The right prime minister said: "Boy! Let me see your skills! If you make a fool of yourself! Don't blame me!!"

At this time, Li Ye also smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: "Since calligraphy and painting are both beautiful skills, even carving and tea ceremony can be on this stage, then... just watch my move!"

In an instant, countless golden and red fragments emanated from Li Ye's fingers, mixed with countless green streamers, drifting to every place in this venue

The right prime minister immediately stepped forward and blocked the emperor: "Golden Emperor Shattered the Red Dust? What are you going to do?"

The next second, Li Ye's handprints flew: "Everything in the world, isn't it all a mirage!"

In an instant, the surroundings turned into a high mountain, and everyone was shocked. They looked at their feet, which was a towering mountain, with strong winds and fog. A painting appeared on the top of the mountain.

The right prime minister said, "Is it an illusion? An illusion?"

This is not the key point. The key point is that no one can tell that this is an illusion.

Li Ye said, "Don't speak loudly, for fear of startling the gods in heaven!"

The next second, a golden light fell from the sky, shining on the mountains, forming a beautiful landscape painting. Li Ye picked up the brush and began to write on the mountains.

"The desert is full of smoke! The long river is full of sunset!"

In an instant, a desert appeared in the distance of the mountains, and the setting sun appeared on the mountain. What was amazing was that everything was exactly like the real scene.

Whether it was wind or rain, even those masters could see the sand and gravel clearly from a distance.

"Good illusion! Good calligraphy!"

Li Ye did not stop, he continued to write, but at this time, the scene did not change. , but one song after another, flowing out from his handwriting

Everyone was stunned, because this song actually made people feel relaxed and happy, and increased their mood, but looking around, no one was playing the piano

"This is..."

"Everything in the world is like a dream, and why can't the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water be reflected in this dream?"

Most of the people present frowned, because they could hear that this song was definitely composed by Li Ye's true qi, and the traces of Li Ye's true qi were quite obvious. It was definitely not covered up by illusion and let others sing

Li Ye's brush wrote quickly, and everything around was connected to everything. On the mountain, a few big words were carved

"Flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water!"

Then the endless river rolled in from the desert, and the shocking feeling, mixed with the rumbling melody, resounded in everyone's heart

Even the "Long River of Sword Qi" Yan Chong actually felt it off the ground, and the light was everywhere.

"What! Can you feel it! Is this... is this really an illusion?"

Li Ye waved his pen, and in an instant, the sky turned and the stars moved, 4,800 stars lit up from the sky, and a bright moon shone on Li Ye's body. Then he stepped forward, took Ruan Yushu's hand, and danced, and the two of them went up the moon.

Endless light fell from the moon, and in an instant, everything was torn apart, leaving only the courtyard and the golden and red fragments that were like falling flowers in the sky.

Everyone was still unsatisfied, looking at Li Ye who was the only one left off the field, not knowing what to say, you know, this illusion can even make people feel their own method, it's really terrifying.

Yan Chong was still thinking about the river at that time, and he hadn't finished understanding it, and the river disappeared.

Li Ye said: "It's gone, it's over! ”

Only the left prime minister didn’t know what happened. He was not pulled into the illusion by Li Ye just now. He just watched Li Ye make a handprint and it ended: “What? What happened?”

The emperor also spoke at this moment: “It’s really a beautiful painting. Although it is martial arts, it is also very beautiful. What do you think, my dear ministers?”

Cui Qingyu, the head of the Cui family, stood up: “Your Majesty, this test is about literature rather than martial arts. Li Ye just used martial arts. I think he should not be ranked!”

At this time, Meng Qi’s third uncle Su Che stood up: “I think this illusion is real and connects everything. It should be the best. This kind of illusion is constructed without any flaws. It is very beautiful and you can even feel the scenery in it! It should be a work of art”

Wang Siyuan of the Wang family coughed a few times at this time, and stood up with the help of the maid: “The boy also thinks so!”

Ruan Da of the Ruan family even spoke: “Why are you looking at me? My son-in-law, can I say it’s not good? ”

At this moment, the prince Zhao Huan also spoke: "I think that everything in the world is Tao! Everything can become Tao. Martial arts is the way of not revealing oneself, and literature is the way of benefiting the world. Li Ye's magic method is just like Tao, and it can make people understand the Tao, which is the way of Mahayana literary talent!"

The emperor on the side also spoke: "Good! Great good!! Then this time! Li Ye, the playmaker, is the well-deserved champion!"

Then the old emperor smiled and said: "The second topic is the article of truth, which verifies one's own path. Since you are young talents, you should naturally think about the verification of the principles of heaven and man and your own path, and you are also extraordinary people with understanding! I happen to have a rare treasure here, called the "Wordless Monument", let everyone feel it, and see who gets more, and whoever gets more can win! "

"My dear ministers only know that the Zhao family's "Amazing Book" is the top human practice, but they don't know where this "Amazing Book" came from! ”

“Originally, this “Book of Shocking the World” was not very powerful, but Taizu used this stone tablet as evidence to derive many sword techniques from it, and combined it with the sword skills of the emperor obtained by Taizu after defeating Kang. The three can make it grow and obtain the ultimate law of humanity! This is also the basis of the successive Dharma bodies of the Great Jin royal family! ”

Everyone nodded in surprise. How could the emperor take out such a good thing? It was a little unbelievable. Shouldn't such treasures be hidden deep inside? But why...

At this time, someone brought up a stone tablet and placed it in the center for people to see.

At this moment, Li Ye closed his eyes again, his mind wandering, while Ruan Yushu put his hand on Li Ye, his face somewhat worried.

At this moment, Ke Bijun had finished taking the things, with a green light wrapped around her body, turning into a shadow, moving quickly in the imperial city, driving stakes in hidden places, and putting down paper boxes one after another.

Not long after, the entire imperial city was filled with such paper boxes, but no one found them.

"It's really interesting!"

At this moment, outside the city, "Qingyuan Dao Miao Zhenjun" looked at the entire imperial city with a little golden light in his eyes: "'Dao De Tianzun' is also here, notify him to join this action, or simply tell him, otherwise I'm afraid..."

Ye Yuqi shook his head: "He is not a fool. If this kind of thing can't be seen, he won't be like this now! He is sometimes arrogant and sometimes not serious, but what has never changed is his brain!"

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