Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 790 A Completely Different Kind of Favor

"Ability value: lv.1

Strength: 123(b)

Durability: 321(a)

Magic: 1231 (sss)

Agility: 456(s)

Dexterity: 654(s)



Emperor of the Night: As the Emperor of the Night, you can master all negative emotions well and use them as your strength. With this kind of power in hand, victory is inevitable.

Mage: After being taught by a certain mage, you are now a mage, so your strength will increase very quickly. What? What does a mage have to do with power? You can ask an old mage with a white beard about this.

Master of the golden tree: You are the master of the golden tree composed of faith. You can use the power of the golden tree and combine it with faith to achieve a special effect.


Li Ye looked at his panel, somewhat puzzled: "Why does this happen to the same soul, which is completely different from the original body!"

Normally, the same soul will bring the same favor. After all, this favor is yours.

The soul is one's own, and Enhui is bound to the soul, but why is the awakening Enhui different? Li Ye also hoped that the power of grace would bring him some strength, but now a single dragon blood made him even worse in terms of strength.

Li Ye frowned: "This will reduce the power! It shouldn't be."

He couldn't figure it out, let alone the favor system. Why did one soul have so many bodies? He was just a thing similar to the system. It was good without bugs, but he still wanted to share it?

"But there are benefits to this. Even if everyone gives me the power to recycle favors, it will be enough to give me a huge improvement. If I have the top power of [Brave], it will be even more popular, but the early power is not enough! "

His thoughts flew to other bodies, and then he was surprised: "Huh? Not bad!"

To his surprise, in the other worlds, he was doing well and improving well. Even in worlds he had never seen before, he could conquer many people with his "charm of personality".

He shook his head: "In this case, let's forget it. There is no need to study it in such detail. Anyway, when the time comes, I will have my module on my body. I will insert it into my body according to the module's method. No matter what the hell." , will be suppressed by the rules.”

Then, he put his eyes on the time gem in his hand. This thing was given to him by Ancient Yi when he had no choice. Ancient Yi may have seen his own body, his true body, through this thing. His body is still in his lifetime. Zun keeps drawing and recycling the dead or dying bodies, but no one stipulates that he can't pull the bodies over.

"Hey, why does it feel like you can't beat me by calling me big brother? In the future, I can't let it turn into calling thousands of guys to come over and beat me if I can't beat you."

Li Ye shook his head and continued to study the time gems. In the next period of time, he will mainly collect these things. He wants all six of them!

He only has a little idea about the Avengers guys now. At most, they are persecution. If they come to mess with him, he will deal with it together. He does not intend to take the initiative to attack. After all, Steve Rogers is on the main battlefield. , that is, Captain America does it, he only needs to sit back and collect the points immediately.

"Anyway, I arranged this matter. The main reason lies with me, so I can just sit back and enjoy the results, right?"

"However, in a few days we can study the Battle of New York. It's indeed time to see what the Avengers will do. Nick Fury, the leader of Hydra, once again studied the Cosmic Cube and played with a large number of aliens. The aliens want to seize the earth, and the great Secretary of Defense takes Captain America to defeat them~"

"Just thinking about it makes me feel happy!"

Li Ye looked at the time stone in his hand, extracted a little bit of latitude power and put it on it, but it was obvious that this thing was not interested in him, and nothing happened.

"No, Gu Yi gave me a glass bead?"

He kept fiddling with the thing, but let alone traveling through time or predicting the future, this thing didn't even have any feedback.

"No, buddy, what's your name? What's your name? Tell me something, just sit here and don't move."

Li Ye shook his head: "Isn't the adaptability not enough? Isn't it right? This thing needs to be adaptable?"

He knows that wireless gems are very abstract. There are those with high adaptability, similar to the Red Skull, which are immediately attracted by the rich woman and taken away to see the gate. There are also inferior ones, such as Nick Fury, who has studied them. Over the years, my face has become nothing but darker.

"Forget it. I can't do the research. I'll let Ancient One teach me some other time. Without teaching, I picked up Strange's girlfriend, then took Dormammu to dance at Ancient One's funeral, and then dug up her ancestral grave. "No, it's too cruel. Let's not take Dormammu with us. Let's take some of her disciples."

"When the time comes, Wang's body type will be able to press the coffin board. Wait? Why am I already thinking about things that this guy didn't teach me."

Li Ye shook his head. He thought about the locations of the remaining gems and slowly planned his next journey.

"I don't know where the Power Stone is. I have to wait for Star-Lord to get it. But logically speaking, it will definitely go to a collector like this. Then I can just go find the collector."

"The Mind Stone is in Loki's hands. I let him go last time on purpose. He should come back. According to what the old man Deng said, the New York War will still happen. At that time, I will take the Cosmic Cube with me. If the war doesn't break out, I will go to his grave with Dormammu and the disciples of the Ancient One."

"The Reality Stone. This thing has to wait for the fusion of the nine realms, and then go to find Thor's wife. This thing will enter his wife's body, and then heat up his wife's body and keep swimming in her body. Why doesn't it feel wrong? Just give it to Thor's wife when the time comes."

"The Soul Stone is on that weird planet. You have to sacrifice the most important person to get it. Well, who is the most important person to me in this world?"

Li Ye saw a mouse in the corner. The mouse was eating watermelon with a black shadow ninja wearing sunglasses. Li Ye was speechless: "Why don't you try to throw it down for you?"

The mouse looked at Li Ye, then kicked herself consciously and kicked herself out. Although it was hard to imagine, she kicked herself.

"Abstract, let's wait for Thanos to get it himself, and then we can just rob it. "

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