Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 713: The Emperor of Heaven Steps on Time

Xuan Ku was stunned. He looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. There was no luster, no true energy, just a knife, a simple knife, but only such a knife was needed.

The high and mighty Emperor of Heaven did not need to use any gorgeous moves, nor did he need any powerful achievements. He only needed a word, and this person would die.

And Li Ye was just like now! He just waved a knife lightly!

The next second, Xuan Ku's thoughts turned around. He seemed to have returned to his childhood, to the moment when he was still a novice monk. He kept practicing martial arts in the chores room and eating chicken legs that were not considered meat dishes.

"Hey, hey, hey! Tomorrow, the master of the Kong generation will come to select apprentices! Xuan Ku, do you think you can be selected?"

"As long as you are selected, you can leave here!"

He remembered everything, everything, and these things that he had even forgotten in the depths of his memory actually appeared in front of him!

He saw the efforts he had made, and those friends who had died, and the years of struggle he had once experienced!

"If it's you, it must be possible! Right!"

At the disciple selection meeting, he was selected by Master Kongxiang, who stroked his bald head and said, "Xuan Ku, follow me from now on!"

Xuan Ku nodded: "Master!"

But the next second, he was stunned. The person in front of him was not Xuan Ku at all, but Li Ye! Li Ye with lifeless eyes! He raised the long knife in his hand and dropped it casually, without any true energy or light.

On the day he became a disciple, in the lobby of Shaolin Temple, it was just such an ordinary knife, just such an ordinary cut off a head!

It belonged to a novice monk who had not yet broken through.

Xuan Ku died. He was in the long river of sword energy, looking at Li Ye in front of him. Li Ye still seemed to have no expression. He just stuck the long knife into the ground, as if the knife just now was not swung by him!

"Ah, it turns out that I've been dead for a long time!"

Xuan Ku smiled slightly, his head fell from his shoulders, Xuan Ku died, died on the day he became his disciple

Unsolvable knife! The Emperor of Heaven steps on time! You have never lived, how can you die?

"Hahahahahaha, it turns out that I have never lived!!"

He looked at Li Ye and spread his arms. He had no way to continue to attack, but he still had the last bit of strength, an obsession, he wanted to resist this move! Let Shaolin survive!

The sword energy broke out, and this knife finally suppressed Li Ye to the point where he could survive! Infinite sword energy broke out and hit the entire Shaolin!

That Xuan Ku spread his hands and used his body to resist this move! That Xuan Bei saw this scene and was also stunned. He knew that Xuan Ku had definitely failed! He hurried forward and spread his hands. He would not allow Shaolin Temple to be destroyed!

"Subdue the demon!!"

Infinite power suppressed down, he even used his body to block!

"Definitely! Must block it!"

The long river of sword energy kept surging, constantly destroying, constantly destroying, and the entire Shaolin fell into ruin!

"Boom! Boom!"

The entire mountaintop on Shaolin Mountain was shattered, and on the other side, a golden hand was constantly resisting all of this, but it was just a drop in the bucket. He could block it in front of him and give himself an inch of peace. That was the limit of the limit, and this was based on the fact that this knife was not aimed at her!

In the back mountain Buddha Light Tower, He Qi said: "What the hell! So loud! Did Shoujing Laodeng set off firecrackers?"

The sword in his hand kept waving, slashing out thousands of five-star sword energy, making the opponent unable to grasp and find it, and the opposite side's Tianzhu Axe was difficult to resist!

Kong Xuan yelled: "What is Han Guang doing! Can you hurry up! He is just a newly promoted Dharmakaya!"

In the main hall, the man who was guarding the silence was numb. Han Guang was better at using the Five Emperors' Swords and the Jade Book of the Heavenly Emperor than him. With the help of Kong Wen Lao Deng, Han Guang had almost no weaknesses. He could only be beaten to the ground!

At this time, he heard the sound of the swords, and he was stunned for a moment. He could feel the destruction and the feeling of death. This was a struggle against "heaven"! This was a sword that killed the will of heaven!

He immediately turned around and looked in that direction! He saw Li Ye's appearance through the distance, and he laughed: "It's you! As expected! No wonder! No wonder!"

Because of this laughter, his abdomen was cut, he quickly moved away, then looked back at Han Guang and said: "Okay, you won't get this knife in this life! Han Guang! Now just let me leave it for you!"

Han Guang looked at Shou Jing in front of him, and looked at the increasingly stable Guangyin Knife in his hand. He seemed to understand something, so he frowned: "Damn it! Damn it! Die for me!!!"

The long knife in his hand became more and more fierce, like a strong wind, like a torrential rain, and there was no longer the calm feeling at that time!

Shou Jing was sweating profusely. He stared at Han Guang and shouted, "Damn you! Do you want to shave your master's beard? You cut it so fast!!"

Han Guang said coldly, "Die! You bastard!"

Shou Jing was tired of resisting, and he was also complaining in his heart, "Damn Old Seven, can you come faster? If you don't come soon, I'm going to die!"

At this moment, at the Shaolin Mountain Gate, everything finally stopped. This move turned half of Shaolin into ruins, but the monks were not killed or injured too much. This was the contribution of Xuan Ku and Xuan Bei. But the damage this caused to both of them was also quite terrifying!

The price is almost unbearable for them!

Li Ye stood on top of the ruins, covering his abdomen. His body was wrapped in vines. He also suffered a lot of injuries! He was even close to death. Fortunately, Xia Mi was transmitting energy to him. He was not fighting alone!

"The power of the Qing Emperor gives me immortality!"

"The Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques plus the defensive power of Divine Realm Power are really terrifying... If it weren't for these two techniques, I would really have died..."

He raised his head and looked into the distance, where Xuanbei covered his abdomen and held Xuanku's thin figure in his arms. He looked at Li Ye with anger. He didn't speak, and Li Ye didn't speak either.

They came with the intention of killing Li Ye! Only Li Ye would kill them. After all, Li Ye is not the kind of person who lets you kill me and then lets you go because it was a misunderstanding.

He slowly stood up straight, but his weakness made him almost kneel down. The vines stopped his sinking body. He slowly raised his head again, looked at the person in front of him, and shouted: "Are you coming again? , Master Xuanbei? Let’s see the real truth!”

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