Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 820 The whole army comes out with chickens

Blood-red sky, blood-red earth, this is the shadow latitude, one of the three powers that Li Ye controls is here, this is a latitude full of malice, where the evil thoughts of the world are accumulated.

But maybe there is not much malice in the world recently, and this place is still only one cubic meter in size.

Li Ye kept this place because it is really important. Although it seems that the power accumulated by the evil thoughts of the world is not great now, it can only fight Thanos once, and it still needs the help of Teacher Dormammu, but don’t think about what state Thanos was in at that time, which is several dimensions stronger than his infinite gauntlet state.

In addition, Li Ye’s body was repaired many times, and Li Ye was also arranged with a body comparable to the level of a single universe. With this added up, how can the energy be less? It’s just that Li Ye’s demand is too great.

He needs too much energy, and this shadow world is like a mining machine that can help him mine and then store it, not to mention that more than half of Li Ye’s men come from this place.

Oh? What? Li Ye only has three men? More than half are only two? That’s fine.

Fortunately, the world is still there, and the foundation of the world is still there. Now Li Ye no longer squeezes the energy of this world. Malice continues to fill the shadow world. In addition to what happened in the world during this period, the development of the shadow latitude continues to improve and rise.

Then this place grew five cubic meters. There is no way. The development of latitude still takes time and cannot be done overnight, unless Li Ye pulls Teacher Duo's universe over to arrange it for him, but Li Ye does not have this time now. He is still fighting Thanos for the throne.

And now, something seems to have woken up in this place. The shadows gathered on the ground. Slowly, a figure appeared, but the gathering of the shadows seemed very slow, and there was no way to completely cast it. But the guy got up in a hurry again, and accidentally fell directly to the ground.

He looked at his broken legs and his body, a little indifferent. He didn't know what he should do, and then he touched a pair of sunglasses from the ground and put them on his face.

But just as he put on his sunglasses, he was pressed aside by a big hand. It was a huge dark blue body with knotted muscles and extremely solid. He stood behind this guy and stood up with a puzzled look on his face. Unlike the guy with sunglasses, this guy could stand very steadily: "Why. I am not dead? No. Is this resurrection?"

The guy with sunglasses wanted to stand up and use his weak body to hit the muscular man, but there was no way. He could only hit his knees when he jumped up.

This muscular man was Hammer. He picked up a long knife from the side. Looking at the knife, he remembered correctly that he used this knife to commit suicide and decomposed himself into energy, but now it seems that he has been resurrected, and the shadow latitude is still there.

"It looks like my Lord has won!"

He nodded and looked at the guy in sunglasses, who was still jumping up and down, yelling: "Brother Ni, Brother Ni!"

After listening for a long time, Hammer realized that he seemed to only shout this sentence. Hammer shook his head and looked at his sunglasses and said: "How can I be mediocre when I am favored by the Lord?"

He was about to lecture this guy, but before he started, he received a message--"Protect my statue of the god! In addition, let the horse-faced wizard go back to deal with Kamar-Taj, and the old man from Ancient One asked Vishanti to call me I don't want to hear him nagging now. Also, help me save a little girl. "

Then Hammer stood up, he looked at the sky outside, shook his head: "The master seems to be in danger, how can we not check! How can we not help!"

Then he looked at the guy with sunglasses, grabbed this guy and left together. The guy with sunglasses didn't want to fight, and shouted: "Brother Ni! Brother Ni! ! Brother Ni! ! ! "

But there was no way, the hammer was too strong, slowly, one after another black shadow ninja appeared from the black shadow dimension and went to the whole world.

Then the horse-faced wizard saw a huge strong black shadow ninja taking a warrior who kept shouting "Brother Ni" in his mouth, rushing here, just like a killing god.

"It's bad! Coming towards us!"

"No. I'm afraid that one is going to make a move."

The Mage King looked at Strange and said, "Supreme Mage, what should we do now?"

Strange looked at the figure and seemed to think of that day again. That day, Li Ye punched Dormammu in the Shadow Latitude. It was really cruel. Dormammu was torn into slag like a toy. Li Ye took over the entire Shadow Latitude just like that. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shudder.

"Go! Go! Go early!"

Of course, Thanos's wind is not only on Earth, but also on the three major empires in the universe. These places have been invaded to varying degrees.

"Damn it! We have no way to stop the invasion!"

Inside the Kree Star Main Star, Thanos' army continued to invade, while the Kree Star was constantly invaded and ravaged. The Kree Star Female General looked at all this and had a big head. She didn't know how to solve these things.

The general looked at the image transmitted from the Kree Star Main Star, with a melancholy face: "Where is our army?"

Beside her, a guy who looked quite upright at first glance was looking at the map: "The army is constantly investing, but there is no way. Their technological level is much higher than ours, and they also have a terrible energy that can supply Energy weapons, when those energy weapons are used, our spaceship will be like a piece of paper, and that’s the most important thing!”

The female general slapped the table: "Damn it! What kind of energy is that? Can you analyze it quickly and find a solution!"

The subordinate shook his head: "That seems to be the power of the cosmic spirit ball. No, maybe it is higher."

The female general stopped talking. She knew what the cosmic spirit ball was, but she couldn't think of any power higher than the cosmic spirit ball.

After a long time, the general continued to speak: "Damn it! Is this the end of Planet Kerry?"

The upright subordinate hesitated to speak, and the female general spoke again: "If you have anything to say! Say it quickly!"

The subordinate said: "Actually, there is another kind of energy that can solve these things."

As if she had found some antidote, the female general hurriedly asked: "What is it?"

The man directly opened a video, which showed a guy in a golden cloak on the planet Kree, waving golden energy and tearing apart Thanos' men in front of him.

At the same time, a cosmic energy ray shot over, and the guy in the golden cloak immediately stretched out his hand to block it, and then revealed his face, which was none other than Thanos' goddaughter Gamora.

Looking at that energy, the general said in confusion: "Is that...golden power?"

This thing is not unfamiliar to them, but rather familiar. Because of Malika, this country is quite unfriendly to the power of gold. Knowing that Malika is preaching, they directly put this thing on the wanted list. Who dares to learn from it? I killed someone, but I didn't expect it.

The men spoke: "What should we do? General!"

The general was stunned for a long time before he said: "Go! Learn this thing! We have to learn this thing!"

The subordinate was stunned: "But General, didn't you say that this thing should be banned? Whoever learns it will be killed?"

The general shook his head, looked at his upright men, and said, "xxx, are you willing to sacrifice your life for the empire?"

The subordinate nodded: "General! I have long been prepared to sacrifice for the empire!"

The general nodded and said, "Then, those words about the ban just now were yours! Not mine!"

The subordinate felt that there was an extra blame on his back, but he could not say anything.

At this moment, there is still one safe place on the earth, and that is the Hydra battle. The Thanos Legion actually does not use much cosmic energy, which is to use it when facing high-tech planets.

After all, Thanos is currently competing against Li Ye in the Imperial City, and it's hard to separate them from the Forbidden Summit. It's good to be able to give them so many points.

In fact, the strength of the earth itself is not high, just because it is where Li Ye is, so when Ebony Maw comes, there is no need to bring so many soldiers. In this way, they did not bring many cosmic energy soldiers. After all, they had to face the entire universe and their troops were seriously insufficient.

But less does not mean none. The current Black Braised Dan was numb when he looked at the people in the Hydra base in front of him. This is Serbia. He just wanted to go to have a meal after get off work, and he was hit by Thanos' strong artillery fire. He thought it was Li Ye calling.

He is now sitting on a chair, looking at the black widow Natasha in front of him, rubbing his eyebrows, "So it's not Li Ye who's calling this time?"

Black Widow nodded: "No, according to reliable information, it's a guy who claims to be the overlord of the universe."

Nick Fury looked at Black Widow and said, "Reliable information? How reliable?"

The corner of Black Widow's mouth twitched, and then she said: "We caught a subordinate. Well, you can see for yourself."

She turned on her phone and played a video for Nick Fury. On it was a monster, howling continuously: "I am from Thanos! I am from Thanos, the overlord of the universe! You can't kill me! If you kill me I! Lord Thanos will definitely kill your father!”

Nick Fury's hand grasped his brows even tighter. He knew that there were a lot of super gadgets in the universe, but he didn't expect them to come one after another: "But it's not a big problem. It has nothing to do with us. Those guys from Hydra won't let us have anything." Danger, you and I are still valuable.”

When Natasha heard this, she looked at Nick Fury in disbelief. She didn't expect that this guy didn't care so much about the world crisis now. She deeply doubted whether the guy in front of her was mentally abnormal.

At this time, a phone call came suddenly. Nick Fury answered the phone and immediately stood up, tilting his hand upward at a 45-degree angle, and said: "Long live Hydra!"

"Okay! Okay! No problem! Leave everything to me!"

The call didn't last long, and Hei Lu Dan didn't turn it on speakerphone, so Natasha couldn't hear Hei Lu Dan's words, but that look was all in Natasha's eyes.

After making the call, the black braised egg changed his appearance and turned into the normal braised egg. He sighed and said, "Oh, I can't help it. There are so many more things!"

At this time, he caught Natasha's gaze and shook his head: "It was just for acting. As you know, we are being monitored very seriously. There is no guarantee that there is something in the phone, so be careful!"

Natasha still didn't speak, but Lu Dan continued to speak: "Natasha, don't you want to avenge Hawkeye?"

Natasha shook her head and sat down. Black Egg didn't care about Natasha's feelings at this time. He just thought of something and called his old friend: "My old friend, are you okay now?"

This old friend is Captain Marvel. This guy is awake now, but he can't use any energy at all, just like he is sealed. The energy is still there, but he can't use it at all. He can only use it as a power bank for the two reserve soldiers.

"I'm okay now, I feel very relaxed. Facing Li Ye's matter, it finally doesn't fall on me. That guy is the most terrifying person I have ever seen. I don't want to contact him again!"

Captain Marvel can still remember a lot of things when she thinks of that battle. She remembered that after the bombing of the divine body into a sword, she was not dead and was not sealed. She still had the strength to fight, but the yellow rat came to her and clicked casually, and she couldn't use any power.

She didn't understand why Li Ye was so strong, but he had to hide and pretend to be weak. Although the power he released at that time was beyond everyone's imagination, it was definitely not his limit. At least this seal was not the power he released at that time.

The most important thing was what the mouse said.

"As an earthling, you actually do things for aliens instead of for the earth. Aren't you a traitor to the earth?"

Captain Marvel was tired. She didn't want to say anything. She didn't want to face Li Ye again.

"Fury, what do you want?"

Nick Fury said on the other end of the phone: "What do you know? Thanos?"

Captain Marvel's heart skipped a beat: "Thanos? What? Earth has provoked that guy? He is the overlord of the universe! A madman who is determined to kill everyone. But there is that guy on Earth, so there is no problem, right?"

Nick Fury also nodded: "I think so too, but you still can't use your power?"

Captain Marvel sighed: "Fury. I'm afraid I will never be able to use my power."

In the world of nothingness, Li Ye raised his head and looked at Thanos, and Thanos also raised his head. Neither of them had any expression. In the end, Thanos spoke first: "You are about to win."

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