Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 351: The King's Selection

Li Ye still didn't understand what Lai Yue'ang was talking about, but Lai Yue'ang on the other side had already started to speak.

"I know! You are definitely sent to protect me by the woman who summoned me! That's how it is in the game! But man! You were exposed just now! Tell me! Who is that guy!"

Li Ye smiled: "Society's beatings are mild after all, but they still haven't cured your symptoms."

Lai Yueang sighed: "Okay, okay, tell me, who is that woman? Don't tell me..."

Li Ye nodded and continued to take a bite of the apple: "So, do you want to use your last chance?"

Everyone in Leyueang was dumbfounded: "What! Just like this? Just this is going to waste an opportunity?"

Li Ye gnawed on the apple and smiled: "Are I familiar with you?"

Lai Yue'ang was dejected: "Okay, okay, but you also let me know that there is a guy who cares about me, right?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, a silver-haired half-elf. As for the truth, you need to find it yourself. I hope you can find it yourself."

Lai Yueang nodded and cheered up again: "For that unknown girl! I must work hard to improve my strength!"

Li Ye smiled. This is what this guy said in the original book, but he would never take action and would only take advantage of opportunities.

He is always so lazy and does not want to make progress. What he said just now was just three minutes of heat.

Li Ye suddenly remembered something interesting, and he smiled: "How dare you be sure that the silver-haired half-elf is a woman?"

Lai Yue'ang was dumbfounded: "What? What are you talking about? Could it be that a man summoned me here!! No!!!!"

He knelt on the ground, holding his head in discomfort. Li Ye smiled: "Okay, okay, girl, girl, that's all."

Leyueang felt comfortable now, and he nodded firmly: "Yes! She must be as beautiful as Amelia!"

Li Ye also smiled and nodded: "Of course! They are exactly the same."

Really exactly the same

Lai Yueang sighed: "Then how did you come to this world, good brother?"

Li Ye smiled and threw the apple core out of the window: "I came here casually, just like the breeze blowing through the mountain breeze, I came like this."

Lai Yue'ang nodded, and then said with deep eyes: "Just like me, I don't know why I came here... I don't know why I came..."

Li Ye shook his head: "I mean, I can leave at will, but you can't, but do you want to leave? I can take you out of here, as long as you give your last chance to help."

Lai Yueang quickly shook his head: "I'm fine here, I like it here, I don't want to go back!"

Li Ye's white eyes shone with a little light: "Okay, okay, I remember your parents are still alive, right?"

Lai Yue'ang stopped talking, and Li Ye stopped talking.

The two were just silent. Lai Yueang didn't know what to say and didn't want to leave. Li Ye was just pretending to be a master and didn't speak.

Li Ye slowly turned his head and looked at the light in the distance, showed a slight smile, and broke the silence: "It's time for you to go, you've finished asking your questions."

Lai Yue'ang said quickly: "Well... I still have questions..."

Li Ye nodded: "What questions do you have?"

Lai Yue'ang said quickly: " really anything?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, if you want to become a girl, I can do it for you!"

Lai Yue'ang quickly shook his head: "No, no, no!... I don't want it!"

Li Ye turned his head and continued to look out the window. He took out another apple and threw it to Lai Yueang: "If you have nothing to say, just leave."

Lai Yueang was still a little unsatisfied, but Li Ye waved his hand directly, and Lai Yueang had no choice but to leave.

It wasn't that he wanted to leave. In fact, he still had a lot to ask, but Li Ye grabbed a Colt .45 pistol and he was afraid.

It was daybreak. Li Ye's temporary stay here was over, but he was still invited to have breakfast here.

During meal time, Li Ye looked at Lai Yue'ang and Naremu as if they didn't know each other and couldn't see each other. The scene was somewhat funny. Are they pretending that it didn't happen?

But Li Ye could tell that Rem was speaking to Lai Yueang intentionally, showing favoritism. Was this asking for forgiveness? Lai Yue Ang is also pretty cool, as if it never happened.

Li Ye said he didn't understand. If someone wanted to attack him, and if it wasn't because he was the first to cause trouble, he would have given him a little shock.

This was a quiet and silent dinner. Emilia secretly looked at Li Ye, and Ram was also looking at Li Ye. Even though she had a perverted look on her face, even Lai Yueang and Rem were also looking at him. Keep looking at Li Ye

No one else, because Beatrice, who had never been very close to people, sat directly next to Li Ye this time, and was still picking up food for him!

Although Beatrice still looked disgusted

No one dared to speak. They all suspected that these two guys were having an affair. Li Ye looked at the reluctant Beatrice in front of him and smiled evilly. He put his ear to her ear and said, "You want to come with me?" Ah~"

Beatrice nodded with disdain, rarely saying anything, while Li Ye smiled: "What a beautiful idea!"

Beatrice's eyes widened for a moment, and she was about to get angry, but she hesitated again: "Beatrice doesn't understand, how can someone not want the great elf?"

Li Ye smiled, and seeing that everyone was looking at them, he smiled: "Everyone, just eat, she just made a small deal with me~"

Emilia nodded: "Oh~ I remember that the house run by Li Ye is called Wanshiwu! So that's it~"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, and at this moment, a crow flew in with its wings fluttering, with a letter tied to its ankle. Ram hurried forward to borrow it and opened the envelope

"It's a letter from Lord Roswaal!"

Li Ye narrowed his eyes, and everyone's attention was on Ram. Ram slowly read out the contents of the letter

"Because of some things, I can't leave now, oh, I'm sorry, Lord Emilia, as your support, I am derelict in my duty, oh, but the selection of the heir to the king will be launched in the royal city in seven days~ Please don't forget that I will be waiting for your arrival there, oh~"

Ram even played the clown's habit of Roswaal , and after hearing this, everyone in the room showed different expressions.

Emilia nodded: "Lord Roswaal is busy... Then am I the only candidate for the king's election this time?"

Rem lowered her head: "Lord Emilia, I will accompany you this time!"

Le Yueang also shouted: "I want to go too, I want to go too! Emilia's business is my business! Is this the task mentioned in the game?"

Li Ye's eyes flashed: "Well, it seems that you are going to take action too. Let me think about how to make things difficult for you~"

He looked at Beatrice next to him with brighter and brighter eyes, and then whispered beside her ear: "Well, Beatrice, you want to follow me, right? Help me with something~ Equivalent exchange"

Beatrice frowned and looked at Li Ye, and Li Ye smiled mischievously: "So this, so this, do you understand?"

Beatrice nodded: "Just like this, Beatrice can follow you?"

Li Ye smiled: "Naturally, naturally!"

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