What is the most important thing for a person to achieve the highest achievement? Is it hard work? Wrong! Very wrong! It is talent! It is talent! Plus unparalleled hard work! Plus luck! Only then can you reach the highest point!

Just like Kai in Naruto, he has no talent, but he can become very powerful only by hard work, but he can't surpass Naruto and Sasuke in the end. At the end, Sasuke and Naruto were only 20 years old, but they were already outrageously powerful and dominated the entire ninja world. Even so, Sasuke and Naruto could not surpass the old man of the six paths. This is the difference, the difference in talent

This time, they got the enhancement of their talent from this river. If they were like in the original Journey to the West, sitting on a wooden boat, plus the accumulation of 81 difficulties, plus the luck, I am afraid they can be reborn and upgraded to the Dharma body!

But even so, their talents have become much stronger. People like Qi Zhengyan and Zhang Yuanshan, who are not very smart by nature, have now reached the level of Meng Qi. People like Meng Qi, who are somewhat powerful, have also increased to the level of Jiang Zhiwei, who is born with a sword heart. Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu are even more powerful! In addition, there is also the effect of completely uniting the mind and the body. The fusion of spirit and flesh, their control over the body is stronger! However, they did not notice that in the distance, the light path they came in from was slowly closing, and a fathead fish wearing golden armor rushed in from it, his eyes full of joy

"Finally!! Finally!! I found it!! Found the ultimate secret of this place!! Hahahaha!! Those idiots!! They can't even understand the Buddha's light!! Hahahaha!! Fortunately, I picked up a piece of Buddha treasure that year! Hahaha!"

But soon, his eyes focused, looking into the distance, and his big tongue licked his head: "So, how can I thank you who brought me in? Stew? Or steam it!"

On the other side, Li Ye finished the meal in front of him, and his parents were cleaning up the dishes. He wanted to clean up, but his mother didn't allow it, because his mother doted on him the most. , knowing that his work is tiring, in order to let him relax, he was not allowed to do anything these days.

Li Ye accepted it. After all, it was his mother's good intention. However, he accepted it, and there were still many things to do. He would still help sweep the floor when his mother went out.

On this day, he did a lot of things, walked through places he had never been to before, and returned to the high school and junior high school he attended locally.

Without exception, they all changed, which conflicted with the concept of illusion itself. It was impossible for such things that had never appeared in normal illusions.

But it didn't matter. He treated this illusion as the real world and enjoyed life here.

"It's really good!"

He went shopping in the mall, bought some things for his parents, and went to the top of the mountain, overlooking the This small city where he was born and raised

"I... will come back again!"

At night, after dinner, he stood in the bathroom, washing his face, smiling slightly, then sighed and shook his head: "It's really ridiculous. I have been looking forward to this home for too long. Have I taken this illusion as real?"

The mirror in front of him turned into a figure, a figure exactly like himself. He looked at Li Ye in front of him, and then said: "You know, being able to adjust the timeline may allow you to go back! Give everything you have! You will definitely find a strong man on the other side to help you!"

Li Ye shook his head: "That's not me! I won't do that!"

The figure continued: "Don't you want to go back? You know that this opportunity is not small! They can all pull your original body over ! Why can't I send you back to that time! You know! You can definitely do it after reaching the Dao Fruit realm!"

Li Ye shook his head, his face very calm: "I said, that's not me!"

The figure continued to provoke: "You? Then what are you?"

Li Ye smashed the mirror with a punch, breaking the shadow into pieces: "This is me. If the Dao Fruit can work on me when I go back, then I will use my hands to break the boundaries and get the Dao Fruit myself! From the beginning of enlightenment to the Dao Fruit! It's definitely not about compromise! Put everything you have on others!"

The figure shattered into thousands of pieces. In each mirror fragment, there was an identical shadow, speaking to Li Ye in front of him: "What about you now? Different from being at the mercy of others, pitiful, weak and helpless! "

Li Ye shook his head and pulled his arm out. His arm, which had not been trained in any hard-body skills or Qi, was cut by the glass, but he did not look at it. He just pulled the glass fragments out of his hand and said in a calm voice: "How do you know that I don't have a back-up plan? A back-up plan that transcends the whole world!"

His mother rushed in at the sound of the sword and saw Li Ye's hand. She wanted to bandage him immediately without asking any reason, but Li Ye smiled and shook his head, stretched out his hand for his mother to bandage him, without a trace of impatience

The woman opposite did not know what Li Ye meant by his words, but just wanted to bandage him: "Look at you, you are so old, but you are still so careless! What should I do in the future!"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "I know, Mom! Although it is an illusion, you are still so gentle!"

He looked at the lens. There was no one in the lens at the moment. He looked at the surrounding environment and shook his head slightly: "I seem to understand why you want to stop me!"

One of Li Ye's hands was still bandaged, while his other hand was pressed on the wall on one side. Everything around him was spinning and twisting, turning into a large vortex. The floor and the wall were twisting, and the mother who was being bandaged by him suddenly stopped.

Then, her appearance slowly changed and turned into Li Ye himself. The face that was exactly the same as Li Ye looked at Li Ye: "Who! Are! You! After all!!"

Li Ye shook his head: "I am me! I am myself. I, from beginning to end, have been the one who wants to go home. I have always been like this, right? But now, I know what I want to do!"

He raised his hand, and a long knife appeared in his hand. A ray of light appeared from Li Ye's heart, turning into endless light, shining on the long knife. In the next few seconds, the knife continued to twist and straighten, turning into a long sword shining with golden light.

Li Ye used his bandaged hand to hold the golden long sword, closed his eyes, then turned around and chopped back, in an instant! Everything and everything else faded away

"What is this sword called? Oh! I almost forgot!"

"See me when you kill me!"

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