Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 338 Is someone summoning the Kamen Rider of Justice?

That's a pretty amazing woman, mainly because she's rich and generous

She has a pretty amazing figure, her purple evening dress reveals a lot of territory, and her long black hair looks quite stunning.

Like a noble black swan, of course, only the clothes are black. If the other parts are black, Li Ye will come over and give her a little gift as soon as he comes to this world.

For example, a Colt .45 caliber bullet to send her to meet the beautiful God of the West.

Such a beautiful woman made Lai Yueang quite scared in front of her.

"Huh? Handsome boy? Why don't you answer my words? It's very rude not to answer the beautiful lady's words~"

His voice was quite gentle, as if he was afraid that Le Yueang, who was opposite him, would be disturbed.

But just such a gentle voice made the fearful Le Yueang unable to move.

Memories of being disemboweled by this woman countless times came back to him. His legs couldn't help shaking, and his forehead couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

Lai Yue'ang on the opposite side was stunned. At this moment, the door opened again, and a white-haired figure slowly walked in: "Hello, is this Lord Rom's home?"

Leon quickly shouted: "Run! Amelia! This guy is here to kill us!!"

Amelia obviously didn't understand the current situation. She came here after listening to Li Ye's words, but as soon as she arrived, an unknown guy called her name and told her to run quickly?

She somewhat doesn't understand

At this moment, she saw the badge held in Le Yue'ang's hand. At this time, Le Yue Aung was rushing towards Amelia crazily, trying to take her away.

But in this scene, in Amelia's eyes, this guy is rushing toward her with all his teeth and claws, and he is still holding his King's Choice badge in his hand.

"Fire magic!"

Amelia raised her hand, and in an instant, Leyueang's feet were frozen by the ice, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

The Lai Yue Ang people on the opposite side were all dumbfounded: "I am facing you! I am a teammate!! What are you doing!!!"

Elsa the Sausage Hunter gently covered her mouth and smiled, appearing quite polite. Her elegant movements were like those of a noble: "That's really ridiculous, little brother. It seems like she doesn't need your help."

Amelia still hasn't figured out what the situation is. Behind her, Parker's figure jumps out: "Oh, pretty lady, what is the current situation? Can you tell me?"

Elsa smiled, and her gentle voice sounded again: "Oh, it's actually a big elf. I really want to see what the elf's intestines look like. Or, do you have intestines?"

Her hands pulled out two Kukli scimitars from the fourth-dimensional space pocket behind her, and the sharp light of the swords flashed on Amelia's face.

Lai Yue Ang is still on the ground and yelling: "Run!!! She is here to kill you!"

The next second, Elsa stepped directly on his face, causing him to scream in pain: "It's me! It's high heels! It hurts!!!"

Elsa took off in one step and killed Amelia.

That figure is like a ghost, elusive


A shield appeared in front of Amelia, completely blocking it. She was still confused.

The next second, Elsa's figure fell into darkness, making it even more difficult to see clearly.

Lord Rom directly took out his giant stick and slashed at Elsa: "Eat my stick!!!"

But Elsa directly stepped on the big stick and killed Lord Rom: "Is it a giant? It's really powerful~"

Lord Rom hurriedly dodged, but his huge body made it difficult for him to dodge.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!! It hurts!!!"

When Lord Rom was dodging, he stepped on Leyueang's body again. He screamed in pain. The next second, Lord Rom threw away the stick because he wanted to get rid of Elsa.

Once again, it hit Lai Yueang directly.

"Ouch oh oh!!!"

This guy's face is now blue and purple, and he is quite happy. At this moment, he is lying on the ground with a look of despair.

"Destroy it, just destroy it, I don't want to play anymore, Zhuo!"

On the other side, Li Ye's suspicion was eliminated during his contact with Reinhardt, mainly because the witch aura on him was getting weaker and weaker. If it were a witch priest, that weird aura would be impossible to eliminate.

Now his figure has followed Sword Master Reinhardt to his home.

This family is really not small. It is worthy of being the family of the Sword Master of the Era.

The splendid palace and countless servants are worthy of being a guy who could fuck his grandfather at the age of seven.

"Wow wow wow, do you really have no shortage of ancestors? Come be my son!"

Li Ye looked at the things around him and smiled slightly. He actually didn't care about the things around him, because he had experienced a lot in these worlds and enjoyed a lot.

At this moment, I’m just talking casually.

Listening to Li Ye's speech, Reinhardt also had sweat on his head, just like that infuriating emall expression

"Brother Li, you still like to joke so much..."

Li Ye smiled: "It's okay, you don't have to be my son. Can I see where your sword manual is? It's the one that can change the style of painting with one sword! Don't worry! I will never steal. I just know where it is.”

Reinhardt covered his forehead and was speechless: "Well, Brother Li, let's discuss the issue of endorsing your store that you just mentioned..."

Li Ye still sighed: "Then I have to find it myself. You are such a stingy guy. Isn't it just the sword manual that your family has revised and corrected for generations? If you take it out, you can only exchange it for dozens of houses and hundreds of wives! It's not that serious!"

Reinhard was numb. If this guy hadn't been really good-tempered, he would have taken action long ago: "Well, Brother Li..."

Li Ye smiled: "I will never steal it. Don't worry, I'm just talking."

"That's good... That's good. Ahahaha..."

Li Ye suddenly remembered something and said to Reinhard: "By the way, if I find you a king-elected heir, can you be my son? The orphan of the previous king!"

On the other side, after a fierce battle, Aimi Leah, Parker and Leyon finally fell in a pool of blood

Lomu and Firut were in a pool of blood on the other side

Lomu has now become a four-night mother, with intestines all over the floor, but Firut is fine, she ran too fast and stepped on Leyon on the floor and fainted

At this moment, Leyon sighed, looking at the intestines flowing out of his abdomen, and slowly moved his head towards Emilia

"I still didn't save you this time? I'm really... useless... Next time... Next time, I will..."

At this moment, a gust of wind from nowhere blew into the hut, maybe it was the wind caused by another person falling down

Or maybe it was the wind caused by the footsteps of the intestine hunter Alyssa? Who knows?

Now Alyssa licked the blood on the blade with her tongue gracefully, and smiled at them: "Your intestines are really warm~"

A note slowly floated in front of him

"Cremation of the All-in-One! Just call! Mission accomplished! Cremation of the All-in-One! A wise choice! Just recite the spell, Cremation of the All-in-One, arrive immediately!"

Lai Yueang didn't know why, but before he died, his mind was not clear, and he slowly recited the spell above

"Gunara God of Darkness... Five Karaka... Little Fairy... Whole body transformation..."


The door opened with a bang, and through the moonlight, a tall figure appeared in Lai Yueang's field of vision

"Someone is summoning the righteous Balala, ah no, is it the Kamen Rider?"

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