Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 41 The Shit-yellow Fatty and the Green Fatty

Li Ye's black energy enveloped Killian and slowly sank.

As for why he sank slowly, it was because it was more elegant. If Li Ye wanted to complete the descent in one second,

Killian only felt that his vision dropped, and then he came to a world full of red.

The sky in this world is red and the earth is red

There is an unknown gas floating in the air

Surrounded by the smell of sulfur

"Is this hell?" he couldn't help but sigh.

Li Ye smiled slightly: "This is my kingdom! The dimension of black shadow"

Killian immediately became excited. He was following a big boss, but the next second, he saw a group of shadow ninjas moving bricks in the distance.

Well, in the physical sense of moving bricks, they took out bricks from the shadows and piled them on the ground. There were already many piled next to them. There was also a man wearing sunglasses who was looking at the drawings and planning something.

There is even a statue of himself carved on the other side, which is probably just as big as the two Li Ye.

Wearing a black cloak, he held a Prajna mask in his hand, but his face was carved lifelike.

Li Ye's face was full of black lines, I'm boiling, what are you doing! He didn't arrange for these guys to do these things.

He hasn't been here for a long time. He doesn't need to transfer here, but Killian can't. Killian doesn't have the black shadow authority, so he can only transfer here. This time

But Killian is here, and it’s hard for him to say anything.

"Ahem, don't care about the details."

Killian also didn’t know what to say.

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Obey, I will take you to see the scene later."


A fat man with yellow muscles covered in spikes was running rampant, smashing the surrounding buildings and cars whenever he saw them.

"Hulk! Come out here! Hulk! I know where you are!"

The surrounding area has been blocked by military helicopters and tanks, but these things are nothing to this giant beast.

He casually picked up a tank barrel and swung the tank directly towards the helicopter in the sky.

The helicopter in the sky immediately dodged, hoping that the chicken wings would not be untied

On the helicopter,

Screw, no, it was General Ross who was frantically saying to Banner on the side: "Boy! Think of a way quickly."

But Betty on the side said: "Father! Banner has taken the inhibitor! Hulk has disappeared! It is impossible to appear again!"

Ross shouted: "Blank!"

Abomination's original name is Blonsky. He is a soldier responsible for capturing Hulk, but he was injected with super serum and Hulk blood to create a super monster.

Monsters who only know anger and rage have no sense at all

At this time, countless missiles flew from the sky and hit the body of Abomination directly. Although the missile was small, it could penetrate into the body of Abomination. At first glance, it was not ordinary man-made.


Hating the pain and shouting: "Who is it!"

A golden-red slutty armor fell from the sky, in the classic superhero landing posture, kneeling on one knee and hitting the ground with one hand.

"I am! Iron Man!"

In the corner on the other side, a black braised egg is calling Tony

"That guy has super strength, super endurance, and super speed, so if you want to defeat him, you must use long-range firepower! Everything is based on your own safety. He is not the only target of ours. There will be support from our people on the left rear."

"okok, you only have to do one thing now, and that is to shut up."

Black Braised Egg's face became even darker, but they were facing Tony Stark, the only one they could use at the moment, so they had no temper at all, but they already had news that signs of life were found under the Arctic glaciers. I guess it won't be long before they find another superhero.

Because of Li Ye, SHIELD got in touch with Iron Man in advance

This also gave them enough confidence to steal people from the military.

Facing hatred, Tony Stark inexplicably remembered the man Batman, that is, Li Ye

That man also possesses great speed and strength

But in his opinion, Li Ye's strength only relied on the armor. If it weren't for the fact that some of the materials in that armor were not known to him, he would definitely be able to make a armor that surpassed that man's.

And his current armor is pretty good too

He calls this armor the "Anti-Batman Armor"

Possessing strong tracking ability and strong range attack

The tracking ability was specifically designed to hit his exposed chin. He couldn't understand why someone would wear heavy armor and expose their chin. Is it for the convenience of trolling people? Or is it because I want to eat watermelon?

The strong range is to clean up his shadow ninja

According to his observation, the strength of some black shadow ninjas is not low, so he also prepared some armor-piercing bullets

What was just fired is the kind of armor-piercing bomb that can penetrate into the enemy's skin and then release its barb, making it difficult to pull out.

As for using armor-piercing bullets to hit Li Ye's armor? He hasn't found any effective armor-piercing bullets that can penetrate that thing yet.

Of course, it would only take a while for him to invent it

In addition, he has already found part of the vibranium Li Ye needs. He plans to build a shield for himself first, and then give the rest to Li Ye.

Li Ye couldn't do anything to tell him that he didn't find everything.

He is not the kind of person who refuses to pay back money he owes. He just plans to pay it slowly later.

back to present

Hatred looked at the slut in front of him and roared.

"Iron Man! Tell me! Where is the Hulk!!!"

Tony stood up from the ground and stretched his right hand forward

"Be an obedient baby so that adults can answer your questions."

The blue switch on the palm released the palm cannon, flying through the air and hitting Abomination, but it was obvious that it was of no use.

Abomination is like a heavy tank, rushing towards Iron Man

Iron Man immediately took off and used his anti-air superiority to fire palm cannons at him from the sky.

But obviously, there is no use for birds

Can't even scratch the skin

The scars he just made with armor-piercing bullets have all disappeared.

The Abomination hit the wall hard and set off a large puff of smoke. Iron Man opened his shoulder armor again and fired a large number of missiles.

The missile streaked through the air, making bursts of noise, and rushed toward the smoke.

"Sir, the heat source has been locked"

Jarvis was very considerate in providing this service.

Tony discovered that the shadow ninja had no body temperature when he was teaching Hoe two days ago, so he hurriedly upgraded this ability to Jarvis

But the next second, a huge stone flew out and hit the missile, smashing it into pieces.

Tony's face was a bit dark. He was originally in light armor and didn't have many missiles. This made it even worse for him who already didn't have much firepower.

"Sir, the heat source indicates he is moving quickly"

Tony's face sank

"Ready to move forward"

"Sir, based on the kinetic energy of this creature, close combat is not recommended."

Tony smiled: "We have a secret weapon!"

"Yes sir"

A big shit-yellow guy like a tank rushed out of the smoke and dust.

Tony immediately accelerated and ran to meet him.

Hate Yile, good guy, this guy is in a hurry to die.


When they met, Abomination punched out, hitting Iron Man hard.

But Iron Man kicked off his legs and crossed his hands forward to protect himself.


The powerful impact made Hatred a little numb

Tony smiled: "The power of wisdom"

He didn't make a vibranium shield, but he did make a vibranium wristband. Although this thing is not as powerful as Captain America's shield, it is still not weak. Abomination's hasty blow only made him retreat a little.

"Then let's try this trick!!!" His wrist guard lit up red.

But the next second, he was punched out and hit the tank on the side hard.

Hatred slowly stretched out another hand

"The power of two hands"

Just as Abomination was about to go up and hit the target, an arrow flew towards him. He stretched out his hand to catch it and looked at the person who shot the arrow.

It's a man holding a bow on a tall building

"ridiculous trick"


Suddenly, the arrow exploded, blowing up the paint on Abomination's face, blocking his sight and buying Iron Man time.

Tony is also in a very bad situation now

He designed the shock absorption of the armor to be perfect after the lessons learned last time. Moreover, he used the design of Li Ye's Batman armor as a reference. The armor's defensive power is a higher level than the original one.

Otherwise, it would kill him in one blow, but even so, he would still feel very uncomfortable.

Dizzy head, painful limbs

He stood up staggeringly, looking at the hatred,

"Sir, the armor is damaged by 33%"

"It's just a punch. It seems like Uncle Tony is going to show some real skills."

At this moment, a man fell from the helicopter in the sky and hit the ground heavily.

It's Dr. Banner

He overcame his fear and jumped down directly against Betty's persuasion.

His second identity is about to appear

The smoke disperses

A big green lump appeared


The second round officially begins

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