Lai Yue'ang and his party walked out of Ku Yixiu's house. Their discussions had no effect.

Ku Yixiu raised a fatal question

"What does it gain me to form an alliance with you?"

Ku Yixiu is interested in forming an alliance, because her idea of ​​becoming king is to directly sever the connection with Shenlong and become an independent country.

But this country has believed in the divine dragon since ancient times. It is really difficult to get these guys away from the divine dragon. It is several times harder than Felt's idea.

The idea of ​​these guys has been deeply ingrained that Shenlong is their boss. Without Shenlong, they can't do anything.

But even if she had this intention, she would not show it to Emilia and the others, which would put her at a disadvantage.

Emilia and her party also stopped. They didn't know what to do. The next heir chosen by the king was a businessman. She had no fixed address and there was no way to visit her.

They couldn't find the businessman's residence, so they had to go back in embarrassment, and finally waited in the hotel for the arrival of the first meeting to choose the king's heir.

Time passed like this, and Li Ye also connected with those guys from the Witch Cult. Of course, they came to Li Ye instead of Li Ye to find them. Li Ye was not so careless.

Now he is eating fruit on the rocking chair. He is enjoying his life. He is looking at the books in his hands and shaking his head.

"Well, there are now 11,300 books included. Has it reached the level of the Black King?"

On the other side of him, a little girl wearing a black cloak said tremblingly: " you still need me to help you search for books?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, I really like reading!"

This little guy is the contact person arranged for him in disguise, and can help him convey information about the Witch Cult.

The little girl nodded quickly: "Yes! Sir! I will definitely work hard!"

Li Ye also nodded: "Okay! You are very energetic! You will definitely become an excellent navy!"

The little girl was stunned for a moment: "Sir... what is the navy?"

Li Ye sighed. There was no one in this huge world who understood the truth: "You heard me wrong! I'm talking about the Archbishop! When I die, my position as a pretentious Archbishop will be taken away from you!"

The little girl's eyes showed a little light at first, but the next second she showed a slightly frightened expression: "No! Xiaonan doesn't want it! Xiaonan wants to be a priest, but she doesn't want the adults to die..."

Li Ye smiled: "Okay, okay, go find me a book!"

The girl named Xiaonan nodded and walked out in a hurry, but Li Ye seemed to have remembered something and quickly stopped her: "Xiaonan! If I remember correctly, your protection is the best. Protect it!”

Xiaonan stopped quickly: "Yes, sir, Xiaonan... Xiaonan can carry a lot of things!"

Li Ye nodded: "Come, let me show you a big gold... Oh no, I will give you some good treasures. You can take them to the Witch Tutors, but remember! Don't give them to Lazy!" I don’t like that guy!”

Xiaonan nodded: "Okay, sir!"

Xiaonan didn't know who the man in front of her was. She was a guy who had just joined the Witch Cult. The reason for joining was also very strange. She was sold to the Witch Cult because she didn't have enough to eat at home. The Witch Cult saw that she also had protection, so she Let her be a transporter

But then Li Ye came, and she was sent directly to Li Ye

She was very scared at the beginning. After all, she heard that those priests were not good people and they all had serious brain diseases.

But after getting along with her for a while, she realized that this pretentious priest is really good. Although he is usually a bit nervous, he is really handsome.

And I also gave her delicious food. I gave her five apples in three days. The apples were so sweet. There was a time when a bug came out after eating it, but that was the only time.

Now she still has an apple given to her by the Decoration Master.

All in all, it was much better than the gluttonous and lazy Archbishops she saw two days ago. Those two were purely insane, and most importantly. . He is so handsome. . .

There was some saliva at the corner of her mouth

She was about to walk out the door, and Li Ye suddenly thought of something else: "There's one more thing!"

Xiao Nan was stunned, quickly wiped the corners of his mouth and turned around: "Sir... Sir."

Li Ye threw a scroll to her: "Take it, open it if you are in danger."

Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, then nodded movedly: "Sir..."

At the same time, a huge gathering took place in the royal city, and the first meeting of the king's heirs began.

They gathered in the hall of the dynasty. There were five of them in total, with different postures.

Priscilla still looks arrogant, and her superior appearance makes the other royal candidates around her a little uncomfortable, but those nobles like her very much, and they keep trying to communicate with her even if they are looked down upon.

"The world revolves around me~"

The knight following her was the one-armed man in the iron mask, but this man was looking at Emilia at the back, with some curiosity in his eyes.

On the other side, there was Curio. She looked at the nobles around her with a serious and silent face. She kept looking at Emilia, as if she wanted to see how she would deal with today's environment.

Behind her is Phyllis

Today, Phyllis is not wearing a skirt, but a knight's suit. She looks a little more heroic, but she still looks like a cat girl.

The next person is Firut. This guy has been frowning since he entered the door, and he hits Reinhard from time to time. She is wearing a long princess dress today, but it is obvious that she doesn't know how to wear it and often steps on the hem of the skirt.

"Reinhard!!! Didn't I say that? I don't like this kind of occasion!!"

Reinhard raised his hand and laughed awkwardly: "Lord Firut, we really need to participate in this event! For the success of the King's Election..."

The nobles around were dumbfounded. These guys knew how powerful Reinhard was. He could even change the color of the world with a sword, and his painting style suddenly changed his swordsmanship.

These guys are really afraid that Firut will make Lord Sword Saint angry. One person will come to take the head of the army, but fortunately, their Lord Sword Saint is a sunny and cheerful boy. He is really the kind of person who doesn't What an angry guy

The next one is Emilia, she stands at the end of the team, with her head down, she is the weakest in the team, and now people are talking about her race

And there is no one standing behind her, she has no knight

As for the last one, it is Anastasia, a person Emilia has never seen

A small merchant, without excellent power, without excellent strength, without strong supporters, just so inconspicuous, behind her is Julius, who is known as the best knight

But this "best" is just for hearing, the real best is still sitting on the other side, this "excellent" is like the real Li Kui seeing the fake Li Gui

But the difference is that the real Li Kui doesn't care about the name of "Li Kui" at all

It is worthy of being a sunny and cheerful boy

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