Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 814 Look at me killing his father


Thanos looked at his waist, which was almost torn open, and there was more than one wound. Seven or eight wounds almost chopped his spine into pieces. Now he is in the energy state, but not completely in the energy state. It is digitized. He is not familiar with this kind of thing, so he is semi-digital.

After all, not everyone is like Li Ye, who can have a top-level data-based ability from the beginning that will accompany him until the end.

"It's really scary, my biggest obstacle!"

Thanos looked at the distant galaxy. He saw Li Ye's figure through the galaxy, and then waved his hands with all his strength. In an instant, his body collapsed and slowly turned into pools of energy, dissipating in the inside the space.

Thanos' body was shattered. This was the first time Li Ye had broken his body, but it had no effect. In an instant, Thanos was resurrected. He looked at the earth around him and sighed at the power of the Heart of the Universe.

This was the first time he was killed.

"However, I will not die again!"

He looked up at the galaxy, looked at Li Ye across the galaxy, and then used his thoughts to convey his message to the depths of the galaxy: "Start taking action!"

At the same time, Ebony Throat in the depths of the universe heard Thanos's voice. He looked at the armies in front of him and smiled slightly: "My master, I will destroy the entire world for you!"

The black dwarf on the side looked at Ebony Throat with a "smart" look on his face: "What should we do now?"

Ebony Throat was a little speechless: "Now...kill people! Kill people everywhere! Do you understand?"

Black Dwarf laughed loudly: "That's it, if I can't do anything else, I will kill people!"

Now Li Ye was collapsed onto the planet and directly embedded in it. He covered his chest and coughed: "Blank! It still hurts after being digitized!"

"Isn't it just this little pain that you can't stand?"

The first sentence was spoken by Marika, and the second sentence was Li Ye's voice. Li Ye slowly sat up from the ground. He looked at everything around him, raised his other hand, and held the cover. The hand holding his chest was pulled down, and he smiled slightly: "This little pain is nothing!"

Marika now shares a body with Li Ye, but Li Ye has absolute control over the body. As long as Li Ye doesn't want this guy to move, this guy can't move. Borrowing her power at this moment is just to quickly understand his current situation. Power, the power of the golden tree!

Marika screamed: "No! At this level, at least the bones are broken and the internal organs are ruptured. Can't you feel it at all?"

Li Ye laughed: "You have never experienced more pain, so you don't know."

Marika was stunned for a moment: "Have you ever experienced more pain?"

Li Ye said: "I'll just take you to see the headlights of my truck another day. You'll understand when the time comes~"

Marika was stunned: "What the hell! Is this the time to joke?! Thanos is still there! Wait! What is that? I'm super!!"

Li Ye raised his head. In the sky, a huge "sun" was heading towards them. Its speed was visible to the naked eye. Don't think that the speed visible to the naked eye was very slow. You must know that the size of the star in front of you is comparable to the original sun. Otherwise, Li Ye wouldn't be able to call this thing a "sun".

And if the speed visible to the naked eye was placed on the sun, it would be quite terrifying! At least it must be moving at a speed that exceeds the "light" level.

Li Ye shook his head and sighed: "I'm really convinced. Where is Einstein? Come out and save him! Did you say that exceeding the speed of light will cause time to change? Save him!"

Malika was numb and screamed: "I'm super! What should I do, what should I do!"

Li Ye said: "So can you give me control of my left hand! You are making me very uncomfortable! Sister Zuo has been with me for so many years, every day and night. I feel uncomfortable with you acting like this. Comfortable”

The next second, Li Ye hurriedly shook his hand, or in other words, Marika controlled Li Ye to shake his hand. Marika's voice kept appearing: "It's so disgusting, so disgusting! You bastard!"

Li Ye sighed: "I'm really convinced. Okay, it's time to solve the problem! You should also know that with the power of latitude and the power of gold, our total power has now reached the level of a single universe. Why are you afraid? What about a star?"

Marika's voice sounded: "Hey, hey! I just united with the golden power of the world, okay! I am also a novice, but the golden power is just a little more adaptable! You guy!"

The star's hot light shone on Li Ye's body. Li Ye did not speak to Marika anymore. He slowly raised his hand, and his face wearing a Prajna mask showed no expression. At this time, he shouted One sentence: "Hoe!"

The next second, the sound of a hoe sounded: "As you command, my lord!"

In an instant, Li Ye's hand seemed to have been modified by some force, and it was mechanically raised to a high level with black mist wrapped around it. This was the power of the hoe, high-speed calculations, and the power she received from the favor that allowed her to Calculating the power quite accurately, Li Ye stored her consciousness in his body just for this power!

"God's body. Turn into a preserved egg!"

In Li Ye's hand, the appearance of a preserved egg slowly appeared, and Marika said: "I'm super! Brand new prayer!"

After this guy knew that he was at the level of a single universe, he relaxed a lot. Li Ye didn't say anything, but slowly flicked out the thing in his hand. In an instant, the black preserved egg turned into a stream of light and turned directly into a stream of light. A huge thing with six wings, and then...then this thing flew to the star and exploded.

The explosion was extremely loud, and the golden wave of light swept across the entire sky, which was more terrifying than the power of the stars just now. This is Li Ye's current power.

He combined the golden power of each world, combined with the power of the shadow dimension, possessing light and darkness. At this moment, he can finally talk about these simple fusions.

He adapted to the power!

The glow and momentum of the explosion pushed the planet far away. Li Ye himself felt his head was buzzing. He was careless and did not turn on the digitalization. Feeling that something was wrong with his mind, he hurriedly turned on the digitalization. .

Marika was numb: "Huh? No, I'm Zhuo! Li Ye, I'm *you*!" (It's normal not to be able to see it here. It's not blocked, it's because I didn't write it at all).

Li Ye shouted: "I'm super! What did you say? I can't hear you!"

Now the sound of the explosion is still echoing in the air, making people's heads very uncomfortable. Even if it is digitalized, it is still uncomfortable to face this kind of shock, but it is immune to this kind of damage.

Marika shouted again: "I really admire you. Don't I use my heart to send messages? Can you still hear me??"

At this time, Li Ye picked his ears and said, "Oh? Is that so? Then I heard it."

Marika communicated with Li Ye using her mind, because sound could not be transmitted in a vacuum. In a vacuum, Li Ye most of the time used his mind to convey the sound.

Marika, who received Li Ye's reply, shouted loudly: "No, okay, okay, you made an old man beast just to detonate it? No, you made such a thing to self-destruct? Are you polite?"

Li Ye sighed: "Don't I know if I'm polite or not? You guy! Are labor and management happy?"

Marika shouted: "No, you let that big bear use his strength and save energy, but you did it yourself? Are you polite?"

Li Ye sighed: "Riding a bicycle to the bar, it's time to save money, and it's time to spend money. You know what the heck, it's already a lot of money and labor!"

Marika wanted to say something else, but the next second, she shut her mouth because Thanos' figure appeared again in front of Li Ye. He looked at Li Ye in front of him and said: "You are a terrifying opponent. I can't even understand where your fighting ability comes from. According to what that person said, you have never had a strong fighting ability! It's not that I underestimate you, it's just a normal development. Brilliance is definitely not something someone like you can emit!"

Li Ye stretched out: "What's this? You haven't seen me almost destroy the main universe of a big world with a knife. That's the real deal. The size of that main universe is almost seventy or eighty. mcu."

Marika looked confused: "No. It's not what you said. Wasn't that just a simple self-destruction of creation?"

Thanos did not answer Marika's words. He just raised his hand and faced Li Ye with the big knife in his hand: "Next, I will not underestimate the enemy, I will use all my strength to kill you! Use the whole world, All the power!”

Li Ye said: "No, can you please stop fighting and killing each other as soon as you open your mouth? It's really annoying. Oh, can't we just be friends? I really like it!"

His voice was like this, but before he finished speaking, his whole body exploded out, like a bullet, heading towards Thanos. His body was wrapped with seven-color light, which was the power of infinite gems. This power could make him It is protected from the influence of the surrounding cosmic energy, but it can only last for a period of time. It is not that the Infinity Stones are insufficient in energy, but that after a period of time, Thanos will adapt to this power.

After all, the Infinity Stones are also the power of this world.

Wind, fire, thunder and lightning slowly emerged from Thanos' body, and the surrounding air squeezed towards Li Ye. In an instant, Li Ye flew out and directly into the universe.

Slowly, Li Ye found that the clothes he originally wore were decomposing. This was Thanos' adaptation to his energy, because these clothes were also obtained from the world. This is why Li Ye did not use modern technology to face Thanos. Not only because of the lack of power, but also because the things in these worlds cannot have an impact on Thanos.

This time Li Ye directly used energy to hover himself. The power of the golden tree and the power of the black shadow latitude are not controlled by Thanos!

At this time, Li Ye felt that he was suppressed by the surrounding forces! He looked around and saw the temperature! The temperature was dropping extremely, and he didn't expect Thanos to be able to control the temperature now.

He could see that it had not been long since Thanos merged with the Heart of the Universe. Mastering the energy of latitudes requires a step-by-step process. Just like Li Ye, he also adapted to the black shadow latitudes little by little until he could master the power of time in his latitudes. Then I don’t know how much time has passed, and it wasn’t there from the beginning.

This guy didn't stop Li Ye from getting the gem, probably because he had to adapt to the power. It seemed like this guy had just come over after merging the Heart of the Universe.

"Damn it!"

Li Ye frowned tightly. He saw in front of him, the figure of Thanos slowly appeared on the other side of the distance. He waved his hand out, and in an instant, a colorful experience attacked Li Ye.

Seeing this chop, Li Ye frowned even more, because this thing is the six elements of soul, space, mind, time, power and reality, corresponding to the power of Li Ye's six infinite gems. He is trying to analyze Li Ye's infinite gem power! If Li Ye uses infinite energy to block, it will definitely speed up the opponent's analysis!

Li Ye directly changed his strategy. In his hand, a golden energy long sword condensed and waved it in front of him: "Meow! Golden Law + Wall of Sighs! If you have the ability, analyze this too!"

The golden power of the sword light generated an invisible shield in front of Li Ye, directly blocking all the power in front of him, and in addition, there were also waves of light heading towards Thanos.

Marika cried out: "No. How did you get this? Wasn't the Golden Law Sword modified by the Moon Queen? Can you still use this?"

Li Ye frowned at this moment. He seemed not very satisfied with the light wave just now: "Is it not okay for me to play pirated games? Be careful, I will throw it out for you!"

Marika stopped talking. The next second, Thanos moved again. He stretched out his hand, and several planets around him smashed towards Li Ye, blocking those light waves.

In addition, there were a lot of debris flying towards Li Ye.

Li Ye shouted again: "Hoe!"

The next second, he raised his right hand, and a large shield appeared. This large shield showed a spherical and hexagonal shape, full of the feeling of future technology, and directly blocked everything.

"If you want to try my idea, you must kill this guy, and if you want to kill this guy again, you must get close to his body!"

Li Ye frowned, and he gave his body to the hoe. The hoe can resist the opponent's attack at the lowest cost, just like Li Ye's special mode, which is a good castrated version.

This is quite useful when Li Ye's mental strength is insufficient.

Li Ye is thinking about how to get close to Thanos.

Thanos keeps releasing planets and throwing out power, fighting with Li Ye in the air, and in addition, he is constantly improving his understanding of the world's energy.

And this is what Li Ye is worried about! This hair loss is strengthening all the time, and what about himself? It is weakening all the time, which is why Thanos is fearless.

"Damn it!"

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