Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 280 Tiandou’s Participation

Qian Renxue left. She did not stay in Wuhun Hall again. She returned to Tiandou and reappeared as Xue Qinghe.

"Grandpa is right, your steps are too big."

She narrowed her eyes and stood in the pavilion. This was a place where she would often meet Li Ye, but now the other person was no longer there.

She stroked the red makeup that Li Ye made for her and closed her eyes slightly: "If you were there, then this world should be easy to conquer. I am the outsider and you are the inside, but why..."

In fact, she had some doubts about Li Ye's existence in her heart. Just like her doubts at the beginning, this time she didn't completely trust Li Ye anymore. This time, there were still many flaws in Li Ye's plan, which made her a little suspicious.

But this guy is a love brain. Even if Li Ye cheated on her, she would still like Li Ye. Of course, liking him does not mean that she will do irrational things for Li Ye.

And now she is not only doing it for Li Ye, but also to prove herself to that woman

Because if you don't take action now, you will have no chance to take action!

That night, in Emperor Tiandou's palace, Qian Renxue or Xue Qinghe sat opposite the emperor, and the two of them just looked at each other.

The emperor spoke first: "What are you doing this time?"

Qian Renxue lowered her head: "Back to my father, I would like to ask you to send troops to participate in this war and cooperate with Xing Luo! Take down Wuhun Palace!"

The emperor clenched his hands into fists, put them under his chin, and sat with his arms supporting the table: "Reason."

Qian Renxue's eyes gradually became serious: "Father, if we let this battle go unchecked, what do you think will happen?"

The emperor closed his eyes: "Tian Dou stayed out of the matter, Wuhun Palace got the benefits from Xing Luo, and then returned to the original state."

Qian Renxue said: "But Father! As you know, the current Wuhun Palace has been renamed Wuhun Empire! Their current thoughts are not just about benefits!"

The emperor sighed: "Why don't I know, but our country's only titled Douluo, Poison Douluo, also disappeared some time ago. Now Tiandou has no fighting power, and there is probably no benefit from participating in the frontal battlefield. "

Qian Renxue closed her eyes: "Then Father can bear to watch our neighbors die! And then the Spirit Hall will come to invade us again?"

Emperor Tiandou sighed again and stood up: "Why don't I want to give Wuhun Palace a hard blow! But the current situation is like this. The super Douluo who was newly added to Wuhun Palace some time ago has returned. We have no chance of winning the battle.”

"What does father think?"

"Settle down for a while, or make weapons and equipment and provide them to make war fortune. After the war between Wuhun Palace and Xingluo, there will definitely be a long period of rest. The fortune we made from the war will be enough to sustain us for a long time. In this time, as long as we can have the birth of a genius, it will be enough."

Qian Renxue or Xue Qinghe opened her eyes and stared wide open: "What about our genius! Father! My subordinate! The child who is most likely to reach the Ultimate Douluo! That is the child who won the Soul Master Competition! He has been captured by Wuhun Palace! Not to mention his teammates at the time!"

The emperor of Tiandu closed his eyes: "It depends on you! How it should be!"

Qian Renxue stood up: "Hit!! Beat hard!! Only in this way can we succeed."

"Why will it succeed? Convince me and I will promise you."

Qian Renxue took out a seal from her arms: "This is from the Qibao Glazed Sect. They told me that as long as we send troops, they will follow suit!"

The emperor slowly opened his eyes: "It seems that they also recognize your identity as emperor."

Qian Renxue immediately knelt down on one knee: "No! Father! It's just because my teacher is Ning Fengzhi!"

The emperor didn't speak anymore, just smiled: "Forget it, forget it, forget it, that's it. I'm old, everything still depends on you. If you win this battle, then you can be the emperor."

Qian Renxue lowered her head: "Father! My son! I don't want my son! I just want you to live well. The Heavenly Dou is very unstable recently, so you have to take good care of yourself!"

The emperor stopped talking. He didn't know that there was a problem in the imperial city. Two of his relatives had died in succession. He just said that he would be given the throne after winning this war because he had doubts about Xue Qinghe.

But now his suspicions have dissipated a lot

"Go ahead and do what you want"

At this moment, the emperor suddenly felt a lot of powerlessness in his heart. He was not a strong enough emperor, not so courageous. He was just a good emperor in peacetime, not a good emperor in times of war.

A little light flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes

"Then! I have resigned."

Time passed by, and Li Ye's figure was walking in the Qibao Glazed Sect, his hands touching the surrounding walls,

“It’s so luxurious”

The wall is covered with ceramic wall tiles with complicated patterns. It looks extremely luxurious and perfect, but the wall behind the wall tiles has decayed.

"It's like the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect of Noda, isn't it?"

He turned to look at the person behind him and smiled, and behind him was a girl, wearing a plain skirt, without any clothes on her body, just a plain face

But even with such a face, she looks quite good-looking

"So what do you want me to do this time!"

This girl is Ning Rongrong. She is like this every time she sees Li Ye, fearing that Li Ye will do something bad to her.

After four years of torture, this guy also knows how to restrain his temper. Now she seems to accept it all.

Because half of the people in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect are now controlled by Li Ye. To be more precise, they are killed and then recast with the power of his second soul ring.

Every time Ning Rongrong wants to escape or resist, these people will stare at her like a zombie. The girl's spirit is almost collapsed.

Li Ye's hand crushed the tile, revealing the rotten wall behind it: "You did a good job last time. This time is just Come to see you, to see how you are doing now."

"Thanks to you, I am doing okay now, at least I am still alive, right?"

Li Ye smiled: "It's okay, keep it up"

He turned and left without stopping. He came here just to see how the plan was going.

The secret control of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect helped him a lot. Li Ye got the trade routes and many conveniences of merchants directly from these guys, and he could also better control the forces on the mainland.

Some time ago, he controlled Jian Douluo and persuaded Ning Fengzhi, which was very effective. The letter in Qian Renxue's hand was also sent at that time. In the past,

Everything has been settled. Now, on the front battlefield, Tiandou and Xingluo are fighting each other. In the secret duel, the Spirit Hall still decided to carry out the soul hunting operation

These guys have secretly touched the door of the Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect

This time, the Spirit Hall has gone all out. There are several elders from the Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect alone, all of whom are Titled Douluo-level masters

They are the 96th-level Subduing Dragon Douluo, the 96th-level Subduing Demon Douluo, and a 91st-level Holy Dragon Douluo

Behind them is a large group of high-level soul masters

The Holy Dragon Douluo, the most powerful name, the lowest-level guy looked at the people behind him and shouted: "We We must take them down quickly this time! Understand!"

The guys behind them kept shouting: "No problem!"

They nodded

But when they climbed over the hill in front of them, they were stunned, because the other side of the hill was full of people, densely packed, whole groups of people, and there were four big men standing in front of them looking at them

"Everyone! I've been waiting for a long time!"

The leaders were Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect, Jian Douluo and Ghost Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and Dugu Bo sent by Li Ye to support them.

These people just looked at the opposite side, and the people on the side of the Spirit Hall turned into Muggles

"Damn it! We've been tricked! There's an ambush!! Everyone! Charge!! "

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