Li Ye's hands instantly produced countless vines that stretched toward the ground, and at this time, the scorpions were already attacking him.

"Eat me to block!"

His foot stepped forward heavily

"Dang! Dang! Dang!!!"

In an instant, the turtle made a metallic sound on his body. Li Ye's eyes instantly turned red, and his body turned into black gold.

The next second, countless vines as thick as big trees stretched out from under the huge scorpion, causing the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion to be directly sealed inside.

"Eat my tree and the world will be born!! Boy! Do you know what it means to inflict injuries?"

The Blue Silver King felt that his body was no longer under his control. He could only continue to be controlled to do things he didn't like, and it kept getting bigger and entangled with the female scorpion.

"Boss, boss, I don't want it. All of a sudden... I can't stand it anymore!!!"

Li Ye didn't speak, mainly because he really didn't know what to say. Does this guy really know what she is talking about?

Although I am a bit disdainful and usually like to make jokes, why has this guy become like this now?

"Sin, sin, sin!"

But now is not the time to think about these things, now is the time to fight, he clasped his hands together again

In an instant, the Titan Snow Demon behind him was completely blocked by his own block, while he himself held his hands together with a firm look in his eyes.

"Necromanticism! His brother, the Twisted Dryad! The son of the Lich King! The King of Demons!!"

The scorpion in front of him visibly trembled when he heard the name, and then immediately swayed violently, and the surrounding bluesilver grass was constantly swaying.

"Ice crystal burst!!"

A female voice spoke from this guy's mouth, and the surrounding snow instantly turned into ice crystals, and then exploded, blowing open the cage made by the Blue Silver King.

At the same time, a large shadow appeared behind Li Ye, and a guy who looked like a tree spirit slowly rose from it.


In an instant, the surrounding ground cracked, and countless seeds that were originally hidden under the snow were spawned, grew, and directly turned into towering trees. Under Li Ye's interference, they turned into twisted barriers, turning the surroundings into A dense forest-like existence

Li Ye raised his hand and pointed it at the scorpion: "Remember this trick, it's called the Woodman Technique! I learned it from a guy who can save six beans!"

The Ten Thousand Demon King behind him kept twisting, changing into the form of a wooden man, and then punched downwards.


"It's time to go!"

Li Ye stretched out his hand, and instantly, a figure emerged from the black mist behind Li Ye. It was another Li Ye. Yes, this was Li Ye's martial spirit, the substitute Li Ye.

I saw the figure of the stand-in flying into the sky, and Li Ye rushed directly towards these guys. After catching the stand-in in the air, he made a powerful and heavy downward slash.

"This move! Attack yourself!"

In an instant, the head of the leading Titan Snow Demon King was cracked open, and the remaining Titan Snow Demon Apes were also dying due to the squeeze of life, and each one turned into a soul ring.

Li Ye stretched out his hand and took the largest soul ring into his hand. Li Ye used another method to collect the rest. This is the power of the golden tree, the power of collecting souls.

This power is also reflected in the original work,

Li Ye's eyes looked at the red soul ring in front of him, and he slowly stretched out his hand to touch it. Then he killed the Titan Snow Demon King again in the spiritual world.

Li Ye obtained the seventh soul ring

"Martial spirit's true form! I'm still me!"

That's right, Li Ye obtained the true body of the martial spirit. The true body of the martial spirit, Li Ye, attached the martial spirit Li Ye to his body, greatly improving his attributes, and even briefly gained some of his original abilities.

But I don’t know why there is a strange attribute, which is regeneration. It can regenerate in a large amount at once. Even if you have a trace of blood skin left, you can still regenerate through this move.

Li Ye's eyes revealed a little bit of gold, and he realized that something was wrong. His eyes found something wrong with his body.

"I'm heading toward you! There's something weird!"

He found a line of sight on his body, which appeared on his body when he absorbed the soul ring. The next second, his figure was pulled away.

When I opened my eyes again, there was already a huge forest in front of me. The reason why this forest is huge is not only because of the scale of the forest, but also because of the huge things inside.

Li Ye even saw a mushroom that was much taller than him, and in front of him was a rather exaggerated giant tree. According to Li Ye's visual inspection, this tree must be as big as half of his city.

Li Ye narrowed his eyes. He had already made some speculations about his current position, but this speculation made him a little surprised.

"It shouldn't be. Does this woman have a serious brain disease? Did she drag me here?"

He turned over and continued upward along the huge tree, rising and falling vertically, and flying rapidly

Sure enough, there was a large tree house at the top of the tree, and sitting at the front of the book house was a woman with green hair, her eyes closed and a smile on her face, facing Li Ye

The woman said to Li Ye in extremely soft and gentle words: "You are here. I knew you would come, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Li Ye narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to do?"

His hand was already on the soul guide, ready to open it, but the words on the other side made Li Ye stunned.

The woman opened her eyes in confusion, and her voice was slow and steady, with a slight smile: "Huh? What else can I do to bring you here besides giving you a divine position? You should know things about the divine world, right?"

Li Ye didn't say anything else, just smiled: "You're right, I know something about the world of gods."

The woman nodded: "Everyone may have some secrets, and you are no exception."

Li Ye shook his head: "It's really... magnanimous. Also, why did you choose me? My teachings are different from yours."

The woman smiled: "You are suitable, that's all. You should know, I never want to continue living here."

Li Ye nodded: "I see."

Li Ye walked to the woman and sat down cross-legged. When he stretched out his hand, the scene around him changed, and a golden table appeared with beautiful and magnificent patterns on it.

"So, you want to inherit your divine throne to me?"

"Hmm, you are very suitable for my god position. I have actually been paying attention to you for a long time. Your abilities are all support and life series. I think you are very suitable for my god position, but what you do is very similar to mine. What a husband can do”

Li Ye nodded: "The world has been in chaos for too long and needs to be calmed down."

"Your thoughts are strange, as strange as your seed."

"Do you know what that seed is?"

"Well, well, it should be the crystal left by the death of some god. You got it. You are really lucky. That thing is really rare. Even in the God Realm, there are not many."

Li Ye's extension gradually deepened, and a smile appeared on his face: "So that's it..."

"Then let's talk about the inheritance of the divine throne."

That's right, this guy is one of the five law enforcement gods in the God Realm, the goddess of life, and the wife of the God of Destruction among the five law enforcers.

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