Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 362 Please don't die again

Li Ye had a hard day.

Leyuang kept following Emilia back to Roswaal's mansion. He kept encountering the fog and kept dying. Li Ye kept resetting.

He looked at Priscilla's face again and again.

Although Priscilla was really good and not very old, she always said the same thing. He had a headache. He still overestimated his ability to bear it.

He knew that Leyuang would die, but he didn't expect him to die so many times. Is he such a loser?

Looking back again, Li Ye looked at Priscilla in front of him and sighed: "'I want to ask you to come with me, how about it?' Is that what you want to say?"

Priscilla covered her mouth with a fan: "Really good~ You have already seen it, then come with me~ You should know! No one can stop me!"

Li Ye smiled: "What I mean is! Get out of here!!"

As for Le Yueang, he successfully died again. Now it has been the seventh time. Every time he arrived in the forest and encountered the fog, he was killed.

He also recorded a lot of information for these five times

"There will be a whale cry when you die at the end!"

"Everything happened in that fog"

"No wounds! No pain!"

He looked at Emilia in the distance and clicked He nodded, pinched his waist and shouted: "This time! I want to go by myself!" Emilia looked at this guy and sighed: "Are you going to make trouble again?" Le Yueang smiled: "I have thought of a solution! This time! I will not fail!" Emilia didn't understand what Le Yueang said, after all, her memory was still stuck on Le Yueang's disturbance at the venue. Although she was very angry, she still asked with concern: "You... really want to go by yourself?" Le Yueang was quite confident: "Yes! I want to go by myself this time!" Emilia sighed: "Then it's up to you!" Le Yueang watched Rem pull Emilia away from here, he nodded firmly, and then he went straight into Li Ye's Wanshiwu, "Li Ye! This time! I want to use my own things Come to the west to exchange! Don't use that chance again... "

He was stunned: "No, what are you doing?"

Li Ye was being beaten on the leg by Priscilla: "Well, it's okay, why don't you die, no, why don't you go home and come to me?"

Lai Yueang was speechless: "This guy... If I remember correctly! He is very arrogant, you can even take down such a guy!"

Li Ye sighed: "I just like to eat soft rice and hard food!"

Priscilla stood up: "Let me beat your legs, you are really... So you can follow me now?"

Li Ye kicked her out directly: "Next time, Pi Ding!"

Lai Yueang was stunned: "You... "

Li Ye smiled: "It's okay, she just coveted my beauty and asked me to follow her and become her 's lackey, I asked her to massage my legs, and then I can think about it, now I've thought about it, I don't agree!"

Lai Yueang was stunned: "Aren't you afraid of offending that guy? I tell you, that guy is so weird! Last time... "

Li Ye shook his head: "What are you afraid of, you will definitely die again, and then everything will start all over again"

Lai Yueang was stunned: "You know...?"

His neck was a little tight, just now he wanted to tell his secret, he had this feeling

Li Ye nodded and took a bite of the apple: "Did I say I didn't know?"

Lai Yueang quickly came up and pinched Li Ye's neck: "You actually know! You actually know! I know you know!!! The first time I died, you did it on purpose, right!! "

Li Ye smiled: "Of course! I knew it a long time ago! The woman who gave you three chances told me!"

Lai Yueang pinched Li Ye's neck: "So!! So who is that guy!! Tell me!! "

Li Ye's neck snapped with a click, Lai Yueang was stunned: "My Chao! You can't do this! I remember the first time you were hung up and beaten by that sword master!"

Li Ye's voice sounded from behind him: "Good brother, why did you kill my broom! That guy is the reincarnation of the first guy who gave me a gun!"

Lai Yueang looked in front of him, and he didn't pinch Li Ye just now, but a big broom with a smiley face logo engraved on it. It was placed on the bed. He broke it after the click just now, and the real Li Ye was leaning against the wall eating an apple at this moment.

Lai Yueang threw the broom down "No! You are teasing me with some tricks!"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, that's it!"

Lai Yueang said quickly: "Forget it, I know, it's useless for me to ask you! You won't tell me! I want to make a deal with you! A deal without that opportunity"

Li Ye nodded: "So, what do you want to trade? "

Lai Yueang said hurriedly: "I want to know! What is there! Can kill people instantly! Its arrival is accompanied by fog! And the sound of whales"

Li Ye smiled: "So, what price can you pay for this knowledge?"

Lai Yueang thought for a while and said: "What do you want!"

Li Ye pointed at Lai Yueang: "I want a quarter of your soul!"

Lai Yueang was stunned: "What did you say? Are you a devil? You actually want other people's souls!!"

Li Ye smiled: "It's a joke! Don't take it seriously. I want you to die three times. How about it? When I need you to help me reset time, you must use death to help me!"

Lai Yue'ang hurriedly agreed: "Okay! Then can you tell me what that thing is!"

The current Le Yue Ang still doesn’t understand how important it is for a guy who knows that he can return after death.

Li Ye's eyes narrowed slightly: "I think you should know about those witches and the like!"

Lai Yue'ang nodded: "I know these! I went to find out!"

Li Ye nodded: "The Gluttony Witch once created three man-made monsters, a white whale that made people forget their sorrows, a big rabbit that could reproduce itself so that people would never be hungry, and a big snake named Big Snake that could clean things up. the way"

Lai Yue'ang was stunned for a moment: "Ah? Is that still a witch? Aren't witches all that kind of... bad guys?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course! Her original intention was good, but the result was very bad. The big rabbit turned into a monster that devours those with magic power. It can also reproduce indefinitely. It is now sealed in a place called the Sanctuary."

Li Ye took a bite of the apple and continued, "The big snake can release poisonous mist, leaving no grass growing in the place where it runs over. Its current whereabouts are unknown, but it once destroyed a forest, a forest that was very important to Emilia."

Lai Yueang seemed to understand something: "Then that's the one I meet! Beluga??"

Li Ye nodded: "You are unlucky, you met that guy! What do you need me to take action? I only need a quarter of your soul, or that one chance!"

Lai Yue'ang shook his head, stood up directly, and pointed outside: "Humph! White Whale! I will make sure he never comes back! This time! I will win with my own strength!"

Li Ye smiled: "You will understand how weak your power is!"

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