On Douluo Star, in the Church of Life, Hu Liena is preparing some information

These will be used in the future. Now the Church of Life God is preparing for a complete counterattack.

They also went to look for the God of Life, but all they found was a board with some messy writing that they couldn't understand.

That's right, this guy Li Ye wrote it in modern fonts. This guy has some serious illness.

And now those Douluo guys are studying what this thing is, and even set up a professional research group

They think this is a revelation given to them by the gods

Who knows if they would be pissed to death if they interpreted it?

The God of Life has disappeared, but the mission panel of the God of Life is still there. These guys are still helping to attack Wuhun Palace.

But everyone knows that once the leader of a force disappears for a long time, there will always be some guys who want to mess around in the force.

And the same is true for the Life God Religion

At this moment, the Life God Cult has not yet started a war, but it has already been divided into two factions. One is the faction of this guy Bibi Dong. This guy has a very bright mind. She knows that gods may disappear occasionally, but they cannot disappear forever.

She is also the heir to the gods and knows that the time difference between the divine world and the human world is exaggerated

It's been several days since those guys in the God Realm went to the toilet. Can't we protect the God of Life from going to the toilet longer?

This guy is quite honest now. He is thinking about how to target that guy Li Ye every day. When he has extra time after finishing the work, he will think about how to get it back to Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, there are very few people who know her. This guy belongs to the type who makes a fortune silently, but it does not deviate from Li Ye's original idea of ​​​​letting her integrate the rebels.

The reason why this guy is called a faction is because she brought all her former subordinates together. They were all her elites, and they also achieved Li Ye's idea in disguise.

Opposing him is the other side. The leader is a titled Douluo from a hermit family. This guy is not young, and his ambition is not small. After hearing that a god established a religion, he immediately ran over and tried to become a god.

And his martial spirit is the star crown of the auxiliary system.

It is the inherited martial spirit of the Star Luo Empire in Douluo 2. This guy is the predecessor of the country thief.

This guy was the one who reached a cooperation agreement with Tang San

And after joining the God of Life Cult, Li Ye also got some good things for these guys. Now this guy has reached level ninety-seven. It is really difficult to upgrade the auxiliary system.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar in the original work are also sea gods, and the God of Cookery and the Nine-Colored Goddess lifted them up by force, so the intensity of this old lamp is quite exaggerated.

The Life God Cult is currently busy in full swing. They are building equipment and cultivating levels one by one. The day of counterattack is getting closer and closer.

Hu Liena, who was sorting things out, bit her lower lip and looked at the documents in front of her. A figure appeared in her mind, a man's figure: "Who should I help if he fights with the teacher..."

She recalled that when she was a saint, that guy Li Ye also had contact with her, but not much.

In her eyes, that guy was extremely tall, on the same level as the teacher, but she didn't expect that he was just a scoundrel.

"Oh, what are you thinking about? That's my teacher!! But there's no reason why they have to confront each other, right?"

She recalled the hand Li Ye extended to her at that time, and that scene always played out in her mind.

"Let's talk about it then. I will definitely not betray the teacher!"

Li Ye's goal was achieved. He saw this girl on purpose. Of course, he didn't approach her on purpose. What he wanted at the time was to directly help her rescue Bibi Dong.

But some changes occurred in the matter, which gave Li Ye a lot of room for maneuver. Well, this girl has fallen in love with Li Ye, which is a bit outrageous, but it is also the same in the original work.

But this guy’s level of love brain is definitely different from that of Silver Dragon King, a guy who even forgets his murder and vengeance. It’s not that deep.

But Li Ye just wanted to use her to increase Bibi Dong's points. It didn't matter whether it was deep or not.

To put it bluntly, this kind of exploiting behavior is very shameful. Even Li Ye doesn't think it's good, so in the end, he will give these guys a chance, a chance that won't affect him.

After all, Li Ye still has a conscience.

At the same time, the figure of Bibi Dong and the figure of the old star crown lamp gathered together.

Bibi Dong spoke slowly: "Mr. Xu, what are you thinking about now? Are we strong enough to fight against those guys now?"

Mr. Xu on the opposite side smiled: "But don't we have you? You also know that your influence is not low. When the time comes, if you stand up and raise your arms, won't the Wuhun Palace be in chaos? After all, you are the Wuhun. The original master of the palace!”

Bibi Dong sneered: "What about their weapons? You know, those steel guys are not something our soldiers can resist!"

Mr. Xu smiled again: "To capture the thief first, capture the king. Between you and me, plus the guy you are talking about, wouldn't it be easy for the few of us to capture the current high-level officials of Wuhun Palace? Those things are in my hands It seems that it is just a sharper sword. As long as the person using the sword dies, the sword will also die."

Bibi Dong sneered again: "So you plan to let our soldiers use their flesh and blood to resist those things to buy us time?"

Old Xu shook his head slowly: "That's called a useful sacrifice! You won't be soft-hearted, will you?"

Bibi Dong sighed: "Well, what do you want after the battle! You should know that if I come forward, the final victory will only fall into my hands!"

Old Xu smiled: "What I want is the information about the gods that your Spirit Hall has collected for so long. You know, I'm already very old. If I don't find some help from the gods, I'm going to die."

Bibi Dong smiled: "Okay! So when do we start?"

Old Xu nodded: "Just three months later! After all, if we improve, the Spirit Hall is also improving, isn't it?"

Bibi Dong nodded and stopped talking.

Does Bibi Dong believe this guy? No, after all, she is not a fool. Old Xu definitely has something he hasn't taken out, thinking of giving her a hard time when the time comes.

Of course, Bibi Dong is not a good person. Who is she? Will she be afraid?

Of course not! So she agreed directly.

The meeting ended like this, and there was a little cunning in Xu Lao's eyes: "Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong, you will never guess what my back-up plan is!! Your teacher left me a good opportunity!!"

At the same time, in the Xingdou Great Forest, Tang San pinched the neck of a ten thousand year soul beast and sighed: "Only 70,000 years, forget it, it's enough"

He showed his martial soul, which was the Clear Sky Hammer, which already had seven soul rings on it, all seven of which were black, and now attached to the eighth one

"The ninth test of the Shura God Test, destroy the Spirit Hall, requiring it to cause a devastating blow to it, well! It's almost done! Now my level has reached level 93, which should be enough after completing the God Test! Spirit Hall! Wait for me!! "

He recalled Li Ye's figure, and then gritted his teeth: "And Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu must be mine! That damn guy!! Wait for me too!!!"

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