Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 353 One hundred thousand! One hundred thousand!

Leyuang and Emilia's convoy did not encounter anything along the way. They simply arrived at the royal city.

After arriving at the royal city, Leyuang looked back and forth like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

"My dynasty! What is this!"

Although Emilia had never seen the world, she was not as embarrassed as him. Rem followed Emilia all the time. Several people planned to go and see the other royal candidates first.

But when they were about to go, they saw countless papers floating in the sky.

Emilia was a little curious: "What is that?"

Leyuang picked one up from the sky: "This is... a flyer? Li Ye Wanshiwu, the choice of the sword master!!"

On it was a headshot of Li Ye and Reinhard, and below was Li Ye's introduction.

Emilia was a little surprised: "This is... Mr. Li Ye?"

Leyuang didn't understand what Li Ye was doing: "This is... opening a branch?"

Just at this time, they heard someone shouting on the street: "Wow! It's this cremation shop! My grandma was about to die, but after she was sent there, guess what! He bit a lighter and made my grandma alive!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I bought a weapon there last time! It's called an mp5! I beat the guy who always bullied me and made him run away"

Laiyueang was stunned: "Ah? This!"

On the other side, Li Ye opened another store in the royal city. He advertised his store everywhere, preparing to do some tricks with it

The guy from the witch cult had already investigated it clearly, and he left his mark on the lazy archbishop, and his movements would also be detected by himself.

And he made that guy really believe that he was really the archbishop of deception. The process was also very simple. Li Ye asked for another cup of Echidna brand girl juice. After carrying it with him, his witch flavor increased again.

In addition, the guy on the opposite side was not very normal in his mind, and Li Ye believed it after a little mental influence.

Now the seeds have been planted, just waiting for the time to come!

Li Ye looked outside, and a panel appeared in front of his white eyes.

"Negative emotion value: 1 million and 886"

Li Ye nodded: "Really good, thinking about it, I haven't drawn a lottery for a long time, so! Let's have a thrilling lottery! System! Find time!"

"Ding, the host draws 100,000 batches of lottery ten times! Get rewards [World Card: DC], [Universal ID card], [Golden Legend: Blasting Enhancement Voucher], [Crown of the Dragon King], [Horse Talisman], [Golden Legend: Unnamed Kung Fu], [Golden Legend: Million Purchase Rights], [Gun Box], [World Card: Battle of Two Cities], [Dog Talisman]"

"[World Card: DC]: A teleportation card in the world of superheroes, which mainly tells the story of a simple American small city and a second-generation rich man in tights who runs around in the middle of the night Things, this world also includes some other guys with serious brain problems, such as a pervert who likes to wear red pants outside (also called the wonderful adventure of red pants and his pendant)"

"【Universal ID card】: Use it in the world job, randomly obtain an identity in the current world, and obtain everything included in this identity, and no one will doubt you. You may be a god or a beggar, just see your luck! (In fact, the most important thing is that you may be a man or a woman)"

"【Super Enhancement Voucher】: Golden Legend!! Enhance one of your attributes, the highest level of enhancement voucher! Super Enhancement Voucher! You deserve it! "

"【Crown of the Dragon King】: In the League of Legends world, the crown created by the Protoss to bind the Star-Forging Dragon King has a strong restraint on the dragon attribute and the Creator God attribute. In addition, there are Extremely strong sealing power, even though the Dragon King just treats it as a hat (I hope you won't use it to play weird games with some weird guys)

"【Horse Talisman】: The power of the pony, makes you strong! Heals all your injuries, makes you fearless! And gives you powerful healing abilities! Take off! Boy!"

"【Unnamed Kung Fu】: Golden Legend!!!! No name, no content, this book needs you to improve it yourself, put in other books, automatically improve it and include it, and the final Kung Fu will contain the power of all the included books (Sky! Top! Kung Fu!!)"

"【Million Points Purchase Right】: Golden Legend!!!!: I know you can do it, you have spent a long time, improving yourself, persecuting others, and your points have reached an inexhaustible level times, then! Improve again! This time, buy it for a million points! Are you! Ready? Don't ask me why this function needs to be pulled out, because it's a black-hearted merchant (persecution after persecution, how much persecution)"

"【Gun Box】: In ancient times, sword boxes contained famous swords in the world, and now there are gun boxes that contain famous guns in the world. You can pull out any modern weapon from it, only in modern times! (My lord! Times have changed!)"

"【World Card: Battle of Two Cities】: A story about a dirty sewer counterattack on the upper city. Do you want to know why this thing is placed in the 100,000 gear? Because the background behind these two cities is Valoran! (I hope you won't be targeted by a big blue bald head)"

"【Dog Talisman】: The power of the dog, bless you from the aging of time, you will keep your body in a constant state of the best, only stronger, not weaker! (Pure gold? What rubbish! It's the age of dogs now!)"

Li Ye was overjoyed: "It has to be 100,000! Wait, did I mention the name of a guy from Wu State?"

He reached his hand into the void, and for a moment he didn't know what to do, mainly because there were too many good things! Three golden legends!

"Hehehehe!! It's me! The last time I opened the hidden door, it was definitely because of the door!"

He put aside the world card and looked at the first thing, the universal ID card. He pulled it out from the void. It was a golden card with flowing light and the face on it was blurred.

Being able to have an identity, this thing is really a magic weapon. If you are lucky, you can directly ascend to heaven with this thing.

Of course, this thing also depends on luck. Li Ye has already thought of where to use it.

He put it into the black shadow latitude. His Steve backpack has not had enough grids for a long time, so he stuffed most of the things into the black shadow latitude. The current black shadow latitude can no longer be called the black shadow latitude. The temperature inside is suitable and the climate is perfect. Everything is good except that there is no intelligent life.

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