Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 800 Encirclement and Suppression Plan

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. conference room, everyone was quietly waiting for Black Braised Egg Nick Fury to speak, because Black Braised Egg invited a very strong guy, that guy could fly, and even shoot lasers, even if it was Hao Damn, there's nothing you can do against her.

In front of a huge round table, Natasha sat next to Dr. Banner, and Hawkeye sat on the other side of Natasha. Opposite them were Iron Man Tony and Thor, and these two guys couldn't stand each other. But he didn't speak. Instead, Tony was thinking about something, and seemed to have his own ideas about something.

Next to Tony was Ant-Man. Because Ant-Man's master was at odds with Iron Man's father, the two didn't seem to be friendly. Tony was sandwiched between the two of them, frowning from time to time.

War Machine also joined this meeting, apparently representing the military.

Everyone was quiet, waiting for something, all because of the woman next to Nick Fury.

"A terrible woman."

This is everyone's understanding of this person. Even Dr. Banner has nothing to say when facing this woman. But Hulk has nothing to say, which does not mean that others have nothing to say.

Spider-Man kept talking: "Uh, who are you? With all due respect, you look a bit like my uncle's wife next door. She disappeared a few years ago."

Captain Marvel looked at Spider-Man, smiled slightly, and said nothing. Then Nick Fury, the old man, stood up and faced this guy's question and smiled slightly: "This one is the first revenge." "The Avengers was founded by her and I in the last century, and she is also our biggest helper in conquering Li Ye!"

Hearing the words "conquer Li Ye", some people didn't react at all, but there were also some people who reacted greatly, such as those present

Spider-Man spoke again: "But... where was she when we were fighting? It was the Minister of Defense who took action. I think the Minister of Defense is a good man!"

Nick Fury slapped the table: "He is the biggest threat in the world! Have you ever thought, Parker, what would happen if that terrible power was extended to the entire world? That kind of terrible range-killing magic! Yes! Destroy everything! And all this is in the hands of that guy! I have told you many times that his position as Minister of Defense was stolen!"

Spider-Man continued to speak. This guy is mainly talking about a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He is a teenager and is quite tough: "So, isn't the lady next to you the same? She has puzzling powers!"

Nick Fury looked at Captain Marvel Danforth, then shook his head: "She is different!"

Captain Marvel also said with a joking smile: "Kid, you are still young. You have to know that the world is very big. There are quarrels all the time in the universe, and I just want to solve these quarrels! That's why I am slower. ”

Spider-Man wanted to say something else, but Captain Marvel held his shoulders, and the teenage boy was directly pressed into his seat: "Don't be anxious, kid, watch what happens next!"

Nick Fury shook his head, and then said: "Minister of Defense Li Ye, the source of his position is not correct, and he has targeted us several times, throwing dirty water on us, thinking that we are the remnants of Hydra, but he is extremely angry in his heart. Dark, suspected of dominating the world! The Cube is in his hands now! We must kill him while he is still weak!"

At this time, Nick Fury clapped his hands, and Brother Ni came out. He was wearing a pitch-black armor, and his face was completely covered by the pitch-black armor. After appearing, he patted his necklace twice. The visor disappeared.

It was a face full of scars, so dark that it was difficult to see the original appearance: "Everyone, this is the first time we meet, let me introduce myself. My name is T'Challa, Prince of Wakanda!"

Everyone looked at him, wondering what Nick Fury wanted to express, but Nick Fury just smiled and allowed T'Challa to continue talking. Opposite him, a camera was recording, recording everything in the room, but It's just a video.

Brother Ni continued: "My name is T'Challa, the prince of Wakanda, but everyone knows that the current situation in Wakanda is not good. It is Li Ye, the so-called Minister of Defense, because there are people on our land. Then he named the ore vibranium and wanted to take it away. Then, my hometown was destroyed by him. "

Dr. Banner said: "Isn't it because of international disputes? I remember it was because Wakanda rejected some of Li Ye's requests."

The Black Panther stared at Dr. Banner and said: "The Slave Bill, it is impossible to get approval for something like that! It is just a war gimmick of Li Ye! He just wants our vibranium! That land, growth With my subjects, my father and I received the blessing of the Black Panther God on that land, that is, Li Ye. Because of greed, he even killed our Black Panther God and took away all our vibranium! ! Slave us all to grow cotton for him! ”

Behind him is the current situation of Wakanda captured by satellite. It cannot be said to be very difficult. It can only be said to be a return to the United States of the last century. Cotton and ores are abundant, and there are various automatic mining and Automatic cotton picking machine.

War Machine looked at those things and curled his lips: "It's really no secret of discrimination! That guy, the Minister of Defense! He has always been like this."

Danforth said: "It's really bad. He doesn't even give these guys fried chicken and watermelon. It's worse than those farmers. Sorry, I just want to make a brief comment."

Black Panther shook his head and continued: "Fortunately, with the help of my sister, we made this suit of armor. I escaped from my hometown Wakanda and was attacked by Director Nick Fury. With help, I finally survived!”

Everyone frowned as they listened to Black Panther's self-narration, especially Ant-Man, who said directly: "The Secretary of Defense, is he such a person?"

Spider-Man still wanted to speak, and it seemed that he wanted to defend Li Ye, but Danforth held him down: "Kid, sometimes, what you see is not necessarily the truth."

Iron Man Tony looked at Black Panther's necklace and the energy Danforth used in his hands when he held down Spider-Man Peter Parker, then looked at his Ark Reactor, and fell into thinking again.

Dr. Banner said: "It has nothing to do with me. I am just a scientific researcher. Everyone knows that I am powerless."

But no one paid attention to him. Only Nick Fury glanced at Natasha, and Natasha also glanced at Nick Fury. There seemed to be something conveyed between the two with their eyes, but you couldn't tell it without looking carefully.

The war weapon stood up: "The military will provide certain help, and it must be eradicated completely!"

Everyone said something to each other, and after an hour of arguing, the crusade against Li Ye was finally confirmed.

Nick Fury said: "From various sources, Li Ye is very powerful, but he is definitely in a period of weakness now. We must kill him at this time! Then when the time comes, all personnel will be dispatched, Dan Fox is in charge of the huge guy, while Black Panther and Prince Thor of Asgard will deal with the hoe. As for Li Ye, everyone will attack. How about this being the battle plan for the time being? "

No one refused, only Spider-Man was hesitant to speak, and Nick Fury came to Spider-Man with a bad expression: "Kid, you don't have to go to this war, you are still young."

The matter was finalized, and not long after, everyone left. Seeing everyone leaving, Spider-Man also wanted to leave, but as soon as he went out, he was stopped by two men in black: "Hello, Spider-Man, Peter Parker, I need your help with something here."

Spider-Man looked at the two big men in black clothes. Just as he was about to say something, he was stabbed directly by a needle. In an instant, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground: "What...?"

The two big men saw Peter Parker falling to the ground, looked at each other, and dragged him down. It was not until a long time later that Peter Parker opened his eyes.

"Where is this?"

Spider-Man looked at the surrounding environment. It was a dark place. It could be seen that it was surrounded by cages made of steel. He wanted to escape from here, but he was unable to cause any harm to the cage or even give any feedback. None.

"Is this vibranium?"

He looked at the cage in disbelief. He knew how rare things like vibranium were. Although he was a student, he knew a lot about these things because of his status. Can such a rare thing be used as a cage?

At this time, a man came out. He looked at Peter Parker in front of him through the cage, "Peter Parker, you are too dangerous! Your thoughts scare us!"

Peter looked at this man and was stunned for a moment: "Are you Alexander Pierce?"

The man smiled slightly and said: "Of course, my friend, your power is too strong, but your thoughts are biased towards that man, so we decided to correct your thoughts!"

"What do you want to do? No. Don't!"

Peter looked around. In an instant, the shadowless light came on. Countless instruments that he couldn't understand were sitting around, including various projectors, and an instrument that was obviously placed on his head and filled with various kinds of needlework.

"No no no"

Spider-Man shook his head. Behind Alexander Pierce, two guys with dull eyes came up. One of them had a mechanical arm. At first glance, these two men were not something to be trifled with, so they stretched out their hands. , trying to pull Peter Parker through the cage.

Peter Parker immediately wanted to resist, but his strength was still a little weak and he could not resist effectively. He was caught directly, and the two big men were pressing the machines on his head. Peter Parker Looking at the machine that looked like a melon-skin hat, he fixed his eyes on it: "Damn it. Aunt Mei really wants it this time."


At this moment, a loud noise sounded, followed by the sounds of several explosions. Alexander Pierce immediately moved away, with a strange look on his face: "Who is it!"

The two big men also immediately came to Alexander Pierce's side, protecting Pierce and trying to leave. However, before they could take a step, the wall in front of them instantly cracked, followed by a violent explosion, causing the wall to explode. The wall completely turned into dust, and the dust spread all over the room. Pierce was knocked down and wanted to get up from the ground: "Quick! Protect me!"

The two big men immediately stepped forward to protect Pierce and looked at the smoke.

At this time, a steel armored man slowly walked out from the smoke and dust. Pierce looked at the figure in the smoke and dust, and his eyes were obviously stunned for a moment: "It's you! Tony Stark!"

That's right! The Iron Man who came was Tony Stark. He walked out slowly, his eyes full of contempt: "Winter Soldier, it looks exactly like what Li Ye said. You damn beasts! You have been staying here all the time, pretending to be S.H.I.E.L.D!"

Pierce smiled awkwardly, he wiped the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, listen to my explanation. Tony, you know, I am Alexander, this is a misunderstanding."

Tony knocked him over with an air cannon, and then said: "It's really interesting, Winter Soldier, mind control, and. Long live Hydra, right, hehe, when I came just now, I had seen many people outside, and they all replied to me Long live Hydra, what? Is this sentence popular now?"

Pierce's smile froze, and then he shouted: "Get rid of him!"

In an instant, the two Winter Soldiers jumped up and went towards Tony, and Tony also directly dragged out a huge sword, the Chainsaw Sword, with blue energy wrapped around the sword.

"You are so brave! This is a newly upgraded combat system! Jarvis, get rid of them!"

Winter Soldier died after the lightning sword was swung.

Alexander looked at Tony and kept backing away: "Listen to me, we can work together, believe me"


Tony didn't kill him, but knocked him out with a low-power air cannon, then he faced Spider-Man and said, "Kid, your luck is really bad, you can still be caught!"

Peter Parker was not wearing a mask now, and his embarrassed expression was obvious: "That. Sorry, Mr. Stark. Please come to save me. If it weren't for you, I might have died, but didn't you go with the director to attack Defense Minister Li Ye?"

Tony shook his head, he looked at his armor and chainsaw sword, and said, "It's not me on their side!"

Members of the Avengers were flying towards Li Ye's location, and there was an Iron Man flying in the sky, but no one knew that there was no Tony in this Iron Man armor.

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