Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 322 Hu Liena's Wrong Decision

The Wuhun Palace now is filled with smoke

That old man Xu was very smart and knew that tanks and helicopters were of little use in street fighting, so he directly let everyone press into the Wuhun Palace to fight.

The flames of war broke out in the Wuhun Palace

At this moment, a small team slowly entered, and that small team was Tang San's team. They were moving forward slowly, aiming directly at the Pope's Palace.

Old Xu's words echoed in Tang San's mind

"Your mission is to hide. I know you have a blood feud with Bibi Dong. Don't worry! I will give you a chance, but now! You need to hide your strength!"

"Besides that! Beheading operation! Kill those guys one by one! The guys at the top are up to you!!"

Tang San closed his eyes slightly: "Martial Spirit Hall! Let's pay for what happened back then!"

He took out the sledgehammer and looked at the guys around him. He hit every one of them and left no one behind.

Just like what he did in the original work, cold-blooded and ruthless,

"This moment! The time for beheading!!"

Now outside the city gate, Bibi Dong and Dugu Bo were fighting equally. At this moment, Dugu Bo had taken off his mask and faced Bibi Dong.

Everyone in Bibi Dong was dumbfounded. She had been improving. Not only was she an inheritance from the gods, but she also took some kind of medicine to improve the quality of her martial soul. She was not at the upper hand at this moment?

Is this guy still the weak guy from before?

Speaking of Dugu Bo, he is quite powerful now. He holds a branch in his hand and fights with Bibi Dong in front of him.

This thing is not an ordinary branch, it is part of Li Ye's current trumpet.

branches of the tree of life

And now Dugu Bo has been successfully promoted to become Li Ye's envoy, which can also be said to be a priest.

There is a reason why Li Ye chose this guy. He can be said to be one of the few good guys in the original work. Although there are criticisms, he is also one of the few good guys.

Then help Tang San. If Tang San collects all the medicine for him, should he be his thug in the later stage and his bodyguard in the early stage?

If this guy was afraid of Tang Hao, then after that Tang Hao’s people were gone and he didn’t see him running away.

You must know that if this guy wants to go to Wuhun Palace, it is just a matter of saying a word, and those guys in Wuhun Palace can come and ask him to leave.

After all, this guy's ability is really a great weapon in war.

But even in this state, he still helped Tang San until the end, which can be described as a sign of loyalty.

If Tang San saved his life, it also saved his granddaughter's life. For him, it was just a cure, and the big treasure of the medicine yard was enough to repay it.

After all, the value of the things in that medicine yard is not low.

Not to mention that this guy helped block Wuhundian's attack, which was really a life-and-death effort.

He was so kind and kind, and even helped me later.

Li Ye said that although this guy was a little timid when he used his power to bully others, overall he was still a good guy.

So the position of the divine envoy was fixed on him.

He also gave three artifacts of faith, and he is currently using the first artifact.

The "hair" that Li Ye pulled out from his body with his own hands - the golden branch

This one thing beat Bibi Dong with almost all his abilities

"Damn it!!!"

Bibi Dong gritted her silver teeth and looked forward: "It's so powerful!! Dugu Bo!! You really got a lot of opportunities!!"

Dugu Bo used a branch to block the Rakshasa God's sickle, and he smiled slowly: "It's just the boss's help!"

Bibi Dong stared at Dugu Bo: "Boss? Who is your boss?! Who is the mastermind behind the Golden Tree Church!!"

Dugu Bo didn't speak, he just waved the branch slowly

"You don't need to know! Try this trick! Faith God's dandruff attack!!"

Countless golden leaves flew out from the branches and attacked Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong didn't care how outrageous the name of this move was. She backed away hurriedly. The strength of this move was not low. The creatures around her were moving quickly. of death

These grasses and insects all turned into green threads and flew towards Dugu Bo.

This is the taking of life

And those golden leaves are not simple either. Each piece bombards the surrounding things into pieces.

Bibi Dong's eyes were solemn, and she waved her sickle to block the leaves: "Damn! It seems like we can't fight anymore! Even if there are too many people! Why doesn't that guy come?!"

At this moment, an illusory crown flew out of the woods and landed on Bibi Dong's head.

"The power of the stars! Protect him!!"

The figure of an old man with white hair walked out slowly, holding a crowned martial spirit in his hand. He slowly said: "Sorry! Let me! Come and join in the fun too!!"

Dugu Bo's eyes slowly narrowed, gradually emitting a dangerous light: "It's really scary!!"

He slowly took out something from his crotch: "So! Let me show you my second treasure!"

"The Great Wave Sword of the God of Faith!"

Yes, this thing is Li Ye's vibranium wave sword. As I said before, Li Ye really has a lot of this thing. At this moment, he took out one and gave it to Dugu Bo.

This thing is at the top level in reality, and it is also a quite exaggerated weapon in Douluo.

So Dugu Bo now had a wave sword in his left hand and a big tree branch in his right hand, and started fighting again with the opponent.

At the same time, Hu Liena was in a military camp near the Spirit Hall.

She was now quite strong, and with the help of Bibi Dong, she was now the commander of the battlefield.

She was looking at the battle report, and suddenly, a letter flew into her tent.

"Come and save me! I'm stuck! Another master of the Golden Tree Cult has appeared!


Li Ye!"

Hu Liena was stunned. She immediately stood up and prepared to send troops, but suddenly remembered her teacher. Bibi Dong once said that she was not allowed to send troops for Li Ye.

In order to weaken Li Ye's power, what should she do now?

She recalled the moment when Li Ye extended a helping hand. Even though her teacher was betrayed by Li Ye, she went there because of that.

"The Spirit Hall is still powerful now! We cannot lack a top-notch fighter like Elder Li! We must send troops to help!"

She nodded and walked out.

And Li Ye's trick was successful.

You must know that Bibi Dong must be brought out by Li Ye. Otherwise, it would take a long time for Li Ye to get rid of Bibi Dong's old subordinates. If Li Ye hadn't done anything to Hu Liena, Bibi Dong would never have sent troops for Li Ye.

And the ultimate goal of this trick is to gain points.

This is the only way Li Ye can think of to gain points. The best way to get points

Of course, Li Ye also felt bad for deceiving the little girl, but now was not the time

At this moment, the flames of war had already broken out from all over the world, and those who wanted to rebel against the Spirit Hall were all rebelling at this moment

In a small restaurant, the beautiful Ning Rongrong looked at her father Ning Fengzhi in front of her: "We...really not going?"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and closed the door of the restaurant: "No, by the way, go see if your Uncle Jian is awake?"

Ning Rongrong nodded, and the figure of Jian Douluo suddenly appeared at the door of the restaurant since the day Li Ye came,

Just like that, the small shop closed, regardless of the chaos on the street

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