At the same time, on the battlefield, Le Yueang did not stop and did nothing, he was also exerting his own strength

He was sitting on the carriage, and in front of him was Rem, driving him. These two guys were rushing towards the white whale.

"That guy Li Ye!!! What a bastard! He actually sold equipment to the Witch Cult!!"

Rem in front of him was silent. Being involved with the Witch Cult always made her suffer. Her hometown was destroyed by the Witch Cult, and her sister also lost her power because of it.

She remained silent, turned her anger into strength, and drove the car forward.

Leyuan smiled and stood up from the carriage.

"Rem! Cover your ears!"

Rem didn't know why, but she still covered her ears.

This guy directly started his roar: "I will! Die!!! Come back..."

But unlike the original work, this guy's roar was incomplete because he still thinks that saying those words will only lead to his own violent death.

In fact, if he said it, he and the other party would fight to death according to a certain rule. It is not certain who lives and who dies.

Once he tortured Emilia to death, as well as the lazy priest, and several times he tortured himself to death.

Now a large amount of witch's aura is released around his body, and the white whale is attracted to fly towards him.

He trembled: "It's so big! Are you serious? It will hurt!"

But he still pressed his body tightly against the carriage: "Julius! I can give everything for Your Highness Emilia!!"

But the battlefield at this moment is still quite anxious. No matter how strong the sword ghost is, he is just an ordinary person. Unlike animals like the bishop, he has no serious brain disease and cannot keep up with the opponent's strength. Temporary suppression is okay, but it is not at all unable to defeat the opponent

Although Julius was also killed by Gluttony in the original work, the scene at that time was completely different from now.

All in all, Sword Demon is about to be defeated.

Crusch was also injured by a stray bullet. If she wanted to activate her ability to command her men, she had to be seen by those men, which put her in a difficult position.

The current conflict battlefield has become one where both sides are firing Tiger tanks at each other. One person owes Li Ye one million books. This amount is still several times short of what it would take to turn the world upside down.

Curxiu looked at the planes that were still spinning around in the sky and gritted his teeth: "Damn it!!!"

The Gluttony Archbishop smiled, knocked down the sword demon, looked at the spears and cannons around him and laughed out loud: "The Pretend Priest is really capable~ He can get all the new weapons from the opposite side!"

It's obvious that this guy's brain circuit is not normal. He thinks that the priest will be completely loyal to the witch. If he pretends that the priest can bring weapons to the opponent, he must have used some means to control the big bird in the sky! I had no idea that this guy Li Ye was actually just a kid.

Gluttony smiled. At this time, he smelled a strong witch scent. He quickly looked around

"Witch!! Lord Witch's favor?"

He saw Lai Yueang who was seducing the white whale. He exuded a lot of witch scent.

" seems like I'm not needed here! Then...let me see! What are you!!"

He ran towards Lai Yue'ang, and Lai Yue'ang was stunned. That kind of speed was really something that humans could achieve!

This is different from Li Ye's speed that transcends the limitations of his vision. He can't see it, and naturally he doesn't know how terrifying it is. This kind of speed can be seen.

"Rem!! Run!!"

He roared, but the speed of the earth dragon pulling the cart was not enough at all. At this moment, the huge one turned back and swept towards them with its tail, and along with the tail was a huge thick fog.


In order to dodge, they fell directly to the ground. At this moment, there was a big stone on the ground, and the big stone happened to be stuck on his waist. Lai Yueang felt that his waist was broken, absolutely broken! ! He coughed dryly, couldn't breathe, and couldn't speak.

Rem on the other side had much better luck than him. The physical fitness of the ghosts made it almost impossible for her to do anything.

But at this time, the Gluttony Priest had already rushed in front of these two guys: "Oh, it seems you are not very lucky!"

Rem gritted her teeth, her eyes red: "Witch Cult!!!"

She stood up directly, a horn sprouted from her head, and then rushed towards the Gluttony Priest crazily, using her fists to perform a set of small punches

But this Gluttonous Archbishop is not a freeloader. If he could be beaten to death by Rem, he would still be around. In the original novel, it was this guy who erased Rem’s existence.

He directly grabbed Rem's neck and picked her up. However, due to his height, this guy's posture when he picked up Rem was a bit strange. He had to look up at Rem and said, "Ah~ the little maid of the Roswaal family. , did it appear here? It really took no effort at all~"

Rem was stunned. Why did he know that she was the maid of the Roswaal family? Another bad idea from her! She stared blankly at the Gluttony Priest in front of her, and the Gluttony Priest also noticed her doubts.

"Ah~ It's someone's request. There is a guy who wants me to kill all the guys in Roswaal's domain. Now that I think about it, that guy who is lazy has already done it!"

Rem's eyes became even more dull, and she murmured: "Sister. Sister..."

Horns are the source of power for ghosts. It is normal for ghosts to have two horns. Those who give birth to one horn are regarded as unknown and will be executed.

And she and her sister were born with only one horn. Just when they were about to be executed, her sister burst out with a very good level of magic power, and they were able to survive.

Finally, the Witch Cult invaded and destroyed their home. In order to protect her, her sister's horn was broken.

At that time, she felt ashamed that she had ever been jealous of her sister, and decided to protect her sister all the time.

If Roswaal hadn't taken action in the end, they would have disappeared, and then they also became maids in Roswaal's mansion.

Her sister is everything to her! She lived for her sister, and now, her sister turned out to be. . . Killed?

The next second, her eyes turned red: "Death!!!!"

She unleashed her full potential and wanted to kill the guy in front of her, but how could a maid deal with a priest whose strength was at T1 level?

The result was still being pinched by the neck

Leon on the other side was also stunned: "Roswaal Mansion...Roswaal Domain?"

This guy was dumbfounded. He recalled Ram, Beatrice, and the guys in the village. Everyone was dumbfounded.

"What...what!! Beatrice is so strong...should...he stopped talking. He also saw this guy fighting the Sword Demon just now, and if the guy on the other side is on the same level as him, then Beatrice probably won’t survive either!

Beatrice taught him magic, but this guy has a more arrogant personality. . . Lai Yue Ang likes that guy very much

Moreover, there are those children in the village! !

This time because of Li Ye's appearance, Roswaal did not choose to place a killer in the village to kill Le Yueang. He also went to the village and had a lot of fun with the children.

But now. . . . He looked at the Gluttony Archbishop in disbelief. His waist was broken and he could no longer move.

His eyes looked at the guys in Curxiu, and they were also at a disadvantage.

"Really...are we going to reset again?"

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