Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 795: This is what a mage is like

Iron Man used Jarvis to find out that SHIELD was actually using the Cosmic Cube for research. According to Li Ye's words above, this thing was the most dangerous thing and was the foundation of Hydra's existence back then.

He didn't want to believe Li Ye, but according to his investigation, that thing was indeed Hydra's biggest reliance on launching war back then.

"The Red Skull obtained the Cosmic Cube from Norway according to Nordic mythology, and then relied on this thing to make weapons, launch World War II, and destroy the entire Nordic world. And the ultimate purpose of this thing is to create this thing? Create this huge hole , and then summon a large number of monsters to invade?"

"What Hydra failed to do back then, SHIELD did?"

Iron Man didn't understand, but at this time, a man came next to him. He was holding a huge shield in his hand, and he knocked away a Kirita who was close to Tony, and then said with a smile: "Ah, hello. , Iron Armored Man, Li Ye told me that you were deceived by Hydra. In fact, I can tell you that those guys are Hydra, including that Nick Fury!"

Iron Man looked at the dark-skinned guy with a little incomprehension in his eyes, but he still subconsciously turned off Nick Fury's monitor, and then said: "You are?"

The man holding the shield stood up and smiled slightly: "My name is Steve Rogers, you can call me Captain America!"

After Iron Man heard this, he laughed directly. Although he did not laugh because the situation was not right, he still laughed teasingly. He shot away a Kirita soldier on the side with a casual shot, and then said: "Are you sure? The United States When did the captain become Ni? Why are you so politically correct? Are the old guys from hundreds of years ago politically correct?”

Captain America was speechless. He covered his head. After killing the Kirita soldiers on the side, he continued to speak: "I became like this because of the Minister of Defense, that is, Li Ye."

Then he took out the melatonin Li Ye gave him and took one pill. The black color on his body really faded a little. His forehead now turned white, but only his forehead turned white. This is Li Ye's brand melatonin, which is effective immediately, but the effect is, well, in line with Li Ye's behavior as always.

Tony looked at Captain America and wanted to laugh, but when he saw the invasion of Kirita soldiers, he suppressed his smile and instead used the mecha to deal with the current situation: "Hey, you guy! What do you know? Li Ye has What do you want me to tell you?"

Captain America looked at Tony Stark and said, "No! It's not the Secretary of Defense, it's me. What I want to tell you is that, in fact, SHIELD is another base of Hydra!"

Tony Stark was stunned for a moment and was almost shot by a Kirita soldier. He looked at Captain America and said in disbelief: "No, it would be terrible if that's the case!"

Tony Stark didn't want to believe the so-called Captain America in front of him, but because of Li Ye's existence, Tony actually didn't have many doubts about the existence of Captain America. Let alone Captain America, if Li Ye summoned Kennedy, Tony would only Be able to say something like "laughing all the time" or "imagination is wide open".

But regarding Captain America's so-called "Hydra Base", he was a little noncommittal, but many things connected together.

Tony said: "But, what is this in front of you? If it is Hydra, then why did Nick Fury organize a resistance to the invasion?"

Captain America rushed forward with his shield. As he rushed, he said, "Of course it's because Hydra wants to rule the world, not destroy it! The Cube has been taken away! So these guys are not Hydra." It was the guy called Loki who was released by the snake! That’s why Nick Fury organized the resistance!”

Iron Man flew after him: "You old antique! What evidence do you have!"

Captain America glanced at Tony, said nothing, and continued to move forward. Behind Tony, Li Ye slowly emerged. He smiled slightly and said: "Of course Nick Fury is fake! His true identity is... a Alien, and the identity of this alien was created by Hydra using the Cosmic Cube hundreds of years ago!"

Iron Man immediately turned around and faced Li Ye. He was quite afraid of Li Ye's appearance. He faced Li Ye with both hands, as if Li Ye would fire if he took another step forward. After all, Minister Li Ye He knew exactly how he got his position.

But Li Ye didn't care. He was still in the shadows, walking forward slowly as if he hadn't seen the hand cannon.

Li Ye held a Nick Fury in his hand and stood out from the shadows. He threw Nick Fury out, but the blood flowing out of Nick Fury was not red, but blue!

Tony looked at the trembling Nick Fury and said blankly: "What?"

Li Ye stretched out his hand and pointed it at Tony. Tony was immediately frightened and wanted to retreat. After all, the shadow Li Ye brought to him was still too great. But the next second, something appeared in Tony's Jarvis. .

That's a lot of Hydra information, including Nick Fury's immediate boss, Alexander Pierce's dealings with various places, including Crossbones.


Li Ye smiled and said: "Although I am a kind-hearted person, these guys have endangered the stability of society, haven't they? As the Minister of Defense, no matter how kind I am, I can't just sit back and watch!"

Li Ye left, leaving Tony alone in a daze: "Is SHIELD a Hydra agency? So... how many people are still in the dark, and how many people are the real Hydra?" "

He thought about Nick Fury's Avengers, and he didn't believe that any of them were Hydra, but what could he do? Now he is confused.

"I've been funding Hydra?"

"Hey! Boy! If you don't know what to do, just follow me! Let's destroy Hydra together!"

Captain America stretched out his hand towards Tony, and Tony was stunned for a moment, then also stretched out his hand.

Li Ye stood in the distance, smiled and shook his head: "You really have good leadership and appeal, Captain America, don't you think so, trainee mage Strange!"

Next to Li Ye, a mage with a horse face looked trembling: "I'm eating my meal. Where was it sent to me?"

Li Ye laughed loudly: "Don't be excited, my horse-faced Master Strange. I was called by Master Ancient One to help you improve. You also know that Master Ancient One actually cares about you! You are the next one." The Supreme Master!"

Strange looked at Li Ye and was stunned for a moment: "Me?"

Strange had just finished fighting Dormammu's men when he was directly brought here by Li Ye and forced him to learn "spells". Strange did not understand the current situation to some extent.

"Yes, Master Strange, do you know what this is?"

Li Ye took out a green stone from his crotch. The Strangers were all dumbfounded: "Huh? Eye of Agamotto?"

Li Ye nodded: "Yes! Master Gu Yi said that as long as you meet my requirements, it is not impossible to take this thing away."

Next to Li Ye, a portal opened, and Gu Yi's big bald head emerged. He looked at the time gem in Li Ye's hand and said helplessly: "Strange, for the next period of time, you will follow this guy. Train as a mage. As long as you train well enough, you will be able to defeat those minions of Dormammu!"

Afterwards, Ancient One left, and Strange looked at the surroundings with a confused look on his face. He looked at the remnants of the red rotation of the portal and understood the current situation.

He was entrusted by Gu Yi to the mage in front of him and asked the mage to give him special training. If he succeeded, he would be able to get the Eye of Agamotto and defeat Dormammu. Although he didn't know what the Eye of Agamotto was. , but he knew that this thing was the inheritance of the Supreme Mage.

"Am I going to be the Supreme Mage?"

Strange hurriedly said: "So... this mage, what should I do?"

Li Ye looked at the horse-faced mage Strange in front of him and smiled: "It's very simple. Look at me and learn from me!"

Strange looked at the Kirita soldiers all over New York and thought it was some kind of evil invasion. However, his home was not in New York, and his level of justice was not particularly exaggerated, so he didn't do anything passionate about it and went straight up. The thing about helping is just to wait quietly for Li Ye to take action.

At this time, a huge "whale" happened to come from the sky and fly towards them. Li Ye stood directly in front of the huge whale, with his back to Strange, and laughed loudly and said: "Watch it! Strange A mage! A true mage is like this!”

The horse-faced mage Strange stared at Li Ye closely, wanting to see what this mage was going to teach him. The mage who could be entrusted by Ancient Yi must be an extremely powerful mage! After all, although he didn't know Li Ye's level, he knew the level of Ancient One. He heard from the Mage King that Ancient One had been dictatorial for four hundred years, preventing Dormammu from invading.

And how strong must a man like Li Ye, who was recognized and entrusted by Gu Yi, have to be?

The next second, he was stunned.

He saw Li Ye leaping high and shattering the "whale" with one punch, causing the whale to shatter directly to the ground.


Strange thought of many consequences, such as whether the mage used black magic to face the enemy, or used white magic that Strange had never seen before. Strange thought about various scenarios. But I never expected this kind of thing. One punch knocked the opponent over. Is this a mage?

Then he saw Li Ye smash another "whale" with another punch. Strange saw that the half-mechanical, half-living whale was directly shattered, and its head was dented.


Everyone in Strange was numb, but Li Ye fell from the air and tore his shirt to pieces: "Mage Strange, this is the first spell I taught you, called the fist spell! This It’s my best spell! You have to understand that to be a real mage, you need to use all the points of strength and speed to increase your physical strength. As for spells, just use the lighting spell!”

Strange was stunned. Although he had watched The Lord of the Rings, the melee mage meme in The Lord of the Rings was not popular right now, so he couldn't tell that Li Ye was playing a meme. He said blankly: "This Is this a mage?"

Li Ye waved his fists in the air, shattering a huge whale with one punch. He laughed loudly: "The first method of the mage! Practice block! Have you learned it? Mage Strange!"

Strange looked at Li Ye, looking at the knotted muscles on Li Ye's body, the streamlined and powerful explosive muscles. He didn't know what to say. After Li Ye shattered several "whales", Falling directly from the sky and landing next to Strange, he said: "This is the first spell, called boxing. Do you understand?"

Strange nodded blankly. He was afraid that Li Ye would get addicted and give him another shot. He also reacted at this time: "Master, you... you said this is the first method. Are there any other methods?"

Li Ye nodded, looked up at the Kirita soldiers raging in the air, and smiled slightly: "Look, boxing is not suitable for many times. For example, if the opponent is in the sky, our boxing cannot hit him. You understand. Bar!"

Strange nodded quickly! To be able to face monsters in the air, it must be magic! , finally getting on the right track, the mage’s practice.

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Faced with large-scale monsters and monsters in the sky, we cannot fight them, so we must need the second method!"

Strange looked at Li Ye in front of him expectantly, and then Li Ye clapped his hands. In an instant, countless mechas flew from the sky. Without exception, they all had the armor characteristics of Batman.

"Sickle! Clear them out!"

The sickle is a brand new artificial intelligence created by Hoe for Li Ye. The reason why it is called artificial intelligence is because there are really people behind it to control it. All their terminals are connected to the center of the black shadow latitude, where Hoe closes his eyes and controls everything.

"Okay, I obey your orders, my lord!"

In an instant, these armors flew straight forward. Countless missiles flew into the sky, and then like fireworks, the Kirita soldiers in the sky exploded one after another, and then fell down. The sound they made when they landed on the ground was, It was like a heavy rain.

Everyone in Strange was numb: "No. Not a mage, isn't that right?"

Li Ye said: "What's wrong? The marksmanship is not legal?"

Strange looked at the armor in the sky. Each one used the Wave Sword, nuclear missiles, and energy rays, beating the Kiritas to pieces and running away with their faces drawn even longer.

"The marksmanship is also calculated!"

Li Ye nodded: "Boys can be taught! These are the two methods I want to teach you! As long as you learn these two methods, Supreme Mage? Huh, you can get it at your fingertips!

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