Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 251: I feel uneasy when you are alive

The Day of Reckoning lasted for ten days. During these ten days, the mixed race underwent earth-shaking changes.

The secret party was completely destroyed, leaving only an ancient generation of dragon slayers represented by Beowulf.

Their goal is to slay dragons. For other hybrids, they only recognize those who slay dragons with them.

Now Li Ye has become the uncrowned emperor among the mixed race. He is the real god among the mixed race.

And because the secret party is busy with itself, there is no chance to explain the matter of hybrids to the outside world.

Of course, the officials of every country know about the mixed race, and even they themselves are mixed race, but many of them are also related to the secret party, so they are in danger and dare not speak out.

At this time, the Snakesaki Hachi family and Kassel Academy stood up and explained to these guys, and received a lot of bonuses.

They defined hybrids and ordinary humans and set rules for both parties.

Basically, they mean non-aggression, common development, and mutual promotion.

Of course, this is just talk. After all, the upper echelons of ordinary human beings are all hybrids2, and those scientists and the like are also basically hybrids.

Therefore, these guys' mutual non-aggression and mutual development, these attempts to define the relationship between humans and hybrids, and completely separate the two cannot be said to be useless at all, but their effect is also quite limited.

The world is gradually returning to stability

Li Ye looked at Ange beside him and smiled: "The only remaining secret party family now is your little fan girl's Laurent family."

Angers shook his head: "The secret party is gone. Now they are launching a new group called the Golden Tree Church. There must be your shadow behind it."

Li Ye did not deny it and nodded: "Is there anything wrong with it?"

Angers shook his head again: "But it always gives me a feeling, the feeling of the Camarilla. This is how the Camarilla was established at the beginning, but it gradually became corrupted from generation to generation, and turned the butcher knife on itself. people"

Li Ye nodded: "That's true. Stagnation will lead to corruption, and moving too fast will make it difficult to control the direction. But have you ever thought about it, what if I could live forever and control this organization?"

Angers smiled: "Are you going to be the second Black King?"

There was a bit of murderous intent in his smile. I'm afraid that as long as Li Ye said a word of affirmation, the other party would give him a wound even if he risked his life.

Li Ye came to the edge of the tall building: "It depends on what kind of black king you are talking about. If it is in a biological sense, then I have surpassed that guy."

Ange didn't speak. He knew that Li Ye had more to say, so he just sat down next to Li Ye.

Li Ye paused for a while and continued: "If it is spiritual, then there is no need. I just integrate the world and have no intention to rule. I just need to be my superior god and harvest the faith of those guys. "

Ang Ge nodded and then continued to speak: "So, you still want to be a superior god?"

Li Ye stretched out his hand and looked at the sunset in the distance through his palm. The sunset was spectacular, but not dazzling.

"So, what's wrong?"

Angers smiled: "You are too strong. How can I, an old man, control what you want to do?"

He stood up slowly, patted the dust on his white suit, and walked out slowly.

Li Ye understood that Ange was on his side now. Even if he left, he would still be on his side. Then even if he switched worlds, he would have no other worries.

He can destroy this world and leave only those who obey him.

But what's the point of that? It will also make those who obey you miserable. Even Eryi can't support her in doing this.

The reason he likes this world is that it is so similar to his previous world

If you don't care about the dragon clan, then this world will be like the world before him. There will be no intrigues in Marvel, and there will be no Xingyue to give you some world crises from time to time.

Just a purely ordinary world

But now the world has changed. He changed it with his own hands. He didn't want to change, but he had to change because he was destined not to belong here.

"Oh my, I'm getting sentimental. It's such a sad world."

Li Ye stood up slowly, with that evil, strange, and frightening toothless smile on his face again.

"But I still need to bring some sadness to this world, otherwise, I will feel uneasy!"

A large amount of black mist emerged around him, and his figure changed directly and appeared in a black desolation.

This is not Li Ye's shadow dimension, but the spiritual realm. In front of him, standing a young man with golden eyes and a suit, it is Lu Mingze

Li Ye looked at Lu Mingze in front of him, and Lu Mingze was also looking at him. The two of them were silent.

Then, it was Lu Mingze who spoke first. He spoke to Li Ye in the tone of treating an old friend: "You are finally here."

Li Ye smiled: "Indeed, I came very late."

Lu Mingze was arrested when Li Ye was fighting the Battle of Bronze and Fire, but now Li Ye came to see him

Lu Mingze's eyes narrowed: "You smell of bronze and fire, as well as earth and mountains. These four guys must be dead."

Li Ye smelled himself: "Don't talk nonsense, it doesn't smell. I just took a shower."

Lu Mingze ignored Li Ye's madness and just quietly transformed into a chair and sat on it.

"An angry brother who is only gentle to his younger brother, a cute, gentle and sensible childish brother, although he is a traitor, he still has an enviable brotherly love"

Li Ye did not speak, Lu Mingze raised his head and continued: "A sister who would rather touch taboos in order to seek a way to survive, a brother who was wiped out of IQ but still knew to help his sister preserve consciousness, even if he was bound by iron chains for eternity, forgot everything about himself, still remembered his relatives, and finally died, sad, lamentable"

He conjured up a table, which was filled with all kinds of delicious food, but the area around the table was full of The dragon corpse

"It always reminds me of the time when my brother and I sat on the throne and were killed in place of the Black King. There were only the two of us in the world, facing those traitors,"

This guy's intention was nothing more than to make Li Ye feel a little guilty, which would have a certain effect on the subsequent negotiations

Nowadays, negotiations often play the victim, and it is also like this. Even if the other party knows, it will be slightly affected by empathy

But he didn't know that Li Ye on the other side had no empathy for him at all

"Then you are really pitiful, but this is not a reason for you to test others at will,"

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