The Book of Wisdom, the power creation of the Greedy Witch, has the ability to be close to omniscience and omnipotence.

It is not a book that simply predicts the direction of the world, but a book that records many magics and many powers. Some people even say that it records the secrets of the world.

Even the Greedy Witch has not fully understood the books recorded in the book. You know, the old woman has been around for four hundred years. Even if she hasn't fully understood the book, how exaggerated is the book?

If he gets that thing, how much improvement can be obtained? Li Ye dare not think about it.

Not long after, Li Ye came to Roswaal's mansion. What this place looked like originally is still the same now, and it has not changed at all because of the invasion of the Witch Cult.

After all, those scumbags of the Witch Cult have not even set foot in the door of this place.

Li Ye walked in slowly. This is his second time to enter this place. He still came to the conference room.

He opened the door of the conference room. Several people were already sitting inside, including Crusch, Ferris, and Ai. Milia and Ram, Rem, Beatrice, and Roswaal who was sitting on the main seat

Li Ye smiled: "Hello everyone! I'm here again!"

This time, Crusch stood up quickly: "Mr. Li is here!"

Roswaal also smiled, stood up, and said with his still weird habit and weird tone: "Mr. Li, your reputation these days is really good~"

Li Ye smiled: "I'm just a small vendor, what kind of fame can I have"

Everyone present stopped talking and felt speechless. Vendor? A vendor can destroy half of the city's land with one sun? What a joke!

However, there was one person who did not treat Li Ye well, and that was Emilia. She did not care whether Li Ye was strong or not, she only cared whether Li Ye was a good person or not.

Obviously, Li Ye's behavior made her feel that it was not good. He sent equipment to the Witch Cult on the battlefield, and then sent it to Kurush. This behavior of making a lot of money made her despise it.

She did not have a good face for such a guy, and she would not flatter him.

Li Ye also knew that, he just smiled and sat on the seat: "Thanks to your invitation, a small businessman like me can also join your team, so everyone! Let's start our discussion!"

La Yueang curled his lips after hearing his words, and then immediately changed his face and sat next to him with a smile on his face.

Mainly, there were people sitting on both sides of Emilia, and only this seat was left for him.

Roz Val smiled: "Since Li Ye wants to get straight to the point, let's start the discussion. Oh~"

He straightened his posture and continued: "We have gained a lot this time. Oh~ Killed the Bishop of Gluttony, killed the White Whale, and are far ahead in merit. Oh~"

Le Yueang stood up: "Huh! All this is my credit!"

Felice smiled: "486 is really passionate, meow~"

Ram sighed: "Idiot!"

Le Yueang pinched his waist and laughed: "If it weren't for..."

He suddenly remembered something halfway through, looked at Li Ye, and then laughed: "If it weren't for my big brother Li Ye's strength! How could we have so many credits!"

Roswal didn't stop laughing: "Well, this time thanks to Mr. Li Ye~"

Li Ye had a headache after hearing these strange habits. He sighed, "Can you tell me something useful? Although I'm just a small businessman, my time is very precious!!"

Everyone was silent again. His tone didn't sound like that of a small businessman.

Crouch was also listening and nodded, "It seems that Mr. Li Ye is very busy. Let's get down to business!"

She opened a piece of paper and read the contents on it, "There are five people who have been selected as kings. One is the businessman. He has the assistance of Julius, but he doesn't have many supporters and hasn't established any goals, so he's not a big deal."

When she finished speaking, she looked up at Li Ye and Roswaal, and then continued, "The rest is Firut. The little girl has the help of the Sword Saint. She was originally very difficult to deal with, but now it seems... not a big deal. , but Priscilla is very tricky!"

Li Ye knocked on the table and said slowly: "Priscilla, don't worry, she will disappear soon"

Everyone's eyes instantly fell on him, and Lai Yueang said: "No, brother, what do you want to do? That kind of thing is not glorious. . If you are discovered, you will probably be confiscated from the king's election. "

Indeed, assassinating other kings is a serious matter

Li Ye smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just a small businessman, what can I do~ You don't think I can bring down the rich Priscilla, right? . . "

Everyone looked at each other and nodded together. Li Ye sighed: "Well, that's true, because I look so handsome, that woman wants to possess the excellent me, I was thinking if she does something stupid, let her withdraw from the king's election. . . "

Of course, he didn't kill her. Although Priscilla was arrogant, she was very kind. In the original book, she even helped Emilia block the big move

Lai Yueang let out a long sigh: "That should be fine. . . After all, it's a personal grudge. . . "

What he meant was that this matter would affect Wang Xuan. After all, if Wang Xuan's followers killed Wang Xuan's opponents, it would be a bad thing for others to talk about.

Kulusu fiddled with his hands in a tangled way, mainly because she was also a chosen king, and it was not easy to speak at this time. She was afraid that she would be eliminated for some reason in the future. She was not afraid of death, but she was afraid of death for an unknown reason. This cooperation had changed because of Li Ye's joining.

Roswaal smiled: "Of course... Oh~ It would be best if Mr. Li Ye could do it privately, oh~"

Emilia slapped the table and stood up: "If my throne is built on killing! I would rather not have it!"

Obviously, she took Li Ye's words as an excuse. She thought that what Li Ye said was all false, and the personal grudges were just false reasons for him to eliminate the other party!

Li Ye seemed not to see her, smiled, and slowly said: "Everyone, do you want to hear my advice on becoming a king?"

Emilia frowned, Roswaal smiled, and Leyeon didn't know what to say now, just sitting here awkwardly, Crusch sighed: "Mr. Li, please speak"

Li Ye slowly stood up: "I have always believed in one sentence! Power! Is the reason to become a king, without power! The dynasty cannot be protected, I am not looking for an excuse to kill the king-chosen one! Discuss with you, but I was going to kill her!"

He slowly took out an apple from his pocket, and then continued: "This is a declaration! A declaration for you to prepare! Not a discussion, I will help you, but I am not your subordinate, in addition! I can help you kill Duotu and Greed Bishop, this kind of merit! Should be enough!"

Roswaal's eyes were obviously stunned for a moment, Duotu was a chess piece he planned to use in the next stage, but now Li Ye said it

He didn't know How much does Li Ye know about him

Li Ye also saw his stunned look, then he smiled: "Next, I will clear all difficulties for you! You! Are you ready?"

Emilia was still looking at Li Ye, she bit her lip and looked at the guy in front of her, trembling slightly: "I... I don't agree!"

Li Ye smiled and took a bite of the apple just now: "You are so gentle, Emilia, but a gentle person can't be a king!"

Her eyes were very determined: "Then I would rather not be one!" But then she saw the people around her, these guys looked at her with a look that didn't quite understand,

She looked at these people and was a little shaken, yes, everyone was fighting for her to become the king, but she was obstructing in various ways, she was a little too selfish, but her kindness made her not want to agree with Li Ye's behavior

Then she continued: "At least! Don't drag those innocent people in... I won't kill them!"

Li Ye shook his head: "Okay, okay, gentle lady Emilia, I will try my best!"

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