Dark clouds were pressing down on the city. Duoercha stood at the gate of the mountain. He was covered in iron armor like a lump of iron. Behind him were groups of Iron Wolf Soldiers.

The Iron Wolf Soldiers were wearing iron armor, shining with cold light. They gathered together like a torrent of steel, so terrifying.

Abbot Xinji stood in front of the gate of the mountain, watching all this. His originally loving eyes were filled with determination.

Looking at the appearance of Abbot Xinji, his face was full of wrinkles. The palm exposed outside was as thin as a stick of firewood. The whole person felt like a candle in the wind, swaying and about to die, but just not dying. He was also like a little grass in winter, tenacious despite his old age.

Behind him, hundreds of monks stood in two rows, all with resolute expressions. They were ready to die.

Dark clouds were pressing down on the city. The autumn wind was bleak. The battle had already begun.

Duoercha looked at Abbot Xinji and grinned: "Old Xinji, Monk! I think it's not easy for you to practice so hard. If you surrender to me! I can let you be my country's national teacher! When my cavalry breaks through the Central Plains, you can lead all the monks in the world! "

Xinji monk sighed: "Duo'ercha! You let beasts eat people! You are cruel and inhumane! You are despised by the world! Everyone can kill you!"

Duo'ercha listened to the words of Abbot Xinji, and he was not angry but happy. He shouted loudly: "Xinji! Don't you claim to be the most compassionate? Why are you so tense now! And you even say you want to kill me!"

Xinji closed his eyes: "Buddha is compassionate! There are also angry eyes of Vajra! Killing is to save life! Cutting karma is not killing people! Duo'ercha! Today is your death day! ! "

Duo'ercha stopped talking, he just waved his hand, and the wolf soldiers behind him immediately rushed up. Those wolf soldiers held a big knife in their hands and wore iron armor, like a tank, Rolling forward

And Xin Ji also sighed and clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, we can't let them go forward! We Shaolin... must not lose!"

The monks also went up together. Some of them held swords, some held long sticks, and some had nothing in their hands, just made a flower-picking gesture, with an imposing manner, but the martial arts they learned were all based on compassion. When they met the iron armor of the Iron Wolf Soldier, their moves were almost unable to break through the defense

So the battle became one-sided. Xin Ji was heartbroken when he saw those monks fall, so he stepped forward with a seal in his hand and casually printed it on the body of an Iron Wolf Soldier on the side. The wolf soldier immediately burst into golden light, and then the iron armor burst directly, and the people among them died completely

Xin Ji did not stop, and printed it on those people again and again, each , can take away an Iron Wolf Soldier.

Those Jianghu heroes also took the opportunity to enter the arena and fought against the Iron Wolf Soldier, but the effect was not much. Their fighting power was not systematic at all, and they were just sending food to the Iron Wolf Soldier.

Among the crowd, Zhang Yuanshan used swordsmanship to deal with the wolf soldier, and he could stab the same place of the iron armor with his long sword many times. As long as he stabbed the weak point twice in a row, he could pierce it and kill it.

And Meng Qi or Zhending used the back of the knife to stun it, but could not kill it.

Jiang Zhiwei on the side was precise and elegant, and could stab the exposed eyes of the wolf soldier.

As for Qi Zhengyan and Ke Bijun, they were pure spectators. They could not kill directly at all, but could only play a role of restraint.

At this moment, Duoer looked at Xin Ji in front of him, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's really powerful! But! I'm stronger!!! "

He shouted loudly, and this sentence directly shocked all the people in front of him. Everyone who heard it had a splitting headache. Some monks even started screaming, kneeling on the ground, and blood came out of their ears.

Meng Qi was numb. He was fighting well just now, but suddenly he was stunned. He looked to the side, and Jiang Zhiwei protected him in front of him, so that he didn't fall into danger. He asked: "Is this a skill of Duoercha? Why is it so powerful! ! "

After Jiang Zhiwei stabbed the wolf soldier to death with a sword, he stared at Duoercha: "No, this is the intersection of the inner and outer worlds. Every move can cause changes in the world. This is the outer scene! In the outer scene, every move is powerful and contains mysteries. It is easy to destroy peaks and cities. Duoercha can initially change the celestial phenomena, which means he is only half a step away! This is! Half-step outer scene! "

This Duo'ercha must be more powerful than the abbot Xinji! Jiang Zhiwei seemed eager to try. She shook the long sword, shaking off the blood on it, and then inserted into the group of wolf soldiers. Only Meng Qi, who was dizzy, was left in the group of wolf soldiers with his iron shirt on as a sandbag.

Accompanied by this loud shout, the defenseless "trash" heroes around them opened their eyes and opened their mouths wide, like crazy.

They rushed around frantically, regardless of friend or foe, and continuously launched attacks.

"Ahhhh! ! Ahhhh! ! "

Among them, Wei Wuji rushed the fastest and chopped the hardest. It was unknown whether those guys were really shocked and mad, or they were traitors who had made up the name of "righteous men of the world" and formed an alliance with those real righteous men of the world, so that those guys would be "afraid of the consequences" and would not be able to attack these traitors.

And Xin Ji, who was at the forefront, quickly dodged in front of everyone and used his body to block the angry air waves, but he was also shocked and spit out a mouthful of blood. Looking at Duoercha in front of him, his eyes did not have a trace of retreat, but a kind of determination, a determination to die!

Xin Ji tore off the sleeves of his monk robe, revealing his dry hands, and said: "Duoercha! You are stronger! But I have a reason not to lose. . . "

Duo'er looked at Xinji and smiled slightly: "Old monk Xinji! The power of words is not as useful as the power of hands!"

He stepped forward with a big knife, slashing one after another with great force, killing those who were blocking him one by one. Whether it was his men or the other party's men, he slashed wildly all the way, rushing towards Xinjie. passed

Xinji, on the other hand, looked at the monks with a look of pity, then took the initiative to attack Duoercha, his broadsword and iron palm touching each other.


In the sound of gold and iron, golden Buddha light burst out. The two people were fighting together, and the wind was fierce around them. As long as someone was around the two of them, they would feel a sudden feeling of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood rushing into their hearts. After pulling it out, I felt the Buddha's light suddenly appearing on my body. It was truly like the two heavens of ice and fire.

And what is our Li Ye doing at this moment? He was in charge of cleaning up the battlefield. He changed into a suit of clothes, which was an iron coat taken off the Iron Wolf Soldier. He also put on an iron mask to cover his eyes. Finally, he picked an opponent and started acting.

Then he used the ghostly shadows under his feet to cross the river with a reed. All the corpses and weapons on the battlefield fell into his arms, and he carried them aside and hid them.

As for whether his true identity will be discovered, he said he is not afraid at all. Li Ye is blind, but he is not, right?

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