In the ice and snow, Li Ye opened his arms to welcome what was coming next.

There were strong winds and sudden snow all around, and the sky was filled with energy storms. The color of the snow was no longer pure white, but a magnificent aurora.

The pure light was broken down into seven colors, shining here, and Li Ye's figure stood in it, like a god. In front of him, there were two women.

One is young and has green hair, while the other is an adult woman with snow-white hair.

The green-haired girl looked at the white-haired woman: "Snow Emperor! Do we really want... to sacrifice to this guy?"

The white-haired woman did not answer her directly, but just said: "We have no choice. It's too late to remove the marks on your body, isn't it? If this person wants to, we will all die sooner or later, so it is better to sacrifice directly."

"Snow Emperor..."

"Okay, Xiaobing, it will be fine."

Li Ye looked at all this without saying a word. This scene was actually very cruel. The Snow Emperor was powerless. His power was too exaggerated. They could only believe in themselves. They had no choice but to believe in themselves.

Snow Emperor had a battle with Li Ye just now. She did not initiate the fight, but Li Ye took the initiative. Snow Emperor used all his special skills, and Li Ye even defeated her with just one move, which also made her defeated. Snow Emperor understood the gap between them

This is the difference in latitude, which made this ice and snow emperor give up the fight directly. She has been fighting against the heaven and earth for too long. Her 700,000-year catastrophe could have been overcome a long time ago. It was she who had been suppressing it that allowed that day The calamity did not come, but the power that heaven and earth should have frightened her, made her fearful, and made her, the emperor of ice and snow, lose her heart to fight.

At this moment, Li Ye was like the world of Douluo, forcing her to make a choice.

It is not a choice between sacrificing or not, but a choice between living beings in the far north and sacrificing. If she chooses to continue fighting, the land of the far north will be devastated. After all, she is the Snow Emperor, the emperor of the far north, and The darling of heaven and earth, how can the guy from the far north not come to help? By then it will no longer be a small situation.

Having lived for hundreds of thousands of years, they are all smart people. There is no need to explain these things too clearly. The pros and cons will all be weighed.

Li Ye opened his lips slightly and said, "Let's start!"

In an instant, the light of heaven and earth gathered on Li Ye. He wanted to use the power of this sacrifice to understand the principle of sacrifice. This is the law of heaven and earth. It would be of great benefit if he could understand it.

The Snow Emperor and the green-haired Ice Emperor also spread their arms, instantly! Two beams of light descended from the sky again, attacking Li Ye.

Behind Li Ye, his martial spirit appeared and merged with him, at this moment! His pupils turned snow-white, and he activated his martial soul avatar, which allowed him to share the power of his own body for a short period of time. At this moment, he was using the ability he gained after killing the Black King, which gave him a more powerful understanding ability than the White King.

"This move! I would like to call it that! With a roll of eyes, the world can be seen through!"

In an instant, Li Ye's eyes were raised to a very high position. He looked at the whole world and saw that the whole world was entangled with threads. They were rules. He wanted to understand these rules, but he couldn't No, not even in such a small world.

"It's really ridiculous!"

His eyes were attracted by a glowing silk thread, which emitted a violent light. He was sure that this was the part in charge of sacrifices. This was another reason why he asked the Snow Emperor to offer sacrifices. She was old and would surely rebound. More powerful

But the next second, his figure was absorbed by this thread, and the light and heat all disappeared.

In the ice and snow, Li Ye's child clone was sitting upright in the snow, like a dead corpse. A huge dragon-shaped soul beast came towards him. Li Ye's body was so fragrant, even if he hadn't started to absorb life yet. His body also contains countless treasures. For the soul beast, not only taking a bite, but also smelling it can prolong life.

But before this soul beast could reach Li Ye's side, its body gradually became dry, and finally turned into fly ash and disappeared from the entire world.

I saw a woman with a big horn walking out of the wind and snow. The girl was quite beautiful, but the big horn was asymmetrical, growing on the right side of her head, which looked strange. Her golden-red vertical pupils were She looked at the figure of Li Ye in front of her with a confused face. The attack just now was obviously from her hands.

She leaned close to Li Ye's face, sniffed, and nodded: "The taste is right, it's Zaizai!"

But then she frowned, and took out another big horn from the fourth-dimensional space pocket in her arms, her same style, and then she inserted the horn directly on the top of Li Ye's head: "Well! That’s right!”

On the other side, Li Ye's figure appeared in a strange place, surrounded by threads and strange lights.

This is a field of world rules. His mental power of up to 600 is somewhat insufficient here. It is not the feeling of being burst, but the feeling of not being able to learn anything at all.

Everything around him was like stagnant water. No matter how he fiddled with it, there was no response. He had forgotten the biggest problem. He could change the rules of the world as the Black King.

But the world rules of the dragon clan are all based on alchemy. As for alchemy, he can't play it, so he can't play it now.

"Blank! It's really troublesome!"

He came here with the help of the ability of sacrifice. He couldn't take nothing with him, so he took out a saw and started drawing on the regular lines.

"Blank! We can't lose!"

Outside, in the Wuhun Palace, after Bibi Dong ate the lovesickness, she turned into a big cocoon, which had been brewing some weird things. Now, she finally broke through the cocoon and got out of it.

I saw that she was completely naked, her mouth was full of fangs, and on the back of her body were eight long spider legs. Her whole body changed from beautiful and gorgeous to what she is now, weird and coquettish.

"I'm... full of power!!"

Of course, this thing was caused by Li Ye. The Heartbroken Red is real, and it really can't be real anymore, but Li Ye added something into it. Of course, it's not a bad thing, but a strain that can cause Wuhun II. The juice squeezed by the grass that awakened for the first time, because this thing is not a bad thing, so the guy at Juhuaguan did not check it out.

This thing is very precious. It was created by Li Ye using the principles of the golden tree, his understanding of martial arts, and even some alchemy and dragon blood from the dragon clan.

Originally, Li Ye was working on something that would allow martial souls to awaken. He worked with many guys from the Sun Moon Continent and the Silver Dragon King to create this thing.

The Silver Dragon King was not happy with the birth of this thing at the time. After all, it would be of little benefit to the soul beasts when humans became stronger, but she said nothing after seeing the effect.

This is good news for those who have awakened junk martial arts, but for those who are powerful martial souls, it is simply a disaster, because the martial soul will directly control them.

You must know that Wuhun has its own soul, just like Yu Xiaogang's pig, which has its own consciousness. According to Li Ye's research, Wuhun itself can also affect the psychology of Douluo. 2Those evil spirit masters were somewhat influenced by martial spirits.

And now Bibi Dong is in such a state that her thoughts are affected by martial arts.

"I'm hungry!!"

At this time, in the Tiandou Empire and Li Ye's territory, countless monsters emerged from the underground. These were the greedy guys that Li Ye kept in captivity. He once released these potions in the dark underground realm, and these guys, No one is clean, they are all those full of greed

The gears of fate started turning on their own from this moment

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