. As for what happens next, go ahead and destroy everything here. people!"

As if she was receiving a pardon, the woman hurriedly spoke: "Yes, my lord! I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Li Ye took Wanda back to the tower, but Wanda had tears in her eyes: "Li Ye, you are still so gentle. You also said, I am yours. I am so touched."

Li Ye shook his head. He had no choice but to be entangled: "If I hadn't been kind in my heart, how could I have ended up like this!"

Wanda didn't care what Li Ye said at all, she just hung on Li Ye.

In the void on one side, a mouse jumped out and taunted: "Tch, isn't it just a certain person who is so bitter? Why do you want to say so much?"

Li Ye sighed: "I'm really convinced. Who is so astringent? Can you care about the occasion? There are still people here."

Mouse continued: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are just greedy for her body, you are despicable!"

Li Ye was speechless: "Go away, Marika!"

This time, the mouse recited Li Ye's words in a sinister manner: "Go away, Marika~ When you have a new love, forget about the old love, right~"

Li Ye smiled: "The premise is that we have old love."

Marika stopped talking. She felt she had been insulted, while Wanda remained silent from beginning to end. She heard Li Ye speak, but all she could think of was "You are my person", "New love", " The words "gluttonous".

"Hehe, it's enough to meet Li Ye, and it seems good to be lusted after by Li Ye."

Poor Wanda was played by Li Ye.

Of course, Li Ye really didn't have any idea about Wanda. He just wanted some points. As for the greedy person, who wouldn't want a little girl hanging around beside him? As for letting this one join his big family, forget it. Bar.

This one might just be Qian Renxue's status, second-tier emotional concept. As for his big family, not everyone can join those three.

Li Ye looked at the war in the distance and shook his head. All this should be over.

As the battle raged, the big boss looked at everything around him and sighed, "Why do you always have to go against the Lord? This is not good!"

Almost no one around him was left alive, because Li Ye told him that he didn't like to have any follow-up problems to deal with by himself, and he didn't like to have people bothering him all the time. To cut the weeds, you must root out the roots, and to eradicate evil, you must do your best!

The big boss looked at him. The woman was still trembling. He sighed and said, "What, now you know how powerful the Lord is? He doesn't care about these guys, just because these guys are just clowns! You will because A mosquito and a lot of trouble?”

The woman nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, sir, you are right."

The big boss shook his head: "Don't be so polite to me, we are just helping the Lord to do things. Now, let's go and see the biggest clown this time!"

They slowly walked into the largest tent, and they saw a corpse inside. It was the corpse of Nick Fury. There was also a fat girl named Natasha, who was smoking a lady's cigarette and sitting on it. On the ground, it was as if nothing had happened.

The big boss frowned. He couldn't understand. He remembered that this woman was Nick Fury's subordinate, but why now.

When Natasha saw these two people, she smiled slightly and said, "Take me away, or kill me, no matter what, I'm a little tired."

Nick Fury was killed by Natasha.

Upstairs, Li Ye looked at everything around him and shook his head. He had long known that all of this had happened. Natasha had killed Nick Fury. It sounded a bit fanciful, but Li Ye felt that it was nothing.

Natasha is a person with her own spin. She is not a simple agent, but a person who switched jobs. She is not a simple tool. If it hadn't been for Li Ye's attack this time, Natasha would never have reached the top.

And keeping using Natasha was probably the most problematic thing that Black Braised Egg did.

“If you treat people as tools, the tools will eventually bite you back!”

Beside him, Wanda was already sleeping, of course, not on the bed, but on a chair. There was no bed in his office, and he had no intention of sleeping with this one.

She was too tired today. She saw that Li Ye was extremely relaxed, but because Li Ye's identity was extremely shrunken, she was mentally exhausted, and now she fell asleep.

Marika also slowly emerged and spoke to Li Ye: "Next, do I need to follow you to the junction?"

Li Ye shook his head: "Things over there are a bit complicated, and it's a bit early to travel through time."

Marika said: "You can't keep dating until the Cologne era, that's too long ago. Not to mention Marika's son, Marika's husband hasn't come out yet."

Li Ye sighed: "It's not good, it's the Broken War Era, but it's also a big problem. You know, there are a lot of guys who didn't show up in the Broken War Era."

Marika sighed: "Okay, okay, I'm not a fader. It's a bit difficult to upgrade. You'll be fine."

Li Ye smiled: "Do you have any misunderstanding about me?"

After speaking, Li Ye turned his head, looked out the window, and said to Marika: "When the time comes, tell her that her brother is dead, and the cause of death was blocking a bullet."

Yes, Pietro died again. The cause of his death was taking someone else's bullet. His death was very abstract. The person who took the bullet was Coulson. At that time, his heart was broken and he wanted to die. He faced someone else's gun directly and then he was shot. Save, Pietro is dead, he's still alive.

And before he died, Pietro looked at Coulson with pride and gave Coulson a massage.

Marika said: "Wouldn't this be too much for him? You can save that guy."

Li Ye smiled: "Are you also becoming indecisive?"

This battle came to an end, and Li Ye withdrew from the world hegemony. He no longer cared about these things. He just waited quietly for his latitude battle and hacked the remaining latitude lords to death one by one.

Of course, there is hell, and those hell lords are suffering from old sins. Li Ye gave his power to the hammer, and the hammer would help him complete everything. As for the things that the hammer could not complete, he would also do it himself.

Interestingly, he made a hammer with the power of "Talent-Tower". The hammer was lost in a battle with a hell lord, and then the weapon was picked up by someone else. It is called the first magic weapon of hell, the hammer of destruction that can destroy everything.

But because the hammer was lost due to negligence, he went to track down the Doomhammer every day when he had nothing to do. This led to a legend about the Doomhammer. After obtaining it, he would be hunted down by the most powerful lord of hell. .

Li Ye didn't care about those things. His latitude was slowly mastered, and his strength was also increasing exponentially. It is estimated that it won't be long before he can catch up with his own strength.

It's just too restrictive.

Now his Golden Tree Church has developed extremely rapidly in the alien world and has become the state religion of one of the three great empires. It is quite popular, and the Black Shadow Mage is also the guardian of the earth.

It's just that their ancestor Gu Yi was quite critical of this. Because all her old bosses were dead, she was taken over by Li Ye. She was directly arranged to work at the front desk of the Internet cafe. Every day, she listened to the deafening music of the ktv next door and watched. His head is very big.

The most important thing is that the network cable here is from Kamal Taj.

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