Li Ye got on the starship and headed for outer space. He was not afraid of not being able to find his way home, because the black shadow latitude would serve as his anchor at any time, locking the space he was in. If necessary, he could directly Teleported back to Earth.

"Xinghai, it's really good. It would be great if that girl was here~"

Li Ye sat on the deck of the starship, looked at the brilliant galaxy, and shook his head. He had just fought three hundred rounds with the clone of the Black Widow. He was somewhat stoic. After all, this body was just like that.

When he sits on the deck, he really sits on the deck. It is not an ordinary abstraction. It is not the hoe's ability that allows the ship to breathe even on the deck. It is not that Li Ye's ship is a magical ship like Thor, which can create protection. The position of air pressure is just because Li Ye simply doesn't need to breathe.

Li Ye's move was like building a rocket with great effort and preparing for manned space flight. However, the driver did not sit in the cockpit of the rocket that he had painstakingly researched and spent a lot of money to acquire. Instead, he rode the rocket forward. Same.

"Oh~ How could a fool like Ebony Maw be frozen to death by the low temperature of the universe? Isn't it just a few hundred degrees below zero? There's nothing to be afraid of. It's not even close to absolute zero."

"Forget it, why are you thinking about this? Think about last night~ Uh-huh~ Fortunately, the dark power can be replenished and consumed at any time~ The digitalized life form is so good."

"Have just finished playing with another woman, and you think about another one. Don't you think it's very despicable?" A yellow-skinned rat came out from beside Li Ye and spoke to Li Ye.

This guy also came with Li Ye. Her main role is to attract believers. But now because of the existence of the Golden Tree on the earth and the change of Li Ye's identity as Minister of Defense, the number of believers in the Golden Tree can be increased very quickly without having to worry about it. Promotion, and in order to collect faith as quickly as possible, Li Ye even directly issued a decree to turn Guoxin into a golden tree faith.

As for the Bible? Hehe, there is no God in the Marvel MCU. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that a God will come to compete with Li Ye for his faith? Just kidding, at worst, calling the tuba here, me helping myself doesn’t count as calling the parents.

The earth does not need preachers and agents, so Li Ye brought her outside to spread his golden teachings.

And this guy is so rampant now because Li Ye agreed to keep her consciousness for her. Regardless of absorbing her or not, this consciousness can give her one more life. Then this guy drifted away and changed from Marika to a yellow-skinned mouse. .

Li Ye looked at this guy and said speechlessly: "How can you taint someone's innocence! This body of mine is a clone, how can the things done by the clone be compared with the main body? You have to know, those wives of mine, I have always been Even though I was sealed in the furnace by the Heavenly Lord, I took a leave of absence to go back and marry Xiao Ruan! "

The yellow-skinned mouse simply pouted: "Bah! Who said this clone is a time section of his own body? Did the dog say that? What's the difference between this and you having sex yourself!"

Li Ye looked at the yellow-skinned mouse and did not speak. Instead, he paused for a moment, and then his eyes became more evil. The yellow-skinned mouse was somewhat creeped out by Li Ye's eyes: "What do you want to do? You don't even think about me." Want to have sex? I am another person! You have to think carefully!"

Li Ye's eyes lit up and he didn't say much, but said teasingly: "Oh? How can you call me me if you have an extra soul? You can't lie like this~"

The yellow-skinned mouse hurriedly spoke: "Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid that if you get on top of me, you'll turn into Radagan?"

Li Ye was a little curious: "Can you still transform into Radagon?"

The yellow-skinned mouse hurriedly spoke: "You know the form I will have after I combine with you. I am originally a ball of energy. Whatever you want, I will naturally become something."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Come on, I'm in sage mode now. I have no idea about women. What's your expression like? I don't have any idea about men either! I just want to know what roasted yellow-skinned mice taste like. You tell me, if I What happens if you bake it and fry it, fry it and fry it, and boil it again? If you have a backup memory, you will definitely remember it very clearly!"

The yellow-skinned rat was so frightened that he hid in a corner: "Don't bother me, just say it if you have something to say! Isn't it okay for you not to tell me if you don't tell me? Isn't it okay for you to say that what the clone has done has nothing to do with the main body?"

Streams of light passed by, and she transformed into Marika again. It seemed that she was really afraid that Li Ye would give her a charcoal-roasted yellow mouse.

Li Ye smiled and shook his head: "Okay, there are three superpowers in the universe ahead, and they will leave you behind. It's really troublesome."

The yellow-skinned mouse said: "No, are you sure those guys believe in religion? Are there people in aliens who believe in religion?"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Of course. I don't know. I, Star-Lord, haven't watched those movies very much because I'm afraid that mental retardation will be contagious. You need to rely on your own efforts for these! I hope you can occupy this place when I come back, oh ~By the way, I’m afraid there are a lot of aliens who like pretty girls, remember to become Radagan.”

The yellow-skinned mouse suddenly felt his anus tighten: "I can't become a British boy!"

Li Ye looked at the yellow-skinned mouse, smiled and said, "Of course it's possible, aliens are very crooked, you know~ The place is here, you should get off the ship!"


Li Ye kicked the yellow-skinned mouse, and the yellow-skinned mouse turned directly into a stream and headed towards the unknown planet.

"No! It's not my brother! Please tell me something!!"

Li Ye really didn't know what the planet was called. He only saw a little bit of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and he knew there was a big ball called Ego, which was very strong and as high as a planet.

Li Ye's eyes were a little teasing: "This planet. Do you want to shoot it down? Put it next to the earth and let it revolve around the earth someday?"

But after thinking about it, Li Ye still felt that it would be better to forget it. If it was placed there, it might cause some special problems. The earth is like this, and all the problems are caused by the earth.

"Let's look for the gem."

Li Ye's eyes froze slightly, and the starship locked onto a planet. It was equipped with Asgard's powerful star map. This planet could be said to be shot wherever it was pointed. Of course, even if the star map could not be found, the space gem could also lock the coordinates of the place where Li Ye wanted to go.

"Let's go and find the Red Skull! What do you think of the Space Gem? Your old lover, if I play with you in front of him and do things to you that he hasn't played with before, will he be shocked? Ahem, no, no, I'm a pure guy, don't look at me like that."

The Infinity Gems have their own consciousness, which Li Ye knows, but this consciousness is not strong.

Now Li Ye has initially mastered the power of the Space Gem, and has also mastered a little bit of the Time Gem. The Mind Gem is the most, probably because of the compatibility problem, and the mastery is not very good.

"No, why did you master the worst one for me? Wait, no, Mind Gem, listen to me, I'm not talking about you, listen to my explanation, it looks like I have to go there again."


The Earth is now in a state of change, because of the fall of the Avengers and the disappearance of S.H.I.E.L.D., there have been huge changes on the Internet.

"Does the Earth still need to be protected? Those decent heroes are actually Hydra."

"Horrible, terrible!"

"Fortunately, there is the Minister of Defense, who saw through it in time"

"Stop it, the Minister of Defense is the bad guy! Those people from SHIELD are... Wait, someone rang my doorbell, community warmth? What? I didn't order community warmth"

Now America can be said to be Li Ye's one-man show. Collecting faith through the golden tree projection is something he has done in several worlds. It doesn't require any technical content. On the other side, in the corner of the world, Nick Fury's face is getting darker and darker.

"Fuck! Fuck! Why is she."

In front of him, there is a body. This body belongs to Captain Marvel. Her body has no reaction now, as if she is dead, but judging from the energy content in it, she is still alive, and even alive and well.

Crossbones looked at the side, yawned, and said: "This guy. It was like this when he found it. Director, are you sure this guy is one of us?"

Nick Fury nodded: "Not yet, but I can make her one of us, don't worry!"

During this period, Nick Fury walked in the Hydra base and found that the scale of Hydra was really far beyond his imagination. Hydra is worthy of being Hydra, and it still has a certain amount of energy.

What he guessed correctly was that Alexander Pierce was indeed one of the small leaders, and Nick Fury participated in it and gained a high status through Alexander.

Of course, because of Alexander, this guy didn't know what he reported to Hydra and what plans he had for himself. Now they don't trust him that much. They gave him status and opportunities to do things, but they arranged a "bodyguard" for him. Now he has a crossbone following him wherever he goes.

Fortunately, this guy is also a top agent. He is popular here and has a good life. He has settled down, but Crossbones will still follow him.


After this guy's efforts, they finally found Captain Marvel in the ruins. Of course, this was also Li Ye's intention. If Li Ye hadn't allowed it, they wouldn't have found Captain Marvel, let alone Captain Marvel's bitter tea.

Crossbones looked at Aunt Marvel and remembered the time when this guy fought with Li Ye, so he said: "Then, how to wake her up, this becomes a problem."

Nick Fury didn't say anything. Hydra used all their forces to try to save this Captain Marvel, but Captain Marvel's body structure is different from that of ordinary people. It's not known whether the human species can be determined. How can those guys save this one?

As for finding scientists, the best scientists in Hydra now unanimously agreed to dissect this guy and study his body structure. If it weren't for Nick Fury's suppression, now let alone Captain Marvel, it is estimated that only the Marvel parts will be left.

"Hey, don't worry, Director Fury. Under your wise leadership, we got a lot of money. Basically, 80% of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s funds went into our hands, and the 50% you got from that Tony guy is enough for us to live for a long time."

Nick Fury's face became darker. He asked why he didn't have enough money every day. She thought it was because he built hidden fortress bases everywhere, but it turned out to be these parasites. He took the trouble to be a parasite for the tax bureau and Tony, but he didn't expect these guys to be parasites for himself.

"Hey! Director, under your leadership, in addition to money, we also got a lot of materials, which accounted for about 80% of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury's face became darker.

"It's a pity that the destruction plan didn't succeed. It was that, oh, I don't know if you know it or not, it was that person who used the aerospace carrier to eliminate all the people who were harmful to Hydra."

Nick Fury didn't want to talk anymore. He knew about the plan. Originally, the plan was to eliminate those guys with criminal tendencies, but it was stopped because of Li Ye's request.

Now his face is almost as black as Black Panther's father. His father was mining under Wakanda. Because he had been dealing with coal for a long time, the pickled taste was in his body, and he was very black.


Crossbones looked at Nick Fury and smiled slightly: "Hey! Director Fury, now this... Captain Marvel... Uh... Captain Marvel has no intention of waking up. Why don't we go and see what Hydra has found in Serbia! There are some very good seedlings in that country~"

Nick Fury looked at Crossbones, then followed him suspiciously, mainly because he really needed the power of Hydra to help him now.

They came to a dark room, and Nick Fury saw two children. They were called children, but they were actually about the same size as Spider-Man Peter Parker. Nick Fury didn't know what Crossbones wanted to say, so he said, "Are these two children the same as Spider-Man?" Crossbones smiled slightly, "Of course not, these two children have terrible talents. One of them can run very fast, and the other can control a kind of telekinetic energy!" As he spoke, a Hydra researcher came over and said something to the two children, so the boy stood up and ran out, with a speed comparable to that of an adult. Nick Fury said, "No. Are you sure? That's it? This is at most a talent." He thought of Li Ye. Even if it was the speed of Captain Marvel, Li Ye could catch him directly and kick him out. This kind of speed can be developed to become an athlete in the future, but compared to Li Ye, Nick Fury can only say that he is nothing. Crossbones said awkwardly: "They are still in the stage of increasing their power, Director. They need a special energy to develop their power~"

Nick Fury frowned: "Special energy?"

Crossbones smiled slightly: "It's the energy of the Cosmic Cube. I know you can get it now~ Director."

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