"I want you to die without a burial place!!!"

"Resurrection!! My love!!"

"It hurts to lose my love, and my eyes are broken!"

"The whole world is false!! I want to create a world where Li Ye exists!"

Li Ye looked at Scarlet Witch, and these words popped up in his head involuntarily, but it was obvious that Wanda was not the second best, and she was different from Uchiha Kenji. "Xian" did not only have 2 points, let alone Like a certain Poseidon + Shura God who doesn't want to reveal her name, she is just a love-minded little guy.

At this moment, the Scarlet Witch was holding Li Ye's "corpse" and constantly replenishing Li Ye's energy: "Come back to life. Li Ye, please don't leave me, okay? I have lost my brother, and I can't live without you anymore."

At this time, Li Ye's "corpse" came to life. He was like a flashback, stroking Little Wanda's face with all his strength: "Wanda. Live. Go on."

Who knows how he could regain his senses even though there was a hole in his skull, but Wanda was in a huge panic at the moment and couldn't distinguish these things at all.

"No! Li Ye! Don't leave me!!!"

[Ding, the negative emotion value from Scarlet Witch is +5432]

"You have to take care of yourself. I'm leaving."

Li Ye's hand naturally dropped, and the Scarlet Witch cried out in pain. Around her, the crimson energy with embers burned the entire forest. No one could survive after entering this forest. This was the arrival of death, this was The forest of death, turned into a forest of death because of anger and sorrow.

"No!!! Li Ye. Come back! Come back!!"

[Ding, the negative emotion value from Scarlet Witch is +3432]

Wanda kept shaking Li Ye's body, but he couldn't come back.

[Ding, the negative emotion value from Scarlet Witch is +2462]

Marika couldn't bear to look at it and just said: "Oh, you beast!"

Li Ye also shook his head. He was the one who made the "return of light" on the corpse just now. He was still a little greedy for the points. He couldn't help it. The points were so fragrant that they exploded.

As for that body, he created it with his real ability. It is absolutely real. If he dies, he will definitely look like that. It will be exactly the same as when he didn't travel through time. Li Ye's product must be a high-quality product.

"Alas, but it's obvious that the points keep falling. Alas~ I'm afraid the gains outweigh the losses if we continue. Let's go first and go back to plan other places."

Marika looked at Li Ye and shook her head: "Okay, let's go, you guy."

The two people slowly left, leaving only the scarlet witch Wanda, who kept hugging Li Ye's body. She didn't cry or react too much. Instead, she seemed to be a body without a soul. Just quietly, the body holding Li Ye was shaking, as if holding a child, rocking a child who was snoring in the mud.

"Li Ye. Come back. Li Ye"

The place was surrounded by fire, and the crimson energy caused everything around it to fall into deathly silence.

"Don't worry, Li Ye, I will avenge you, kill all those Hydras you call, kill all those Thanos you call, kill everything here, and then create a world with you, brother, father, With mom."

But she felt that her power was still not enough. She could not resurrect Li Ye. She had to find something else. At this time, Wanda seemed to remember something and raised her head.

"Dark. Holy Book"

On the other side, Nick Fury is on the frontal battlefield, watching the army in front of him fight against the Thanos Legion, constantly making suggestions and issuing instructions. This guy should not say anything, he is not very good as a person, but the rest It's pretty good in terms of aspects, such as legion combat.

"The left wing is outflanking! Based on the favorable terrain, what? There is no favorable terrain? Why don't you just blow up every house on the left wing? What stupidity?"

"Defend on the right wing! We must defend to the death! Hold here!"

Wearing a black trench coat, Hei Lu Dan commanded on the battlefield, killing those who were members of the Thanos Legion and unable to approach the Hydra base.

But at this time, Crossbones came again. This guy stood next to the black braised egg and smiled slightly: "Hey! Director Nick, we seem to be doing well recently. Your coping method is really good!"

Nick Fury's face turned dark, even though his face was originally dark. He was speechless, looking at the crossbones in front of him. During this period, he was almost always directing the war himself. These guys only knew that they were behind. Enjoyment, the most important thing is that these soldiers under him are very skilled in using, even the weapons, which allows him to change formations and other commands on the battlefield very quickly.

This should have been a good thing, but when Hei Ludan thought about why these guys were so skilled in using it, he felt as if he had taken laxatives and then antidiarrheals. He wanted to poop but couldn't poop - these soldiers still All of these weapons were obtained from S.H.I.E.L.D.

In other words, this war is still being fought by his SHIELD. As for the foundation of Hydra, they are not involved at all, they are just watching the show from behind.

Nick Fury looked at Crossbones with one eye and said through gritted teeth: "So what are you doing here!"

This guy now has some military power, has expanded a lot, and dares to speak loudly. Of course, I don't know if it is true. After all, as a top agent, he can't express his emotions or anger in this situation.

Crossbones laughed and said, "Mr. Director, this is really interesting. When will this war end?"

Black Braised Egg looked ahead and said, "When you guys are not slacking off."

Crossbones laughed again: "You are really temperamental, Mr. Director, but we are not being lazy. You know, our research institute has been breached. This is not good. What you originally wanted from me Two people also escaped and we have been tracing the matter."

Black Braised Egg frowned and said, "So, what does this have to do with me?"

Crossbones smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't have much to do with it. It's just that we recently found the girl among them, but she happened to kill her boyfriend, which caused her mood to fluctuate a bit, but we also learned this based on this. The more powerful a girl’s mood swings are, the stronger her abilities will be.”

Hei Lu Dan said: "What's the point? Can't you just use your ancestral brainwashing techniques to wash her?"

Crossbones smiled and shook his head: "No, you got it wrong. My director, all the people we sent to arrest are dead. I'll show you and you will know."

Crossbones took out a mobile phone and played a video to Hei Lu Dan. In the video, there were endless red energy fluctuations, mixed with ashes, sweeping the entire forest into dust, which made Hei Lu Dan look numb: "Is this Li Ye calling?"

Crossbones shook his head, "That's the girl."

Black-braised egg Nick Fury was numb: "No. So what do you want to say?"

Crossbones smiled slightly and said: "What I want to say is that this girl is very angry because Hydra killed her boyfriend and hates Hydra very much. You must be careful in the future and don't get killed by this girl." Oh~"

Nick Fury was paralyzed, paralyzed again. He didn't expect that this guy was here to report his funeral and he had another enemy. And judging from the meaning of Crossbones, it was obvious that he still had to do this, although it was not Do it now, but you have to do it later.

"You guys!!! What's going on! I'm already in a lot of trouble! You guys are still messing around!" Nick Fury directly pressed his crossbones against the wall: "Can you not always be like this! I'm nine Head snakes are also very tired from work!”

He acted quite angry, but no one knew how much real anger he had.

And Crossbones just smiled and raised his hands: "Okay, okay, it doesn't mean that the director is very capable, and those who are capable work harder, right? You say so, great director, and if you don't do it, the higher-ups will do it." Those guys will definitely be unhappy. If they are unhappy, the unlucky one will be the Director, right?"

This guy just had the words "You are living under someone else's roof, you are not out of the observation period yet, you need to be our glove all the time" written on his face.

Nick Fury snorted, walked away, looked at the battlefield map, and then said, "Is there anything else?"

Crossbones slowly stood up straight, straightened out his clothes, smiled slightly and said: "Of course not, my Lord Director, how dare I have other things? There are still too many things, that would be Hated by you."

After the words fell, Crossbones slowly walked away, leaving only Nick Fury there. Nick Fury looked quite angry, but no one could see it, but his eyes had a little more vitality that represented hope. .

"Li Ye. Hydra. Hahahaha! My chance has come!"

The crimson energy echoed in his mind, reminding him of the golden explosion that night. The energy generated by the self-destruction of the divine body into a sword resounded throughout New York. That night was the nightmare of all the enemies of Li Yefang, but that crimson The energy looked exactly like the golden wave that night.

"Haha. Hydra, Hydra. You guys have allowed me to find a chance! If I had found a chance, I wouldn't have had the good luck without you!"

On the other side, Wanda held Li Ye's body and kept walking like a zombie. The endless crimson energy on her body was like a strong wind, sweeping everyone around her.

Slowly, her energy disappeared. Slowly, she kept walking. Hydra and Thanos' legion were constantly decreasing. There was no need for her to continue to maintain this destructive energy. .

And it wasn't until she came to England, to the place where the fog was thick, and to London Bridge, that she realized that not all places in the world had been hit, and they were not all in war.

New York is still peaceful and quiet, and there is no smoke on the battlefield here. She looks around in disbelief. She doesn't understand why bad luck always happens with her. It is obvious that these people's lives are so beautiful.


From her childhood to now, from her parents, to her brother, to Li Ye, why were others so beautiful like summer flowers, but she was separated again and again, with endless hatred in her eyes.

"Hey! Girl! Put down the body in your hands!"

"This is London! Girl! Put it down! Stand where you are! Hold your head!"

Wanda raised her head and saw the police in front of her. They looked at her condescendingly, with contempt in their eyes. They seemed to be mocking them for not knowing where they came from, and mocking her for Li Ye. lose.

"Can't. Forgive."

Before she started to run away, she was stunned for a moment because she saw a man with a "horse face" wearing a mage's red cloak, standing behind the two policemen. Exactly the same.

The wizard just waved his hand, and the two policemen fell to the ground: "Oh, powerful and dangerous girl, can you let me see the body in your arms?"

The horse-faced wizard was Strange. He was not here by chance, but because he found Li Ye's body. Yes, Li Ye's body was in the arms of the girl in front of him.

Until he became the Supreme Sorcerer, he understood what Li Ye was. He was the Dark Shadow Dimension Demon God, who possessed the negative energy of the entire earth world. In addition, he was also the god of the legendary Golden Tree Church, not the Pope, but God.

After careful research by the horse-faced wizard, he understood the power of the Golden Tree Church. Good guy, isn't this another dimension demon? Two-in-one version, the most important thing is that he couldn't understand his own combat ability. He saw with his own eyes how this guy beat Dormammu when he was seriously injured, and gave Dormammu a big bump.

He heard from Vishandi that Li Ye seemed to be fighting for the ownership of the world. If he succeeded, the whole world would belong to him. Vishandi wanted him to make some arrangements and allow Vishandi to communicate with him in the future.

What a huge monster! It was on the same level as Vishandi. The horse-faced wizard was numb.

But even for such a guy, Strange actually felt his death and his corpse. This was abstract, so he hurried over to see, wow, there really was Li Ye's corpse.

Wanda looked at Strange in front of her, but didn't say anything. It was obvious that she didn't want Strange to see Li Ye in her arms. She just slowly said: "Give me. The Dark Book!"

"Girl, wait a minute, what do you want? The Dark Book? That thing is not easy to touch, you have to think clearly! It can destroy the world."

"The Dark Book! That thing must be able to revive Li Ye, right! Give that thing to me or I will kill you! Then go and get it!"

Wanda's body ignited with a little bit of crimson energy, but Strange didn't look at the energy, but looked at the corpse in Wanda's arms. Wow, the two words "Li Ye" appeared, which must be the work of that person.

So Strange immediately changed his face and smiled awkwardly: "Hey! What are you talking about? Let's go get you the Dark Book!"

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