Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 609 Going Down the Mountain

Li Ye returned to his residence, holding several pills and a black and yellow pagoda in his hand

"Disposable appliance, imitation version of Xuanhuang Pagoda, can withstand a strong attack at the level of an outdoor scene."

In addition, they also exchanged for a disposable demon mirror, which can cause exterior-level damage to demons.

The elixirs include a large number of Shaolin Small Return Pills and a Shaolin Great Return Pill. The Shaolin Small Return Pill was obtained from his first world, and the Shaolin Great Return Pill was redeemed by several of them, one for each person. Half was given to Ruan Yushu and half was given to Li Ye because they had mustard rings to use.

In addition, they also plan to develop other things within their sect.

"Death mission..."

Li Ye shook his head. He knew what would happen, so he also knew the severity below. What they needed to face next was an exterior scene, a powerful exterior monster.

Even the weakest exterior scenes are not something Kaiqiao can resist.

But Li Ye didn't panic. He slowly collected the things and put everything into the mustard ring. Then he stood up and stretched his body. Then he walked to the side and raised a long sword. , danced on the side

His residence is not small. Shoujing directly arranged a mountain peak for him to live in. On the side of his residence is a practice room. As soon as he wakes up, he can practice the exercises.

But this time he was practicing swordsmanship. The long sword danced in the air, like a flying fairy, one sword after another, like flowing water, endless and endless. At first glance, it was full of flaws, but after thinking about it carefully , but there was no place to start. Then the long sword suddenly vibrated again. The power gathered at one point and was thrust out directly. The style of this sword suddenly changed from the previous one, like a mountain collapsing.

Then after this blow, his body began to flow again

"Endless life! Endless flow! Continuous prosperity! You are strong, you are strong, the breeze blows on the hills! You are free, the bright moon shines on the river!"

Li Ye's sword technique stopped after running for a week. He leaned on the sword and thought about it. Indeed, compared with the sword technique he used with the sword, the sword technique he used was more ruthless and a little bit more violent. There is no trace of murderous intent, even with this kind of swordsmanship that is neutral and good at defending but not attacking.

"It's really interesting..."

His current two sword techniques are all sword techniques without moves, Tai Chi Sword, and Dugu Nine Swords. They are both sword techniques without moves, only sword theory. Therefore, he learns it very quickly. He doesn't even need to learn it. He just needs to understand it. It can be used. In addition, Li Ye's martial arts ability was obtained by castrating the fantasy talent. It is even more powerful, so he can use it for the first time.

And just as he was thinking, Shou Jing slowly walked in, and slapped Li Ye on the shoulder: "Why are you doing Zhenwu stuff again!"

There was no trace of blame in his words, on the contrary. . . A little bit happy? It seems that this kind of stealing is not a serious matter, but an interesting little thing

Li Ye said: "This is not Zhenwu swordsmanship, but a swordsmanship similar to it. It is good at defense but not offensive. There are no sword moves, only sword skills. In addition, I have another one. I expect the enemy to attack its flaws first." , a total of nine styles of swordsmanship that can defeat all kinds of martial arts and reach the level of swordsmanship that can win with no moves but with all moves. Both sets of swordsmanship are pretty good. I'm thinking of using them together, but I don't have a clue. "

Shoujing groped her chin: "Two non-moves, just swordsmanship, hmm... It sounds a bit like Wang's and Zhenwu's. You kid just ignores the things in the sect and doesn't learn them. , learn from others!”

Li Ye shook his head: "We don't have any good swordsmanship here... I've been wanting to try swordsmanship lately!"

Shou Jing shook his head. He had no intention of pursuing where these things from Li Ye came from. Even if Li Ye hadn't gone down the mountain in the past few days, he would not ask where these things came from. He would just say: " There is no sword technique, only sword theory, no, I don’t use a sword!”

Li Ye shook his head: "As expected..."

Shou Jing smiled slightly and patted his shoulder: "Okay, the sword technique you have figured out by yourself is the sword technique that is most suitable for you, and the duration of your sword technique is too short, and you don't have a deep understanding of swords. It’s better to go down the mountain and train yourself more!”

Li Ye nodded: "So you still want to trick me into going down the mountain...!"

Shou Jing let out a long sigh and turned to face the outside with a sad look on his face: "Look at how easy it is for me! I finally managed to teach a strong disciple, but he doesn't know how to bring glory to the sect..."

Li Ye punched him in the head: "I'm going to test your code! What have you taught me? I can understand everything you say, but teach me something? You and I can't understand this!"

Shou Jing covered her forehead with an angry look on her face: "You kid! You're against Tiangang, right?"

Ten minutes later, Li Ye had a big bulge on his forehead and sat aside with a depressed look on his face: "I'm really... speechless..."

To be honest, Li Ye has indeed been taught a lot of things. If he had not kept quiet, the path of practice he has now discovered would definitely be abnormal. It would not be as stable as it is now. He only needs to accumulate it slowly, just like in the original work. Meng Qi, if he didn’t have Xuan Bei’s help, he wouldn’t have had the future.

Li Ye shook his head: "Let's go, you guy... Prepare for the expenses, I'm going down the mountain!"

Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and then immediately jumped up: "Is this true? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Li Ye nodded, looking helpless: "I want to go down the mountain! Your mountain is too poor, there is no sword technique, I can only go down the mountain! And I was afraid of death before, but I may not be afraid of death now!"

Shou Jing ran out happily, saying as he ran: "Don't regret it, kid!"

Li Ye was also a little helpless. He spread out a piece of paper in front of him, which recorded a lot of skills

"Seven Swords of Cutting the Sky, Tathagata Palm, Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, Yuanshi Golden Seal, Tiandi Jade Book, Human Emperor Golden Book, Demon Emperor Classic"

These are some of the magical skills that appeared in the original book, The lower part of the paper records some weapons.

"The ten best weapons, the most unpredictable Light Blade, the most defensive Yuanyang Ruler, the most killing Nether Sea Sword, the most kingly Human Emperor Sword, the most mysterious Samsara Seal, the most powerful Overlord Sword, the most destructive Demon Saint Spear, the most offensive Heavenly Axe, the most purified Bodhi Wonderful Tree, the most filthy Demon Emperor Claw"

Li Ye looked at these things and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Since you have decided to go the sword route, you have to stick to it. Well, sooner or later you have to plan what to use later, so why not think about it now!"

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