Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 56 This martial spirit is really nothing

Li Ye looked at the Wuhun behind him

This guy has the same face as himself, of course not his current self but his original body

The Wuhun was wearing a black robe with a Prajna mask on his shoulder

The slightly lowered face was just as handsome as himself, okay, just the same

Li Ye looked at him, and he also looked at Li Ye

The red-gold eyes did not carry any pressure, but instead had a gentle feeling,

Good guy, so showy,

"This... What kind of Wuhun is this, I've never heard of it"

The blind god Su Yuntao was confused

If it is the original Wuhun, then when it awakens, some part of the original body should light up, if it is an external Wuhun, then how can it look exactly like him

There are quite a few people who have awakened human-shaped Wuhuns in Douluo Continent,

For example, their previous hall master, Qianxunji's angel family, all awakened angels

For example, Poseidon, the high priest of Poseidon Island, awakened the Poseidon Wuhun

But Li Ye's... . . . What is the situation of awakening oneself

"Well... well, let's test the soul power first,"

Su Yuntao didn't even know Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan was just a small city lord, he didn't have any family, he just became rich and wanted an official position,

The books in the house were either used by him to show off, or collected for Li Ye, let alone read them, he probably didn't even know the names of the books

But now he also knows to hide it from his children, so that Li Ye won't be pulled out for slices and research because of special reasons

Li Ye calmed down and put his hand on the big round ball on the side

Instantly, light shone everywhere,

"Innate soul power.. Level 10..!"

Li Ye had a feeling that it was as expected, there was no reason for him to practice the Nine Yang Magic Art than the Xuan Tian Gong

The Nine Yang Magic Art was also a legendary skill in The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, even if he was as comprehensible as Zhang Sanfeng, he couldn't do it It cannot be reproduced.

Who is Zhang Sanfeng? He is a ruthless person who can cultivate immortality in the martial arts plane.

Li Ye narrowed his eyes. Now it is a matter of confidentiality. The strange martial soul has full soul power. Once it is reported, it must be reported to the Spirit Hall.

Of course, he will not be like Tang Shenwang, saying that others have a way to die and then give it to him.

It is a big deal if a master of the Spirit Hall is here.

"Young Master, do you want to go to the Spirit Hall? There we will give you the best resources and train you."

Xiao Yan was also a little entangled. It is definitely impossible to say that slicing is impossible now. Li Ye's innate soul power is level 10, so his qualifications must be extraordinary. Let alone slicing, he will definitely be worshipped when he goes there.

"Son, you..."

Li Ye shook his head slightly, leaned against Xiao Yan's ear and said, "I don't want to be too far away from you."

The reason why he leaned against his ear was because he didn't want Su Yuntao to hear If the Blind God King heard it, he might do something weird again.

As soon as the words came out, Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, then burst into tears, knelt on the ground, hugged Li Ye's thighs and cried loudly.

"Son~ Son~ I love you~"

At this time, Xiao Xiao came over. She had always been there. It was impossible for her to be absent when her son was about to awaken his martial spirit.

She was also shocked by Li Ye's martial spirit just now. Now she just came to her senses and saw her husband hugging her son's thighs and crying.

"What are you doing! There are outsiders here, you useless person"

She stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Yan's ears.

"Wife, wife! Do you know what our son said?"

"You can't do this no matter what he said"

So Li Ye whispered to her again.

So, both of Li Ye's thighs were hugged.

The Blind God King really wanted to go blind this time. Li Ye looked at him and shrugged, somewhat helpless.

Finally, Xiao Yan pulled Su Yuntao away, said something in detail, and gave him a small bag.

In the end, the matter was left unresolved.

Master Su Yuntao also ran out of the City Lord's Mansion without stopping. According to the information provided by the surrounding guards, when Su Yuntao ran, he kept muttering words such as "I'm going to be late" and "The Holy Soul Village has not awakened yet".

Li Ye returned to the house, and Xiao Yan was shouting outside.

He was going to hold a big banquet for his son. As long as you are willing to come, it doesn't matter whether you know him or not, you can eat as much as you want.

After hearing this, Xiao Xiao slapped him on the back of his head.

"You do it like this? Can the City Lord's Mansion withstand this?"

Xiao Yan looked aggrieved: "Isn't it because I am happy that our son is born with full soul power?"

Xiao Xiao crossed his arms: "Humph, seven days! That's enough! "

Li Ye summoned his martial soul, which appeared behind him like a follower.

"So, what exactly are you?"

To be honest, this thing is more like a stand-in, a stand-in for a stand-user. This thing has a physical body. He remembered that most of the martial souls in Douluo except for the weapon martial souls have no physical body.

Li Ye stroked the martial soul and studied it.

The clothes can't be taken off. Well, it is one body, unlike the clone, it will not transmit feelings, and the rest seems to be no different.

"Can it possess?"

He remembered that the beast martial souls all have a possession effect. What would it be like if he possessed it?

"Martial soul possession!"

Li Ye's martial soul directly turned into a ball of light and possessed him.

Li Ye instantly felt that he had gained a powerful force.

"Speed, strength, thinking, are they all enhanced? But there seems to be nothing else besides this."

Li Ye only felt that the three-dimensional improvement, but didn't all beast martial souls have the three-dimensional improvement? His own is not special at all.

"Wait! Dragon blood?"

In Li Ye's eyes, red gold lit up, and a strong pressure emanated from his eyes

Everything around him turned into elements and reflected in his eyes,

"This is! White King Mode!"

Li Ye was shocked, but now he has not lost all his humanity, but when he thinks about doing something, he will directly list the simplest and best solution in his mind

"Is this, the improved version of White King Mode?"

"This is too exaggerated!"

He stretched out his hand and felt the elements around him. He had a feeling that as long as he wanted, he could instantly kill the "spirit" of these things

"Then what is my martial soul called?"

Li Ye was about to try the martial soul again, and his door was slammed open again

"Son! Come to the feast!" It was Xiao Yan who came in directly,

Li Ye looked helpless

"Here it comes"

Li Ye's martial soul was not registered in the martial soul hall in the end, and he did not need to register. He was not Tang Shenwang who needed proof to go to school, Notting City It's your own, just go there yourself

Not to mention passing the certification to receive the gold soul coins exclusive to soul masters

To be honest, Li Ye really thinks that the Wuhun Hall is conscientious

It awakens martial souls for ordinary people for free, even hoes and sickles can be awakened for you, and if you become a soul master at a low level, you will be paid. As long as you are level 10, you will be given one per month

How many civilian soul masters are supported by this,

This is not a small expense, after all, the population base is so large

"It's a pity that Tang Shenwang was destroyed in the end, oh~ What a pity"

Li Ye looked at the banquet in front of him and smiled slightly

Next, he will go to Notting Junior Soul Master Academy, where he met the 100,000-year-old rabbit and Tang Shenwang

By the way, Li Ye wants to know whether Xiao Wu has human consciousness since birth or gradually has human consciousness later,

If she only has beast consciousness when she is born, how many litters of cubs will the rabbit have in a year

"Oh, no wonder Tang Shenwang targets soul beasts, so this is the problem"

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