Among the glazed tiles among the mansions in Jiangdong, a thatched cottage is located, looking nondescript. Li Ye is sitting in it, talking to Meng Qi in front of him.

He closed his eyes, picked up a cup of tea, put it to his mouth, blew it slightly, drank it, and said in a calm voice: "Su Meng, that's a good name. I wonder if the Su family knows that the original Su Ziyuan has become what he is now." Look, do you regret sending you to Shaolin?"

Li Ye said to Meng Qi opposite him. Su Ziyuan was the body of Meng Qi who traveled through time to this world. When he traveled to this world, he happened to catch up with his original body and was sent to the Shaolin Temple. As a result, he even had his own name and life experience. I don’t even know, I’m confused until now

And Li Ye also told him from the side, his life experience, his original name, and his original family.

One of the twelve aristocratic families, the Su family, is one of the military families of the Jin Dynasty. The head of the family, Su Li, the eldest son of the Su family, is a powerful prince in the court. Unlike the Ruan family, the Ruan family is a pure businessman. Take the road of sea trade, use sea trade to make money to buy resources, and build up strong people. Now we have the perfect location of Mr. Ruan, and the half-baked one of Ruan Da.

The Su family is just the opposite. They have strength first, then money, and get money with strength, nothing more than this

Su Meng, Su Ziyuan, also known as Meng Qi, was originally from this family.

And Li Ye's words also explained something sideways - he investigated Meng Qi's life experience and knew about his life experience!

When Meng Qi heard what Li Ye said about his life experience, he was also stunned for a moment. He was obviously stunned for a moment. He has not yet mastered Qi-nurturing Kung Fu, and he still did not hide his surprise when faced with such news. Of course, it could also be Because he was not "on defense" against Li Ye, he suddenly heard Li Ye's words, which made him even more surprised.

Then Meng Qi suddenly laughed: "Since those guys have abandoned me! Then there should be no regrets! Now I am no longer Su Ziyuan, but Su Meng! Crazy Saber Su Meng!"

He attributed his confusion to thinking about his family's past. It can be seen that although his energy-raising skills are somewhat poor, his intelligence is not bad at all.

After listening to what he said, Li Ye nodded, continued to raise his hand to take a sip of tea, and then spoke unhurriedly: "Crazy Sword, you are a bit crazy. The Su family probably won't look for you, but you are. We must go back!”

Meng Qi was a little confused at this time and asked: "Why is this?"

Li Ye said: "Those who are born will be buried there. Also, I forgot to tell you that your master Xuan Bei is actually your uncle! After his conflict with the crying old man, the only relative left was your mother. And your mother is buried there now. For reasons and reasons, you should go back once!"

Meng Qi was really stunned this time. These things were not something ordinary people could know. It didn't matter even if he was stunned, his master Xuan Bei turned out to be his uncle! This made him a little unexpected, but when he thought about it, it became clear why Xuan Bei chose him instead of someone else as his apprentice!

He didn't have anything to do with the cheap relatives of the Su family, but he had great feelings for Xuan Bei!

Then, he immediately knelt down on one knee and thanked him: "Thank you so much, Brother Li Ye, for your help! I'll go to the Su family right away! And Shaolin!!"

Li Ye waved his hand casually, and Meng Qi's eyes instantly shattered. He returned to the real world. He did not kneel down, but was still on the chair. Li Ye looked at him and shook his head: "No need, after a while, I will There are some things to do in Shaolin. I can go with you. As for the Su family, it doesn’t matter. Several years have passed, so why worry about these days? There is a good show in Jiangdong to watch, so don’t be in a hurry."

Meng Qi nodded, and then said: "It must be about Dongyang Beppu!"

Li Ye nodded, his figure gradually became illusory, and another figure of him appeared on the side. This is the magic of illusion, which always makes people think it is a fairy trick.

Li Ye stroked the vines climbing the wall, and then said: "Of course, there are so many good players in Jiangdong right now, isn't that just for this? He Jiu wants to play a game of chess with me now, and who can compete with me in Dongyang Beppu? First, I don’t want to argue with him, but there is something I want in Dongyang Villa, so I plan to play with it!”

Meng Qi said: "So, does Brother Li Ye need my help?"

Li Ye shook his head: "I'm just asking you to watch the show. I can beat those guys with my ability, so I'm not in a hurry. If you're not in a hurry to go to the Zhenwu Xin Tomb, you can take a look!"

Meng Qi said: "I'm not in a hurry, but brother Li Ye, since you can push forward, why do you wait and see here?"

Li Ye stroked the wall-climbing tiger and turned back to face Meng Qi. His eyes were now open, and his pure white pupils seemed to be quite unearthly, as if he could see things. He spoke to Meng Qi like this: "Myths and miracles are both Here! I have received their hatred, so I will certainly repay some of it!"

Meng Qi frowned at this moment, because he was from Xianji, and he was a little surprised to know that the myth was also here, but what made him even more uncomfortable was that Li Ye actually had a grudge against Xianji, which made him, an immortal Ji’s “intern” has some negative feelings towards Xianji

It's not that he has negative feelings about Xianji's enmity against Li Ye, but that he has some negative feelings about Xianji's enmity with Li Ye.

Now that he understands the Immortal Trail, there is only one Dharma-tall person in it, and he has doubts about whether it can stop the growing Li Ye and what he can do to the Immortal Trail.

That’s right. Meng Qi now believes that Li Ye can definitely reach the Dharmakaya, and he can reach it very quickly. There is no other reason, because Li Ye’s own strength is too exaggerated, and with Xuantian Sect as his backing, he definitely has time to develop. Coupled with his talent, it is simply unstoppable.

But at this time, Li Ye spoke again: "My myth and I can be said to have a life-and-death feud. First it was Yaoguang, and then it was Lei Shen. They all came for me. If I don’t destroy them, I will feel uncomfortable. As for Xianji, hum, I am afraid they are birds of a feather!"

Meng Qi quickly changed his words , and communicated with him: "Let's discuss this Dongyang Villa!"

Li Ye smiled, and knew that the topic had gone too far, so he said: "Okay, Dongyang Villa is one of the residences of Emperor Donghua. He once lived there, so there should be some traditions of Emperor Donghua in it. Among the Five Emperors of the Five Directions, the Green Emperor Destroys Changsheng is also one of his moves. As you can see, my Golden Emperor's ability has reached the peak. Now I need to study the next chapter of swordsmanship. In my opinion, it is the Green Emperor Destroys Changsheng!"

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