Li Ye smiled slightly, he smiled cruelly, and a little blood flowed out of his mouth. Then, he chewed the things in his mouth crazily. The Shaolin Xiaohuan Dan in his mouth was waiting for this moment, and he flew out of his abdomen. The hairpin burst out, moved forward, and waved the long stick in his hand.

He still has one final skill that he hasn't used yet, which is the Wall of Sighs.

But this move cannot be really used. His current arm still cannot really bear this move. After all, Li Ye did not have the matching mental method when designing this move, and all the power was suppressed in his body. Originally, He has various defensive abilities, so he is not afraid, but if he uses it now, his bones will be broken. If he cannot kill with one blow, it will be difficult to continue fighting.

At this moment, there is no free treatment from the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. He has to spend a reincarnation talisman, and if he uses that reincarnation talisman, it means that Ruan Xiao will definitely not be able to save it! There’s no need to think about Fu Huangqin’s secret.

So fighter plane control is very important!

The Yaoguang figure was flying like a dream, and she had become serious at this moment. The figure emitted an aurora in the dark night, making it impossible for Li Ye to find her location, and then countless flying hairpins came from all directions. Attacking Li Ye

Li Ye was numb when he saw those hairpin people: "No! How many heads do you have! You can use so many hairpins!!"

His hands hurriedly danced, and his body moved sideways. The stick in his hand was like a knife, and the knife was swung with thousands of lights. But at this moment, his body seemed to become quite heavy, and it was difficult to continue to lift the knife.

"What! Poison?"

Na Yaoguang smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, you need to use poison to deal with a kid with four orifices!"

Li Ye's already not very good state was even worse. A phantom appeared in front of his eyes. There was originally one Yaoguang, but now there were three Yaoguangs in front of him. Coupled with Yaoguang's weird footwork, Li Ye couldn't do it at all. Find where she is!

At this moment, Yaoguang also knew that Li Ye's internal strength was almost exhausted and he could no longer use the illusion, so he confidently and boldly attacked Li Ye with hairpins one by one.

Li Ye had no choice but to dodge and block, but there was no way to completely avoid it. The hairpin that appeared in front of his eyes, he couldn't tell whether it was a phantom or reality. He couldn't even tell whether he was injured or well: "Damn... it's early." I know it’s time to practice Jiuyang Magic! This body can’t practice too many major techniques at once.”

This toxin obviously targets mental power, which is simply a kind of torture for a warrior like Li Ye whose main body is mental power.


A fierce piano sound appeared, and Li Ye's eyes suddenly became clearer. He immediately waved the long knife in his hand and blocked a flying hairpin that was shot at his head.

He looked in front of him. Yao Guang covered the mouth on the mask and smiled slightly: "Didn't that kick completely wipe out your fighting power? Ruan Liu, your niece is really tenacious!"

At this time, behind Li Ye, there was blood hanging from Ruan Xiao's mouth. His originally cold face was distorted by pain, but he was holding a large piano in his hand. Facing Yao Guang opposite, it was obvious that the sound of the piano was correct just now. That's what she did! As for the piano, it was one of the ones in this small house. It was of quite high quality. It was a bit difficult for Ruan Xiao to play it.

Ruan Liuye on the side did not relax at all. After listening to the music, something was wrong with his eyes, and the corners of his mouth trembled: "Quick! Kill her quickly! We must fight quickly! If the eldest brother comes here! The two of us There is absolutely no chance of escaping!"

Na Yaoguang sighed: "Okay, okay, then that's all!"

She spread her arms, and gorgeous aurora flashed in her chest, and then flashed out immediately. Li Ye's eyesight could tell that this move was definitely a move in the middle of the exterior scene, and it was definitely the killer move of the woman in front of him.

It's too late! If you don’t use your big move, you won’t have time to use it!

At this time, Ruan Xiao shouted loudly: "Stop! Don't you want the information about Fu Huangqin?"

She pulled out a piece of paper from the guqin, with densely written small characters written on it. Yaoguang was obviously stunned when she saw the paper, because she saw that Ruan Xiao had thrown the paper away and almost wanted to Encountered that aurora

However, after many battles, there was no change in the movements of her hands. Those auroras kept changing their directions, dodging the paper.

But who is Li Ye? He is a boss who opens a trumpet and fights frequently. How could he not understand the control of fighter planes? Yao Guang was definitely not familiar with this move. She was using it as a killing move, and this sudden change also exposed her flaws.

It is definitely impossible to catch a normal person of the same level, but who is Li Ye! Li Ye is hanging on the wall! The powerful mental power broke through the poison blockade and he ran the Jade Book of the Emperor of Heaven with all his strength. At that moment, he felt that his thinking was a little faster, as if he was using the power of a rabbit at that time.

His body moved sideways quickly, as if crossing a river on a reed. His body suffered countless injuries, and countless bloody wounds burst out on the surface of his body, but he ignored the injuries at all and allowed the aurora to penetrate his body.

He just wanted to be close to that woman, just... . . Swing out the "knife" in your hand

"Wall of Sighs!"

In an instant, countless sword lights were swung from Li Ye's hands. This set of sword moves only has sword moves and no mental formulas. It is the ultimate "skill". It is the summary of Li Ye's previous experience for a long time, even if it is now a castrated version. , that is still extremely powerful

All the auroras were cut down by Li Ye's "long knife", and Li Ye's "long knife" was also directly inserted into the body of Yao Guang in front of him.

No one expected this result. The three people present were stunned. In this situation, Li Ye could actually achieve such an exaggerated result.

The next second, Li Ye fell heavily to the ground, like a rag, and Yaoguang covered her bloody chest and took a few steps back. Some blood seeped out from under her mask: "It's really... horrible... You guy... Who are you... What are you going to do in the Ruan family... Hehe... But it doesn't matter... Because you are going to die!"

Li Ye raised one eye at this time and looked at Yaoguang. Guang, then he jumped up and hugged her thighs, struggling and shouting: "Run! Ruan Xiao!! Run!!"

This was his last strength, and Yaoguang sighed: "It seems that he is indeed a loyal servant! But! You two! No one can run away!"

She used her other foot to step down, but she heard a sound of piano in her ears. In an instant, she couldn't control her body. She was only an inch away from crushing Li Ye's head, but she couldn't step down.

It was not until this time that she remembered something was wrong.

Where is Ruan Liu? Why did Ruan Liu do nothing for so long!

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