Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 728 That’s right! It’s you!

Meng Qi looked into the distance with a bit of depression in his eyes. He was a bit nervous because he had experienced this kind of big event once in the past half month. He almost got raped that time. He was just a little bit away!

In this kind of big event, there will be a large number of so-called "fairies" who come to give alms and spread luster. In fact, they still squeeze out the remaining essence of these guys. After being squeezed dry, they will die completely.

And if Meng Qi is raped, his identity will definitely be exposed! But he can't do anything. Last time, he hid in the house of Shangshui Fairy and escaped. This time, Shangshui Fairy herself came, and he could only watch! The disguise was even weaker, hoping that no "fairy" would come to him.

The big ship docked, the long bridge, the long corridor, one by one, one by one, just like the real fairyland.

The luxurious big ship docked here. Those who have a need for desire and those who have been over-raped immediately approached it. They roared weakly and shouted weakly.

"Fairy... Please, give me one chance, just one time..."

"Even if I die now, it's okay!"

"Fairy! Fairy! I still have some essence! I still have! I still have a lot of strength!"

Seeing this, Meng Qi quickly approached. If he didn't go forward, he would definitely be noticed, but he couldn't be noticed, so he had to move forward slowly, slowly, without saying a word, just at the end of the team, looking very weak.

Women came down from the boat one by one, some of them spread out, untied their clothes, and gave alms to these people, while others just maintained order.

Those crazy people just tore the bodies of those "fairies" and their clothes, and their bodies were scratched with red marks, but they still had smiles on their faces, facing those people.

This scene was extremely terrifying, and it reminded Meng Qi of a word, a word starting with im, a word that cannot be expressed in words.

But he noticed that at the end of the long line, after a road was opened, a woman came out slowly. The woman looked different from the others. She was dressed quite conservatively. Unlike the others, she didn't have the slightest seductive feeling.

Perhaps it should be said that this one didn't look like someone from the Su Nu fairyland. It can be seen that this one is probably Shangshui Fairy!

And those beggars, those crazy, irrational guys, they didn't choose to approach this fairy, maybe because of the aura, or maybe because of something else, Meng Qi didn't know, but he could see that this "fairy" was definitely different from those guys who gave alms

And another thing that shocked him even more was that behind her, there was a very indifferent woman. It wasn't the indifference of the woman that shocked him, but her appearance. That appearance was really... a very exaggerated appearance!

This kind of appearance should not be possessed by the earth. That kind of ethereal feeling and that kind of elegant movement actually had a feeling of involving his mind. Of course, he just suppressed it casually and it was gone. This was not a kind of involvement for those lunatics. If it was for those lunatics, this person's temperament might not be as good as those female bodhisattvas who gave alms. It was a kind of attraction for those with wisdom!

It was a feeling of being independent and detached from the world, floating and about to ascend to heaven, and even a feeling that this was the real "fairy"!

"But why does it feel... so familiar?"

Meng Qi was very strange, but he still hid himself. Just like that, the woman slowly left. Except for Meng Qi, the people whose minds were not eroded noticed this person.

"This guy has nothing to do with me. Hide yourself quickly. The key point is to avoid this disaster!"

Meng Qi disappeared in the crowd, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible, waiting for Shangshui Fairy to pass by him, but for some reason, her body was always squeezed farther and farther away, slowly away from the center, and he couldn't use his strength. Once he used his strength, he would definitely be discovered!

So he hid, hid, and waited for the time to come, but the steps of Shangshui Fairy walking towards him still made him feel something was wrong.

"Damn! How come she is getting closer!"

But at this moment, Shangshui Fairy suddenly stopped when she was walking towards them. She faced Meng Qi and said to the woman behind her: "I found an interesting man~"

Meng Qi was stunned. He quickly bent down, but his ears were erected, listening to the words of those guys.

"That little brother, come with me! Go to my house, and you don't have to wander here anymore!"

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly looked here, wanting to see who was so lucky to be favored by the fairy!

This kind of favor is definitely not an ordinary favor! This one is definitely the kind of beautiful life that can directly escape from the sea of ​​suffering!

Everyone looked over and followed the direction of Shang Shui Fairy's finger, scrambling to get in the direction of that person, but Meng Qi also noticed the finger and frantically moved in the opposite direction of the finger. In this conflict, Shang Shui Fairy's finger continued to move in the direction of Meng Qi.

Meng Qi also felt something was wrong at this time. Why were these guys following him? He raised his head and saw that Shang Shuixianzi's finger was pointing at his forehead. He hurriedly moved a little to the left, and the finger also moved a little to the left with him.

"No, this..."

He moved a little to the right, and then Shang Shuixianzi's finger also moved a little to the right with him.

Meng Qi was numb: "Ah? This!"

Shang Shuixianzi smiled slightly, and at this time, she had a little playfulness on her face: "Come with me!"

Meng Qi looked at Shang Shuixianzi's face and felt a little familiar, especially that playful smile, that kind of inappropriate playful smile, just like an old friend he had met! If it weren't for the fact that Shang Shuixianzi's personality was very similar to that person, then there was only one possibility.

This guy is that old friend!

Meng Qi looked around, and he couldn't hide anymore. He could only move forward. He frowned and followed step by step. If he didn't follow, he would definitely be suspected. How could a normal guy give up this opportunity!

He could only gamble that the guy in front of him was really the old friend he knew!

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