Lying on the soft bed, Xia Mi stretched her body comfortably

"Well~ It's better to have a physical body~ But if you have a physical body, you have to hide from the queen~"

Li Ye sat on her, dripped blood on her back, and updated her ability value: "You are afraid of the queen, but you are so strict with me!"

Xia Mi turned around and pinched Li Ye's neck: "Hmph! I warn you! It's enough for you to have the two of us! Although I am also a later one! But I don't allow another later one! I don't want to have more sisters or something!"

Li Ye sighed: "Okay, okay, I will try my best, let's see your ability value!"

Xia Mi grinned: "What do you mean by try your best! No! If I know that you have any ill intentions towards anyone! I will go directly to the queen and blow myself up!"

Li Ye looked at the ability value on Xia Mi's back and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh~ You seem to have a new skill!"

Xia Mi narrowed her eyes: "You! Don't! Want! To! Leave! The! Topic!"

Li Ye turned his mouth to one side: "But this skill is very good~"

Xia Mi slowly moved her eyes to Li Ye's hand, which was holding a piece of paper: "Speak!"

Li Ye smiled: "Okay, okay! You can see for yourself~"

Xia Mi slowly unfolded her ability value

""Ability value: lv.1

Strength: 1001 (ss)

Durability: 1001 (ss)

Magic: 1002 (ss)

Agility: 1003 (ss)

Dexterity: 1006 (ss)

Magic: [Posuo Divine Realm]


[God's Blessing]: Being blessed by an unknown god, you may have unexpected good luck

[Love and Possession]: You love your lover deeply, and you hope to keep pace with him and work hard to pursue him!"

Xia Mi was stunned: "This ability... What does it mean? There is also a new skill"

Li Ye touched his chin: "The ability value has increased so fast that it can be upgraded. It is probably because of the blessing of God! As for the new skills later, I don’t understand. I will know after experimenting. . Magic is simple, just try it"

Xia Mi sighed: "Okay, okay! Really, but it can be upgraded? Upgrade quickly! Humph, this time! I want to walk in front of you!"

Li Ye smiled wickedly. He didn’t say that the points of his small account were enough, and he was even more exaggerated: "Okay, okay, you are in front of me, okay~"

Xia Mi snorted, then hugged Li Ye and put her face on Li Ye’s chest: "I know I like you, and I know you like me. In fact, this is enough. I can always be with you and enjoy your love for me. This is already very good for me"

Li Ye hugged her: "Okay, okay, idiot! "

Xia Mi's love is at all costs, regardless of the harm to herself. She doesn't care about herself, she just needs to be good to the person she loves, that's enough. She is simply a fool among fools, and people don't know what to say.

She is different from Eri. Eri is ignorant of the world. She is stupid on the outside, but she is not stupid inside. She is just simple. Xia Mi is the kind of... well... very smart, clever, and has some thoughts on the surface, but she becomes very love-brained when it comes to big things.

She can stay in a dark corner for so long just to see if Li Ye will go to find her.

"What an idiot!"

On the other side, Li Ye opened his trumpet to check his ability value, and his brows were tightly frowned: "What the hell? What kind of B skill is this? Can you give me the whole manual! ”

He looked at the paper with his ability value rubbings and frowned slightly

“Ability value: lv.2

Strength: 0

Durability: 0

Magic: 0

Agility: 0

Dexterity: 0

Magic: [/][/]


[Brave]: Hold the heart of a brave man and look down on everything! Adventure is even stronger

[The spotlight]: Show off your eyes, you like the feeling of being the center of attention, it makes you happy

Expanded ability: [Swordsman: E]”

The ability value is because he upgraded and recalculated. He upgraded after each item reached the SSS level of 1500. This speed of ability value accumulation is somewhat incredible. You know, those guys from Loki’s family can accumulate 100 points of improvement every time they go on an expedition, which is considered good.

“Is it because of [Brave]? "Strange ability"

And the expansion ability is an ability that can be selected every time you upgrade. There are three options in total, which come from what you have done in this level. Li Ye's ability is [Swordsman] which can improve swordsmanship, [Slaughter] which can improve killing ability, and [Escape] which increases the ability to escape.

Maybe because he can play with swords and kill too many monsters. As for [Escape]... maybe because he was considered to be escaping when he used Ghost Shadow to dodge

If others choose to escape, but Li Ye chose [Swordsman]. After all, he has milk, dog charms and horse charms. The defense is almost full, and basically he doesn't need to escape. When he needs to escape, this speed is useless.

It's better to choose this kind of small thing that increases damage. When retracting the clone, Steve's panel can perfectly assemble it on his body. At this time, the damage is increased by 10%. After it is on himself, it will still increase the damage by 10%, and it will not be reduced.

So he has always had a plan to create a large number of clones in the future, go to various worlds to collect these abilities, and then integrate them into himself, but he has never had much time, and if he wants to do this, the risk is also very high, which has a great impact on his spirit

And what he doesn't understand the most is this new ability

"The center of attention? What the hell? A conspicuous bag?? What the hell?"

He was confused and more and more confused

On the other hand, the hammer was also upgraded, fighting with lv.4, and blocking Goliath head-on, giving him a very exaggerated number of points, but no other skills and powers appeared

And the ability value of the hoe is normal, she has no achievements, and no bonus skills, these items add up to only increase a few hundred points of energy Strength value,

This ability value update ends here. Generally speaking, the improvement is quite large, which also verifies the power of the system of grace

"It seems that I will have to spend a long time leveling up next."

The breeze blew across the street. Li Ye's main body was working in the house, while Li Ye's trumpet was wiping his long sword on the street.

This sword is not the "Xia" where Xia Mi lives, but a long sword made according to that sword. The material is the special alloy in Douluo, and there are a little bit of materials contributed by the secret realm of Scorpio. Finally, it was enchanted by Li Ye to be sharp

It should also be a top weapon here, and it is the top among the top

Just at this time, an ethereal voice came to his ears: "You! Can you fight with me?"

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