Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 438 The Wisdom of an Idiot

Li Ye was roasting some dried meat over a fire. These were the dry food he brought with him. Because he didn't have a space backpack, he didn't bring much. These were the few things he had to eat.

However, because Blood Embrace could restore his condition, he didn't really need to eat. Now, because he hadn't killed monsters for too long, Blood Embrace didn't absorb blood, so he was a little hungry.

"It's really interesting that the clone is hungry and the main body is full. It feels like taking antidiarrheal medicine and then taking laxatives..."

Just when he was about to eat, an Amazon warrior sat opposite him and picked up Li Ye's things and started eating. : "Hey, hey, hey! You must be the First King!"

Li Ye's face twitched: "First! I'm the First King! Not the First Turtle! Second! That's my food! Can you please stop eating it!"

Li Ye recognized that this guy was called Diona, the younger sister of the twin sisters. She was very capable. The less blood she had, the more powerful she was. She was somewhat similar to Li Ye's [Brave], but her skills were not as powerful and comprehensive as Li Ye's.

When Finn went to the lower level, he left Diona and her sister Dione here as guards and as a precaution against Li Ye.

Li Ye took out another skewer of meat from his backpack and grilled it. Diona smiled after hearing what Li Ye said, and directly put her arms around Li Ye's neck: "Don't be so stingy, I came to you at the risk of being called a traitor!"

Li Ye knew what she was going to say. The lower-level guys of the Loki clan were very dissatisfied with Li Ye and thought he was a guy from a hostile clan. Because of him, the Loki clan was humiliated. They couldn't figure out why Li Ye would participate in this expedition. It was a decision made by the upper level and had nothing to do with them, but they could squeeze Li Ye openly or secretly

Li Ye also knew this, so he never stayed with them, but this time Diona came to him on her own

She fiddled with her short hair and looked at Li Ye: "Hey, hey, hey, don't be so arrogant, pay attention to me?"

Li Ye sighed: "My mother doesn't let me talk to idiots!"

Diona's face twitched a little: "You guys... really... really make me don't know what to say!"

Li Ye stretched: "A woman came to my place in the middle of the night and ate my food, how do you want me to be nice to her?"

Diona smiled embarrassedly: "Well, I just want to understand you..."

Li Ye's face twitched, understand him, are all the guys in the Loki family rebellious? Put yourself in an enemy position and then come to yourself one by one? What kind of behavior is this...

Diona crossed her legs, supported her chin with her hands and looked at Li Ye: "Hey, hey, hey, you guy, you still say you are not arrogant..."

Li Ye shook his head: "I am arrogant, but not arrogant. I just don't want to talk to idiots."

Diona stood up: "Hey, hey, hey! Don't think I won't hit you just because you are handsome!"

Li Ye smiled: "This is why you came to me! You covet my handsome! Jade tree wind! Good-looking! Romantic face!"

Diona pouted: "You guy, you are really annoying. I want to ask you, how did you bewitch Ai Si..."

Li Ye shook his head: "It's very simple, I just need to be better than her, and then she will come back to me by herself, she She needs a way to become stronger. She is too obsessed with becoming stronger."

Tiona nodded: "Is that so? I understand. Hey, I'm asking for Lefiya. She can't come with us because of this matter."

Li Ye nodded: "I know, that guy also likes Ai Si."

Tiona touched her chin with her hand and narrowed her eyes: "Hey, hey, hey, how did you know! I just knew it... "

Li Ye stretched out his fingers and waved: "She looked at me as if she wanted to kill me. Only a fool can't see it."

Tiona sighed: "Do you really like Ai Si?"

Li Ye shook his head: "I just want to use her hand to disgust Bert and Livilia. That's right."

Diona pouted: "Scumbag! Scumbag who plays with girls' feelings! !"

Li Ye smiled: "She doesn't know what love is, right? She won't have feelings, but she is... the revenge princess! Without feelings, she won't respond to me. How can I be considered a scumbag if I'm destined to have no response? And why do you think I taught her my sword skills? It's just compensation."

Diona nodded: "So that's the case, then what do you think of me, do I have that kind of potential, just to help you disgust others~ I will definitely not get high!"

Li Ye looked at Diona with disdain: "I don't think you can do it! You kid just covet my beauty! By the way, is it really okay for you to do this? Obviously we don't have a good relationship, and this is the first time we meet!"

Tiona pouted: "Isn't that what Amazon does? Show your love boldly, and I can see that our two clans will definitely get along! And don't think that I think highly of you! I just came here to invite you because you're handsome!"

Li Ye frowned: "Why do you think so?"

Tiona waved her fingers: "Nonono, you become stronger, your clan will be stronger, we are already in trouble with Freya and can't have one more, plus we don't have too many conflicts with you, it's just that one time, it's not a big problem, but you took Ai Si to upgrade, and then lied to us"

Li Ye nodded: "Fools can also be wise!"

Diona was stunned for a moment: "What! I'm obviously not stupid! Hey! Do you want to be my boyfriend or girlfriend? This will also enhance the relationship between the clans!"

Li Ye shook his head: "I have no interest in an ordinary guy like you!"

Diona pouted again and said to herself; "Tsk! Okay! I'll just find the next one!"

This is a lie. Although this guy is an Amazon warrior, her nature... She has a strong sexual desire, but she and her sister are both pure types and are still virgins. As for why this guy is pestering Li Ye, it may be that he really likes her.

Li Ye now has a large number of fans in Orario, mainly because his figure on the city during the war game was too dazzling.

But at this moment, the 49th floor suddenly began to shake, and a huge roar exploded from under their feet.

"It happened! What happened!!"

Diona and Dione stood up immediately. As the only two level 5 here, they must take good protection.

And Li Ye stood up. He knew that the time had come.

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