Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 841 Your backup plan, my dog

This day is called Execution Day by SHIELD.

After enduring a severe blow, SHIELD rebuilt itself, including the new SHIELD represented by Coulson. Today, they plan to attack those who once destroyed them.

Coulson was announcing the investigation report at this moment: "That guy Li Ye hasn't made a move for a long time. We don't even know if he is still in that place now."

Nick Fury on the other side said: "He must be there! Because..."

Natasha on the side took out a mobile phone, which read Li Ye's latest tweet: "I want to invite a beautiful lady to have dinner. Who is so lucky?"

The photo above is a photo of his slut, quite a slut, and a bit British. If Ange saw it, he would definitely say "he's good at it".

In fact, it was hard for Nick Fury to imagine how this man erased all his previous photos. Even after his careful search, he could not find anything about Li Ye.

"What did that guy do?"

All these things were connected together, giving him a bad feeling, but he couldn't find a conclusion. He tried asking the painter to paint a portrait of Li Ye, but he failed no matter what he tried.

He felt a shadow hanging over his eyes, but he couldn't wipe it away, but there was no problem, he was ready to solve it.

And Li Ye, the initiator of everything, said that in fact, he did it half-heartedly.

First, he used the power of reality to erase his original appearance. Originally, he felt that his current appearance was more attractive and handsome. The previous body had no appearance bonus, was not good-looking, and belonged to a dark history, so he erased it.

There's nothing he can do about it. He will do all these fancy things when he has the strength. Two days ago, he was still studying how to make himself more handsome.

The second point is that because they are afraid that their affairs will be exposed, they change the appearance of their corpses in their perception. This is also because they are afraid that someone will see it and make fun of them.

This was inspired by the horse-faced mage. After all, that guy felt quite unnatural after knowing that the body was his.

But unexpectedly, the execution of the living gem was a bit scary, which led to the current scene. Until now, this gem is still affecting everything around it, making them have to believe it all.

Fortunately, the black braised egg opposite was not a fool. Even under the influence of the Reality Stone, he still sensed that something was quite wrong, so he had already made secondary preparations.

"The whole army attacks!"

That night, the whole of New York was on fire.

Coulson also finally met his idol, Captain America, but on the opposite side.

He saw Captain America fighting an enemy with his own eyes, and then easily knocking the opponent to the ground.

The crisp and smooth movements, the round shield, the perfect pectoralis major muscles, and the tall cock. There is no doubt that he is Captain America.

Coulson shouted: "Captain America! Captain America! I am a good guy! A great good guy! Why do you want to help that bad guy Li Ye!"

But the next second, something happened that shattered the three views. Captain America actually stood with the Red Skull. The two guys were fighting the enemy together, and they even had a tacit understanding.

Coulson felt that his views had been insulted.

"Isn't this right?"

He even saw the Hydra death squad they had recruited, and was stunned when he saw the Red Skull. Who is the B on the other side?

The Red Skull probably also recognized the Hydra people, after all, who would shout "Long live Hydra" when fighting.

But he sighed: "I can't help myself."

The soul gem was taken away, and he was also packaged with the soul gem and given to Li Ye. Now he is just a worker. His ambitions are long gone. The soul gem has turned him into a person who can see his father opposite. Whose superpower.

And after being packaged to Li Ye, this guy also knew what the power of higher latitudes was. Come on, all ambitions were gone. The earth he wanted was just one that Li Ye could pick out. There is still an upper limit to being a human being. .

Come on, under such a person, he can be regarded as mastering the entire universe and fulfilling his dream. This guy can only hang out with Li Ye, and then he was brought by Li Ye to help Captain America. The two of you are familiar with it. .

The Red Skull looked at the guy in front of him and said: "Damn American butt! Tell me! Who to kill next!"

Captain America laughed: "How about it, Red Skull, it's hard to kill your men, they are all Hydra soldiers."

Red Skull shook his head: "It has nothing to do with me. All my direct relatives are dead. Who knows whose faction this is, but it's strange. I have never heard of anyone's faction leader being a nun."

Captain America shook his head: "You don't know, this period of time is too long. After I came out, I couldn't imagine that the radio and the camera could be combined, and they could even be used as a curtain and a game console. This is so scary!"

Red Skull shook his head and said, "It's such an old thing. I can use a mobile phone now. You idiot, kill your Hydra quickly!"

Captain America laughed loudly: "I like to hear you say this. The leader of Hydra kills Hydra, hahaha! Li Ye is really capable. Under his leadership, Hydra will be able to escape." shape."

[Ding, the negative emotion value from Red Skull +13426]

Poor Captain America, he still thinks he is fighting Hydra. Well, indeed, he is fighting part of Hydra.

And even more pitiful Coulson, his three outlooks were ruined.

[Ding, the negative emotion value from Colson is +12121]

Li Ye sat high on the top of the New York building, looking at the "big boss" in front of him, smiling slightly, and said, "How are you? Have you come up with any tricks?"

At this time, the big boss's whole body has turned cyan. This is the outcome of the current Black Shadow Latitude transformation, which can greatly improve his originally extremely weak physical fitness.

The big boss had a flattering look on his face: "My lord, you don't know, that guy is full of treasures. Now, I have directly learned his telekinesis! Sir, do you want to learn it?"

After listening to the big boss's words, Li Ye shook his head and waved his hand, and everything around him levitated. This was just a simple method of using energy. He could also master most of his superpowers in this world. All can be simulated using energy, and are more powerful and economical than them.

And the biggest difference is that the big boss who has learned telekinesis can only use this energy to use telekinesis, while Li Ye can do anything.

Seeing Li Ye's move, the big boss quickly praised: "It must be the Lord!"

Originally, this guy joined Li Ye's camp just because of the transformation of the Black Shadow Dimension. As time went by, as he grew, his head got bigger and his intelligence got higher and higher, he felt something was wrong and wanted to escape.

But later he saw the true power of Black Shadow Latitude and Li Ye's true ability, so he no longer thought about escaping.

Are you kidding me? You can't hug such a big thigh tightly? With the addition of the Dark Latitude and Sithorne Latitude to the Shadow Latitude, the transformation ability is becoming more and more powerful, and this guy no longer has the heart to escape.

Neither of them paid attention to the fire outside the window. To them, it was like clowns, extremely ridiculous.

Li Ye just wanted to get rid of the tail. Black Braised Egg had already contributed a lot of points and could be wiped out. Captain Marvel could also be sent away.

The big boss was thinking more. He was wondering whether these guys could still research something. He didn't even think about the impact these guys could have on Li Ye, not to mention that Li Ye didn't do anything, even if he had seen them. The hammer and hoe also did not appear.

The big boss knows that there are three masters under Li Ye. One is called "Hammer". Now he has obtained part of the master's power. It is said that he has made a name for himself in hell.

He has never seen it, but based on the experimental subjects brought out, he can understand how exaggerated the place called Hell is.

The other one was a hoe he had seen before. That woman was quite fearful of him. What he was most proud of at that time was his brain. But facing that woman, he only felt that his brain was like an old typewriter. Rubbish.

There is also the last one. He has only heard of it, but has never seen it before. He has heard of the opponent's methods. That guy is called "Brother Sunglasses". It is said that even his master has been defeated by him.

"Haha. Our organization is really powerful. Only fools would want to leave."

At this moment, the fire was burning the whole city. Li Ye finally turned his head and looked out the window. He shook his head and said: "I love this scene of fire burning the earth. I don't know how to play with fire." OK."

Gray smoke and dust were floating in the air. Because there was no light at night, it was hard to see clearly. It just made the gray sky a little darker. The big boss on the side didn't know what to say.

After a while, explosions began to resound outside, and Li Ye just shook his head: "Oh, how come these agents are fighting like the equipment department, doing art every day, go ahead, get rid of them, the building It will take some time to rebuild, and I don’t want to live in a tent during this time, Dr. Big Head, don’t let me down.”

The big boss nodded quickly, bowed and said, "Don't worry! My lord! There will definitely be no problem!"

Li Ye nodded and continued to look out the window until he saw a figure: "Oh, I didn't expect you to come too, but it's true that I need to end things with you."

On the other side, Nick Fury looked at the strategic map in his hand and felt numb: "Damn it! Why are there so many forces in the east! Is that guy Li Ye a lunatic? Why didn't we use so many troops to fight in the first place? That guy Thanos!”

The time to choose black braised eggs is absolutely tricky. This period is a period when everyone's economy and strength are in a downturn.

The Thanos Legion's invasion targeted 50% of the world's population, and all strong areas were targeted, such as Serbia controlled by Hydra, such as the United States.

The Thanos Legion wants to prevent them from sending troops to support other areas. In addition, these economic zones are densely populated, which is perfectly in line with their ultimate goal of killing 50% of the population. Therefore, the economy of these places is extremely bad now.

As for the United States, where Li Ye is located, it directly received the strongest attack. Basically all big cities were attacked. The military power declined, and Li Ye's power was definitely not much better!

But their SHIELD is different, because of the existence of Scarlet Witch, and the fact that both Hydra and Thanos' army are their opponents, they basically succeeded without spending much strength.

And because SHIELD's agents from all over the country returned, and part of the Hydra team was also recruited by them as a supplement to the suicide squad, their SHIELD took off.

But Hei Lu Dan never expected that Li Ye had so much strength left. Not to mention anything else, just now at the entrance of the city, tens of thousands of mecha soldiers were walking there, which made everyone dumbfounded.

"Damn it! That guy didn't support this country! Where did his power go at that time! How can there be so much left!"

He slapped the table anxiously, this wave was really a big loss.

Of course, if he really wanted to know which country Li Ye supported,

Black Sauce Egg thought of something at this moment, and hurriedly called Natasha, saying: "Quick! Go to the aerospace mothership to invite Scarlet Witch!"

But then he thought of something else and said: "Go! Call the wizards and the scarlet energy suppressor we developed."

At this moment, Wanda slowly walked out of the aerospace mothership. She looked at the sky opposite and shook her head.

This aerospace mothership was newly developed by SHIELD. They have technology, money and time. It is not surprising to make such a thing.

Surprisingly, Wanda sensed that there were probably dozens of similar aerospace motherships around, but they were hidden. That was definitely not SHIELD's stuff, but she did not intend to destroy it all. She only promised to kill one person.

At this moment, Pietro looked at Wanda and said, "Wanda, be careful. I have to help the director too."

Wanda glanced at Pietro, sighed and said, "Be careful, Pietro, don't be reckless, that guy is not a good person."

Pietro did not speak, and Wanda just slowly fell down. The crimson energy turned into a pair of wings behind her. Although she could not take off, it could help her not to fall to death.


The crimson power swept the entire building. Within an hour, Wanda came to the top floor here and saw the person she wanted to kill.

"Your name is nice, the same as my husband, so I won't torture you."

"Long time no see, Wanda, when did I agree to be your husband."

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