Time flows slowly

Le Yueang stayed at Roswaal's house, while Li Ye continued to run his own shop, only going out to drink wine occasionally.

Today, Li Ye did not stay at home.

The bright moon is high in the sky. Li Ye is wearing a Hanfu today and carrying a long sword around his waist, which looks a bit nondescript.

This Hanfu is not the kind of clothing used for battle, but a piece of clothing similar to the style of ancient palace dress.

He didn't know if such clothes really existed in ancient times. He bought them at Dragon Clan just because they looked good. After all, he had never been to ancient times.

And today he came to a bridge, a not very long arch bridge. The surrounding river was glowing with lights, making it look like a Jiangnan water town.

In front of him was a silver-haired half-elf.

The elf was very happy to see Li Ye: "Mr. Li Ye! I finally see you!"

Li Ye also smiled: "I remember the last time I saw you was here. Your Highness Amelia, what are you looking for me for this time?"

This silver-haired half-elf is none other than Emilia, Leyueon’s lover, the heroine of re, and the most beautiful woman in the world.

Amelia hurriedly stepped forward: "emmm, just call me Amelia, you don't need to call me Your Highness... I'm not used to it, so I want to thank you this time... You helped me, And saved my life. . . .

Li Ye smiled: "It's just a transaction. Your Highness Amelia doesn't need to care, and someone has already paid for you."

Amelia laughed dryly. Li Ye still called His Highness, which made her a little confused. After all, she had just thawed not long ago. Before the thaw, she had been living in the woods. She had not experienced much in the world and was quite simple.


Li Ye smiled: "Do you have anything else to entrust me with?"

Amelia on the other side nodded sheepishly,

Li Ye smiled: "It's just a transaction, you pay and I contribute, that's all!"

Amelia nodded sheepishly: "Can you...can you do one thing for me? That is...some people are frozen, can you help me untie them?"

Li Ye nodded: "I can still control the temperature. They have always said that I can control the oil temperature very well before cooking, but at what price can you pay? If I am not wrong, the person you need to defrost is not "Less"

Amelia's hands were tangled and she didn't know what to say.

But Li Ye smiled: "Why don't you collect all the sword manuals in the world and give them to me after you ascend to the throne? Then I will help you unfreeze!"

Amelia was surprised: "Really?"

She achieved the throne in order to save the people in her original village. Originally, she didn't have much confidence. After all, even becoming the king would be difficult. The king only provided her with resources, but would not provide her with power.

Li Ye's move directly solved the problem

Li Ye smiled: "Of course it's true, but why do you think I can do this?"

Amelia thought for a moment, and then said in a clear voice: "Maybe... it's intuition!"

Li Ye smiled, this time the smile was very warm: "Is it the elf's intuition?"

He slowly put his hand into his chest pocket, took out an apple, and slowly nibbled on it: "So, Your Highness Amelia, do you have any other needs?"

Amelia on the opposite side didn't know what to say. Mainly because of Li Ye's active alienation, she was at a loss: "Um...Mr. Li Ye, do you have anything?"

Li Ye nodded: "It's time to drink wine, I don't want to wait any longer."

Amelia smiled coquettishly: "Okay... then I'm sorry to bother you... Let's see you later...?"

It's obvious that she doesn't know what flower wine means,

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, now is not the last time we meet. I'm still waiting for you to ascend the throne and collect sword manuals for me! In a few days, I might even go to that guy's territory in Roswaal to search. You drink tea~"

Amelia nodded and stood there for a while.

She didn't know whether it was better to leave or to continue standing. She was just so ignorant of the world and didn't know how to get along with others, especially someone like Li Ye who was disdainful, but she couldn't tell it from the outside.

However, Li Ye was still very considerate: "Now, Your Highness Amelia, it's time for you to go."

Amelia was a little disappointed, but thinking of Li Ye's promise, she cheered up again: "Okay...Mr. Li Ye! I will definitely promote your Wanshiwuwu more to you!"

Li Ye smiled and nodded: "Of course."

Amelia turned and ran away, while Li Ye smiled slightly, his white eyes looked quite strange, and the people around him slowly disappeared, and he was dragged into the mirror space.

There is no forward-moving mirror image. This is Li Ye’s current understanding of space.

He shouted into the distance: "It's time for you to come out."

And the night was twisting in that position, and a woman slowly came out, a pretty awesome woman, a woman in an evening dress: "Oh my, little handsome guy~ your power is really weird~"

Li Ye smiled: "It's hard for you. You finally survived and you still have to come to me."

The woman opposite finally stepped out of the shadows. That beautiful appearance was none other than the Sausage Hunter, Alyssa!

The woman who once turned 486 into 243 in Rom's hut, the woman who was shot in the head by Li Ye, and the woman who tried Li Ye's hard heart!

Now she is alive again

Alyssa's standard gentle and elegant voice sounded: "Brother, you were really rude last time. You almost killed me~"

Li Ye smiled: "So you are here to kill me this time?"

Alyssa slowly approached Li Ye and came in front of Li Ye: "Roswaal asked me to assassinate you~"

Li Ye's smile did not change, and his white pupils met the purple pupils on the opposite side: "So what is your choice?"

"Of course I can't bear to kill such a handsome boy~ So I came to you directly~ Tell you everything~"

Li Ye didn't speak, just smiled: "You don't conform to the rules of a killer, you will lose your credibility"

Alyssa on the opposite side smiled: "I told him I didn't take this order, but he threatened me with one of my handles, so I had to do this~"

Li Ye smiled: "Then why don't you choose to kill me?"

His white eyes became brighter and brighter, gradually turning into light gold

Alyssa on the opposite side smiled: "I know your power is more than what is in front of you, isn't it?"

Li Ye smiled: "You are very wise"

Alyssa's eyes flashed with a strange light, he licked his fingers and smiled: "Although I really want to know what your intestines taste like, but my intuition is constantly beating, telling me how dangerous you are, and I also want to entrust you with something~"

"Is there anything you can't do?"

"Of course~"

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